UDK of 159.922:316.64:165. 242.2

Dmitrienko I.V. Kharkiv national pedagogical university the name of G.S. of Skovoroda
Dmitrienko Yu.N. Kyiv national university of the name of Taras Shevchenko


      Taking into account our old remark about natural objectivity of legal consciousness, objective reflection of legal reality, underline our position that the natural becoming and development of Ukrainian legal consciousness is founded, after the conducted researches [1] on natural conformities to law and laws, first of all, family legal nature (development), and, in the second turn, specific legal nature (becoming)[2]. We also insist on that the brightest standard of natural Ukrainian legal consciousness is ordinary (ordinary) legal consciousness which has the protracted nature of world ideological-view her application or as an integral mechanism of the legal adjusting of public relations (crisis cycle of social activity), or as certain basis of mechanism of the legal adjusting at a strong static right (uncrisis cycles of social activity legal to consciousness). For the optimal understanding of becoming and development of legal consciousness important are an analysis of concept "succession of becoming and development of legal consciousness and culture" and "succession of legal consciousness and culture". So under a concept "succession of Ukrainian legal consciousness and culture" we understand a continuous accumulation generalized, in the first turn, by ordinary legal consciousness of mental internalss of world ideological-view and normatively-legal reflection of legal reality by her substantial subjects, that is designated by the increase of national Ukrainian mental closeness of Ukrainian centrality of component proportion of the Ukrainian legal idiom after her formula [3].  Speaking about the "succession of becoming and development of Ukrainian legal consciousness and culture", we have two to the succession: "succession of development in legal consciousness and culture" ("succession of development of legal consciousness and culture") and becoming "succession in legal consciousness and culture" ("succession of becoming of legal to consciousness and culture"). Yes, under a concept "succession of development of legal consciousness and culture" we understand such continuous accumulation of different, including priority system-logical world view legal ideas which society requires more than all, and that allow to choose undoubtedly such the most important, lasted working, that satisfies, all concretely-historical society, and, at least, swingeing majority of members of the same society or imperious elite. Hereupon on soil of confessedly in the wide circles of public society of legal idea, absence of which was braked by the normatively-legal becoming of publicly-meaningful actions, values, requirements and necessities, there is further arrangement of proof standard relations which afterwards transform in a type normatively-legal. With final determination of standard, id est national legal idea, own, forming of succession of development of legal consciousness is closed and the period of her begins becoming: the Basic law appears, that allows to be optimally transformed farther to those already to the typical legal norms which became the result of functional action of certain act (acts) of legal consciousness. Thus, the succession of becoming of legal consciousness begins to be formed.
Succession of becoming of legal consciousness as typically national, it is such regular and continuous accumulation on world ideological-view soil of national legal idea,
 introduced in rich in content basis of new Constitution, proof normative regulators of public relations which create the proof different norms of judicial and static right.
In this context "succession of legal consciousness and culture", it, probably, succession between the "succession of development of legal consciousness and culture" and "succession of becoming of legal to consciousness and culture". She is, when strong tradition of the wide ordinary emulating methods, methods and facilities of such traditional forming of ideological o
utlooks of the normative adjusting of public relations, which lasted does not change at the historical, modern and future periods of becoming and development of legal consciousness, is created, possibly from distant ancient and to present time. When the succession of legal consciousness is torn, the natural way of her becoming and development stops. When he does not recommence, - the artificial becoming and artificial development of legal consciousness begins not as national, and, probably, ideological given and nature [4-6].


1. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Going near making of criteria of determination of the natural and unnatural becoming and development of Ukrainian legal consciousness and culture / Yu.N. Dmitrienko // Forum of right. - 2010. - ¹ 4. - P. 305-318 [the Electronic resource]. - ²t is access Mode: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/FP/ 2010-4/10djmctk.pdf

2. Dmitrienko I. V. Ways of development and becoming of Ukrainian legal consciousness and culture in XIV - XVII of century: specific, sources, tendencies / I. V. Dmitrienko, Yu.N. Dmitrienko // Forum of right. - 2010. - ¹ 4. - P. 297-304 [the Electronic resource]. - ²t is access Mode: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/FP/ 2010-4/10divcdt.pdf

3. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Direct effects of deviant sense of justice: the first formula of the Ukrainian legal idiom // Right and safety. Scientific magazine. 2004/3'2. - Kharkov: NUVS, 2004. – P. 11-18

4. DMITRIENKO UY. NEW ACTUAL ASPECTS OF BECOMING AND DEVELOPMENT OF UKRAINIAN LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS (2) (Ïåðñïåêòèâíûå ðàçðàáîòêè sciences of è òåõíèêè (Poland, 07 - 15 íîÿáðÿ 2010) // Materialy VI Miedzynarodowej naukowi - praktycznej konferencji of "Perspektywicze of opracowania sa nauka i technikami - 2010" (07-15 listopada 2010 rokè). of Volume 9. Pravo. - Przemysl: Nauka of i studia, 2010. – P. 15-17

5. Dmitrienko Yu.N. NEWEST ACTUAL ASPECTS OF BECOMING AND DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN UKRAINIAN LEGAL CONSCIOUSNESS (1) // Of Materialy VI Miedzynarodowej naukowi - praktycznej konferencji of "Perspektywicze of opracowania sa nauka i technikami - 2010" (07-15 listopada 2010 rokè). Volume 9. Pravo. - Przemysl: Nauka of i studia, 2010. - P. 17-19

6. Dmitrienko Yu.N. Direct effects of deviant sense of justice: the first formula of the Ukrainian legal idiom // Right and safety. Scientific magazine. 2004/3'2. - Kharkov: NUVS, 2004. – P. 11-18