Danyarov T.
Associate Professor of International Kazakh-Turkish University named after J. A. Yasawi
Moldabekova BI
teacher of the Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Esenov

If we look at educational views and ideas in the history of education, it is evident that the objectives of education have an active and changeable specific historical characteristics. Specifying its public policy and ideology determine the needs of the society, based on natural, social and human development objective laws. In this structure, there is a need sotvetstviya needs of the community development level of productive forces and relations of production quality, the pace of scientific and technical progress, economic opportunities, social, developmental educational theory and practice of educational opportunities, the level of development of educators and teachers. The purpose of education in secondary schools is to ensure intellektulnogo, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual; disclosure of its creativity and development of friendly relations, given the age of the younger generation - to create conditions for the education of individuals. Thus, for the goal to meet the special requirements of the organizers of the educational and extracurricular activities, the content and methods of their work.

Kazakh scientists, who gave a scientific description of the educational work based on folk traditions and principles, among which CB Zharykbaev, SK Kaliev [1] SA Uzakbaeva [2] K. J. Kozhakhmetova [3] , A. Tabyldy [4] A. Ashayuly [5], etc. in his work revealed not only the theoretical foundations of the national pedagogy, but also the practical aspects of educational work in schools, ways to improve the educational process and its features.

In the system of education and extracurricular school Special features of educational work are determined by personal characteristics of children and their age. The purpose of extracurricular educational work is to complement and expand the educational problems in the classroom, the maximum disclosure of students' abilities, motivation of their interest in the environment, social activism, organizing their free time.
One of the inseparable parts of parenting skills, healthy lifestyles yalyaetsya sex education of the younger generation. Currently, sex education for young people has become one of the most urgent tasks. This is confirmed by the negative effects of modern life: an increase in gynecological and sexually transmitted diseases, the entry of young people have sex early, not yet reached the physiological and psycho-sexual maturity and age.

Very important for us to prove the results of the study, because innovation provides a better understanding of the complexity and ambiguity of the phenomenon. This understanding defines innovation as a set of action subjects. Most researchers consider innovation as an important aspect in the development of modern educational institutions. Any interpretation of the language contributes to the meaning of innovation substantive changes, but the main function of innovation - change - remains unchanged.

Innovation comes at a time when educational problems can not be solved by traditional forms, creating the need for new technologies in line with new goals and objectives.


1. Zharykbaev K., S. Kaliev Kazakh education. / / - Almaty: Sanath, 1995. - 352.
2. Uzakbaeva SA Education with deep roots. - Almaty: Bilim, 1995 .- 232p.

3. Kozhakhmetova KJ Some scientific research questions and theoretical folk pedagogy - Almaty, 1993. 17p.

4. A. People Tabyldy Kazakh pedagogy and education - Almaty: Kazakh University, 1991. - 213p.

5. Ashayuly A. Organization of educational work in the national educational basis (for primary school students): kand.ped.nauk ... Abstract. - Almaty, 2002. - 16.