Prikhodko Y.A.

Civil Defence University of Ukraine

The personality properties which are necessary for successful activity of fire and rescue officers

Professional work of fire and rescue officers constantly takes place in extreme conditions, and the person behavior in such conditions can be successful only in the presence of certain  qualities. Therefore the basic psychological personality properties are professionally significant for experts of the given speciality. They characterize the development of three basic spheres of properties of personality psychology: orientations, operational and psychophisiological.

The orientation presents system of  person promptings to activity (system of motivation), determining its selectivity and intensity, and regulating influence on other spheres and  person properties. It has  the function of initiating  activity, its "start", energy for success of behavior and actions.

The basic promptings come from needs of the person. Stoliarenko A.M. divides eight groups of the needs existing certain hierarchy: transcendental spirituality; self-esteem; self-expression, creation, creativity, personal growth, individuality;  social status - in employment of worthy position in community, recognition and respect from others, friendship and love; contacts with people - in a life among people, communication, social involvement,  belonging to the certain community or a group, in joint liveability to live; in life-support - in the information on an event around, in material, household, housing, transport and other convenience, in getting means for a life, in work; in safety - in preservation of a life (an instinct of self-preservation), protection against a pain, traumas, illnesses, threats, the risk, unpleasant experiences; physiological - in food, water, heat, continuation of a sort.

The system of needs of the concrete person determines also his behavior in emergency. When  the needs of the lowest levels, attempts to make something only if there is a personal benefit, individualism, egoism, consumerism dominate in certain person it undermines the stability in most of emergencies, especially when it is necessary to help another, to perform his duty in attitude to colleagues, collective, a society.

The great motivating value have belief, ideals and interests of the person. The first one is deeply realized knowledge, ideas, representations about due and necessary as a whole, internally approved by the person and recognized it as being true, unique. Ideals are images of the desirable future which have attributes of perfection and attractiveness for the given person.

Activity of the person is induced and directed  by his valuable orientations, and their version - social installations. Valuable orientations are those social values which are understood, internally approved and gained personal sense and value for the given person. Social installations are steady predisposition, readiness of the person for the certain reaction to the various public phenomena as it represents for the person certain value or its absence. If the social values meaning "Motherland", "duty", "responsibility", "decency", "collectivism", "fidelity", "conscience" are not significant for the given person, he easily manages in emergency.

The operational sphere of the personality includes attitudes, habits, common skills, the qualities which are means and ways of  result achievement, determined by orientation. It contains a number of  personal features  influencing extreme stability.

Character of the person is the system of steady attitudes to work, to other people and to himself which has developed in the personality. These attitudes depend on  orientation sphere greatly, but  they are also connected with the special knowledge of a person, regulating attitudes, abilities, skills of attitudes realization, as well as corresponding habits and properties. For example, conscientiousness, diligence, goodwill, sociability, politeness, neatness, self-pretensions, self-criticism, etc.

The system of the habitual attitudes which have developed in a person forming his character, is emotionally colored, related to social feelings. The significant part of the last ones is expressed by feelings of duty, responsibility, decency, humanity, company, collectivism in the developed person. Feeling of conscience is important, it is habits of the person not to renounce social values and moral principles, constantly to verify own behavior with them, to suffer greatly of the slightest deviations from them (to  suffer torments, remorses) and to avoid similar experiences.

Will has special value. This quality expresses ability of a person to mobilize the abilities to overcome problems. Will gains features of development when acts are dictated by deep understanding of the situation, the purposes, the necessaries ,  high level of development of needs and is movable by motive - « I must ».

The motive « I must » usually  does not contradict desires of the developed person:  « I must »  coincides with «  I wish». Such concurrence creates feeling of internal freedom, psychology of actions by personal prompting, instead of compulsion. Selye has suggested to distinguish the "superficial" and "deep" adaptable energy, the latent and seldom used reserves of organism. The will movable by strong motivation at a combination « I must » and «I wish », obtains greater force and allows to use all reserves of a person.

Will is presented in personality by strong-willed qualities: persistence, persistence, resistance, courage, bravery. They allow to find a way out of a difficulty with honour, and their absence makes the person unable to overcome difficulties.                                

