Bolatova Ajnash Bolatovna

The East Kazakhstan state technical university named aftor D.Serikbaev

«Reliability substantiation stowage files at stratfic to dredging of valuable ores»

Speciality 25.00.22 – Geotechnology (Open-pit mining and building)


By working out of firm minerals by underground way the difficult system of underground constructions presented by extended mountain developments, variously focused in space is created. The network of mountain developments of any mine or mine together with taking sites (TS) represents a difficult engineering construction which naturally requires an estimation of level of its reliability.

The basic branch of use of production wastes is a bookmark of the developed spaces. On mines of East Kazakhstan there is a wide experience of application of production wastes on stowage works, the technology of conducting stowage works is developed. In particular, on deposits of Bakyrchik the system of working out with a bookmark of the developed space is applied descending layer.

The purpose of work on the basis of theoretic-experimental researches to prove parameters reliable stowage files at strategic to system of working out of ores.

For object in view achievement following problems are put:

- to give the work analysis in a research subject;

- on the basis of fundamental laws under the theory of reliability (stability) of underground constructions to develop theoretical positions on stability stowage a file at strategic to working out system;

- to prove optimum structures stowage mixes with use arsenic contain a waste for conditions of Bakyrchik mine;

- Laboratory trials to establish rheological and durabilitical characteristics stowage a file;

- To develop reliable and effective schemes of erection stowage files for conditions of Bakyrchik mine;

- To prove economic and ecological efficiency of results of research.

The scientific positions which have been taken out on protection:

1. Reliability of a design strategic systems of working out with a hardening bookmark is defined by crossing of random variables of loadings on ceiling both sides of chambers, and massive artificial stoops with the determined borders of durability of a bookmark on compression and a stretching; also it is thus described by difficult nonlinear functions from physic mechanical properties of a file of rocks, stowage a file and from parameters of technological systems of working out of ore bodies.

2. Reliability of an artificial file, factor of safety factor of a bookmark first of all strongly depends on durability of a bookmark on rupture -  , and in a range 0,330,4 ÌÏà, it not linearly on exponentional dependences are described by the equations, thus at change of durability of    a bookmark on rupture twice from 0,2 ÌÏà to 0,4 ÌÏà the safety factor increases from 2 to 14, i.e. seven times.

3. The structure of a hardening cast bookmark providing necessary level of reliability of artificial files at stratfic to system of working out includes:

- In quality filler a waste after processing arsenicum gold contain ores for the purpose of their safe preservation in underground space;

- Cement of various marks.

Following results of the spent researches are received:

1. The general technological schemes of erection of an artificial file of rocks (structure stowage mixes, transportation, packing) are developed.

2. Stability categories stowage a file in a bearing layer is defined and recommendations about a way of maintenance of an artificial roof are developed.

3. The new type armor an artificial roof on Bakyrchik mine is developed, the principle is put in its basis bar the layered artificial file testing efforts from a body weight of a layer of a direct roof and deduction of its exfoliating elements by a rigid metal grid. The problem of increase of safety of conducting mountain works, for the account of grab of all area bared stowage a file, an exception of loss of its exfoliating and cracked pieces thus dares.

4. Universal mathematical models with stochastic statement for definition of reliability of underground constructions, in particular for artificial stowage files are received by a theoretical way.

5. Parameters and characteristics of technological systems of extraction of ore, pedigree and stowage the files influencing stability of underground constructions are defined, their classification on stochastic and determined, in particular for chamber stratfic systems with a cast bookmark is given.

6. Settlement models for definition of stability (reliability) artificial stowage files are received.

7. Statistical regularities for calculation of reliability of an artificial roof from factor of a stock of its breaking strength are deduced.

8. The optimum structure stowage mixes is defined, are defined reological and durabilical properties stowage mixes.

9. Ecology-economic efficiency of the accepted system of working off of valuable ores with a bookmark of the developed space hardening mixes with addition arsenic contain raw materials in these mixes is proved.