Gladka A.O.

Scientific advisor: Ph.D. Kuz'minchuk N.V.

Kharkiv Institute of Banking of the University of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine


One of the negative consequences of the financial crisis is the financial conditions and solvency worsening of enterprises. This problem, in its turn, is connected with a sharp decline of production in the real sector of the economy, but an inappropriate policy of many banks that emerged in the conditions of high inflation and whose main source of the profit was high interest rates for credits had a substantial influence as well. An unfavorable situation with timely payback of credits is largely conditioned not only by economic instability in the country but also by imperfection of methodical approaches to the estimation of solvency of borrowers, that would meet the modern conditions of banks.  Therefore, the application of appropriate, economically-grounded estimation of their solvency is of special urgency. The aim of the paper is the analysis of estimation methods of solvency of an enterprise. The review of research [3,4,6] shows the availability of a number of estimation methods of solvency of borrowers. However, today no generally-accepted and scientifically-grounded method has not developed yet. It should be noted that the worsening of the quality of a credit portfolio of a bank can become the result of an unqualified and untrue estimation of solvency of borrowers, which in its turn, requires extra reserve. One of the reliable methods of the problem solution is the development and application of the well-founded method which will allow a bank to really estimate the solvency of borrowers. Moreover, there is no a unique well-founded definition of the concept “solvency”, and this fact could be affirmed by various interpretations of the concept “solvency” that are given below:

1) the  solvency of a borrower is his ability to fully and in time pay back  the debt obligations [6];

2) the solvency is the system of terms that determine the ability of  an enterprise to attract  loan capital and to return it in a full volume at a fixed date [2];

3) the solvency is the availability of conditions of the borrower, possibilities to get a credit and pay it back in time [7];

4) the solvency  is the ability of a borrower in full volume and at a certain date to pay back his debt obligations [1];

 5) the solvency is the ability of a company or an individual to attract loan capital and in the future properly to serve the debt [6].

 From the definitions of the term «solvency» listed above one can conclude that, firstly, their authors understand the term “a subject of credit relations” in different ways. In the first, third and fourth definitions the term is not specified, but given in a general way “a borrower”, and in the second and the fifth ones it is specified, that it is an enterprise, an individual, a company. A substantial difference is the definition of the condition of loan redemption. In the fourth definition it is given more precisely. In my opinion, solvency is supposed to mean the availability of the system of pre-conditions for getting a credit, and the ability of a borrower to pay back the debt in time.

When determined with the essence of the concept «solvency», one should draw attention to the basic methods of solvency estimation of an enterprise (see. the table.)          











Methods of solvency estimation of an enterprise

         A method

Features of a method

A solvency estimation of a borrower on the basis of the system of financial coefficients [3, 4]

In accordance with the requirements of the NBU 4 groups of financial coefficients from the data of accountability of an enterprise:  1) liquidity ratios; 2) coefficients of business activity; 3) coefficients of financial independence; 4) coefficients of profitability.

A solvency estimation of a borrower by the calculation of financial coefficients [3, 4]

This method orients a bank to examine not the process of an activity execution, but the financial result, because the real payback of credit is important in the end.

Prognosis methods of solvency estimation [3, 6]

It is oriented to the future analysis of the condition of a borrower. There are three main methods of prognostication:

·                   a calculation of the index  of solvency;

·                    the use of the system of the formalized and unformalized criteria;

·                   prognostication of indexes  of solvency.


A solvency estimation by the analysis of cash flow [4,6]

Such method could be applied through the analysis cash flow of a client, namely through calculation of net balance of its different incomings and expenses for a certain period.

The methods of solvency estimation of an enterprise presented in the paper have both advantages and disadvantages. However, in my opinion, there is a comprehensive method for assessing the creditworthiness of a borrower on the basis of financial ratios, which enables to estimate the state of an enterprise by the calculation of different coefficients.  As a result of the conducted research the following conclusions have been made. Under the term «solvency» the author understands the availability of the system of pre-conditions for getting a credit, and the ability of a borrower to pay the debt back in time. Taking into consideration the methods of solvency estimation of a borrower the estimation of solvency of a borrower on the basis of the system of financial coefficients is the most complex. The approach is based on the applications of 4 groups of financial coefficients from data of accountability of an enterprise. One should mark that the proposed method will allow to conduct the comprehensive analysis of activity of any enterprise at a new high-quality level, and thus will substantially decrease the risk and will expand the area of safety, that is the financial stability.   


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