Mind constantly participates in a life and activity of a person, it is cognitive qualities such as sensations, perception, memory, representations, imagination, thinking. Emergencies  make increased demands to ability of a person to understand, to realize, to take into account and act with judgment. Each of cognitive qualities plays its role, but the qualities of thinking describing an intelligence level of a person have special value, they are speed, flexibility, resource, depth, analytical  and synthetic character, logicality, clearness,  practicality, predictabilities, criticality, intuitivism, independence, creative character.

Special value has ability of a person to over-situation thinking. To understand a situation correctly and successfully to act, it is not enough to proceed only from those its features which are perceived directly. Such thinking is called evident or evidently effective. To think over-situation  means mentally to rise above a situation, to see what lays behind horizon directly perceived, i.e.  to see an event on the next sites of the activity which is carried out by other people, work of cooperating groups, events in the country, to recollect  standards of appropriate behavior, etc. It allows to appreciate situations quickly and correctly and adequately to it to adjust behavior. The over-situation thinking in emergency allows to make more reasonable decisions, to understand interrelation of  visible and imaginable, all the factors which are in the given situation.

The phenomenon of biological stress, so peculiar for emergency and closely connected with features of human organism, emphasizes the importance of its psychophisiological features.

Traditionally  psychophisiological features of the person are corresponded with concept of temperament - set of dynamic features of mental  human activity, caused by type of his higher nervous activity. Classification of temperament types by set of features specific nervous processes is widely known. I.P.Pavlov divided  also types of higher nervous activity according to features of a parity in it verbal and direct irritant (influences of objects and the phenomena of an environment and their traces kept in memory): cogitative and art. The person with the first type is more reasonable, the second  type is more impressionable,  pliable to external influences, more emotional.

The basic features i.e. the list of features concern to characteristics of temperament. The major of them  are force - intensity, vigour, expressiveness of mental processes; mobility - speed of occurrence and the seige of mental processes; speed of mental processes; steadiness - equation of activity, promptings, impulsive answers with restraint, braking; rigidness, plasticity - difficulty or ease of psychological changes, formations and changes of internal relations; activity - a steady level of activity, vigor of mental activity; sensitivity - the increased or lowered sensitivity of the person all or some influences on sense organs; emotional sensitiveness - emotional reactance, a degree of emotional reaction to influences; psychophisiological stability - stability to risk and danger, overloading, shocks (caused by sight of blood probably, a corpse, vital failures, etc.); workability - a stock of  psychophisiological endurance, etc.

The importance of  listed psychophisiological features is obvious for emergency stability of the person. The role of the force caused by corresponding physiological features of nervous processes is especially great. Its negative value - weakness - appeared in bad bearableness by the person of mental and nervous loadings, its susceptibility to mental traumas and frustration. People with melancholic temperament are least steady in emergencies. The melancholic is increasingly sensitive, emotional and because of this is insufficiently counterbalanced, unstable, psychologically damageable.

Other types of temperaments are extremely comprehensible: the phlegmatic person is the steadiest in psychophisiological terms, and choleric person is called by I.P.Pavlov « fighting type » for his high activity, vigor, mobility, speed of reactions, easy switch from one interest to another, fast adaptation to new conditions.

To  psychophisiological features of the person having extreme value, it is often carried  noise stability - an opportunity not to worsen quality of actions at influence of extraneous handicaps; stability to risk; stability to an emergency pressure; stability to overloading; long-term stability; spontaneous  counter-attraction etc.

All above-mentioned properties of the personality determine the common extreme features of the personality which refer to as emergency stability. The general emergency stability of the person is one of complete displays of its inside also cannot be brought to one element of mentality or to the arithmetic sum of several ones. The  more difficultly task, problem, conditions, the more success depends on complete characteristics of the personality, from their conformity to requirements of events and environment.

Thus, the general stability of the person to emergency is a special display of all above listed properties of the person.  And for successful activity in special conditions it is important not only presence of these properties at the personality, but also their quantitative expression. Definition of quantitative parameters of properties of the personality of the fire and rescue officers determining effectiveness of their work, is a task of our further researches.