

Chubina T.D., Doctor of Historical Sciences,

Academy of Fire Safety named after the Heroes of Chernobyl MIA of Ukraine, Cherkasy




Among western scholars the thought that belief that the modern family is in the deep crisis is widespread, moreover, almost in all developed societies. Among them there are societies, overtaken by the crisis as ours, and quite successful in economic terms Europe and the USA, countries in Asia and Latin America.

This crisis manifests itself in such facts of family life: the decreasing of the birthchild, the increasing in the number of divorces, the growing number of single parent families and children born out of wedlock; increase in childless families, late marriages, and growing number of couples without marriage registration.

What is the reason of these phenomena? The point is, that as an initial element of society, the family reflects the same contradiction inherent in the society. Modern family came under the influence of few global worldwide trends. The scientists pointed out the following: the growing role of women in economic, cultural and political spheres of social life (these factors awakes their desire for greater independence, they review the structure of traditional family relations of equality with men in decision-making), the formation of two centers of the life – work and home (formerly professional activities and household existed in unity); evolution of the views of society on sexual morality (or the sexual revolution of the weakening of social control, increasing anonymity of sexual behavior, mitigation of traditional notions of permissible and unauthorized); global trends of the late XX century, related to the informatization of society, new areas of development, personal growth potential.

So, all these trends are connected mainly with the transition of many modern societies to «industrial» and «post-industrial» stage of development. Some researchers even believe that at this stage the majority of social functions of the family disappear. With the development of urban life and the constant decline of the part of countries’ population, it became more difficult to characterize family as an economic unit of the society. Each member has, as a rule, their own work and implementing it is in the process of communication with other people, and not with his family. As a result, the value of economic function of the family to society is reduced.

The development of services, trade, and food service reduced the weight of household functions. Single people now live with no less comfort than married.

The role of family in the process of human reproduction is also changing. The births out of wedlock are growing (nearly every fifth child born in Ukraine are now out of wedlock). In urban areas there are less children than in rural areas where the presence of more labor in the family has always been the key to greater efficiency of its economy. The level of women education and the informatization of the society influences the number of children in the family as well as urbanization and related ecology. The development of information production requires a correspondence between modern technology and the ability of people to work: its general culture, information, intellectual abilities, professionalism, health, interest in work, capacity for rapid adaptation, the ability to make independent decisions. The person in the information society will be engaged in higher levels of education, awareness, the health, good shape (statistics show that every decade people are increasingly spending their time on training and support for their health). To increase employee quality under the living conditions and facilities, which include level of education and culture, housing, nutrition, services and health care, recreational opportunities, should be established. In other words, the demand for quality of life has been constantly increasing. These demands put the family in terms of restricting the number of children in the family, because the large number of them leads to lower quality of life of its members (20 per cent of Ukrainian families did not want to have them).

In addition, modern man is less educated in the family than it was before, when the representatives of the dominant classes and the ordinary people received home education. Even at the beginning of the century the majority of the population of the Russian Empire either had no education at all, or studied 2-4 years in primary and parochial schools. Almost all the knowledge, which is useful in life, country youth and people from lower levels of the urban population received from parents. In modern world there are a lot of agencies and social institutions that assume the functions of education of young generation. These are: kindergarten and school, the system of vocational education, higher educational institutions, community organizations, local governments and the media. American scientists have calculated that their students spend more time on TV than on the communication with parents. So we can talk about reducing and reproducing social and family functions.

The loss of social value of family has led to the fact that the basis for marriage is gradually becoming only the intimate sphere. The means of connection in the family are not as social conditions, needs and economic dependence as a factor of love. You can consider the interesting tendency – only in the XX century, when the process of declining significance of family as a social institution and public interest in its existence took place, the main factor that makes a person to marriage, is their own desire, and is not dictated by the society or the state. Family becomes the independent from state and society in general. State loses control functions and application of punitive sanctions to the families and their members, especially teenagers and minors.

A characteristic feature of the modern family is the autonomy of its members. The higher level of cultural and civilization development of society, more each member of this society understands himself as an individual, the greater is need for separation. In a family, by the way, the autonomy points out in that the interests of both members of a marriage is much wider than purely family and circle of meaningful dialogue for them beyond its borders. Their family behavior is governed not only by customs, traditions and external influences as individual submissions, the aesthetic ideals and moral values. Family actively responds to the growing autonomy of its members. The new forms of family structures appear: marriage contracts for a certain time, marriage with three-year probation (no birth), "civil marriage" (marriage with the concern of the parties, but without registration) "Distance marriages” (separated spouses with occasional meetings)," "concubinage" (when the family broke up and its members have their own lives, but children are brought up together), marriage between persons of the same sex, group marriage commune, and so on.

While some scientists are already talking about the decline of the nuclear family and its disappearance, the majority believes that family will remain in society in the future, but it will lose its aura of "holiness", "integrity" and "binding" for a person.




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