UDK 159.922:316.64:165.242

Dmitrienko Y.N., Ph.D., bread-winner of scientific degree of doctor of legal sciences of the Kiev national research university, the name of T. Shevchenko (KNDI the name of T. Shevchenko, Kyiv city)




Different social layers and groups need legal different and interests, wills, pictures of justice and morality in a right. The conducted analysis shows that methodological basis of account  of national factor in sense of justice lines up from an absolute law. An absolute law always was the supplier of those criteria which were used for the estimation of operating right, by the scale of his justice. The system of common to all mankind legal values is achievement of all humanity. In multinational society, where historically mined-out national legal values justice and morality are can not be identical in everything and for all.

 Thus, in our view, national or natural in sense of justice it is possible to define as system of legal looks, ideas, presentations, feelings, emotions valued to the orientation, moods which express the relation of people, nations, to the operating right, legal institutes which regulate the sphere of national relations [1].

Thus, national in legal consciousness, it is possible to define as system of essential legal sights, ideas, feelings, valuable orientations, moods, which form the relation of the people, the nations, to the law in force, legal institutes, which will legalise sphere of national relations. Speaking about the Ukrainian legal consciousness, we have in view of, first of all, system of very essential, traditional legal concepts, theories, sights, ideas, feeling, valuable orientations, moods which express the relation of the people, the nations, representatives of different istoriko-legal cultures,the statesmen, the traditional Ukrainian earths existing that instead of on be-what on to signs.  The phenomenon national is represented as qualitative property of any legal consciousness which is shown as much as possible in days of transitive development of the right. In this plan the Ukrainian legal consciousness is such legal consciousness which will standard legalise ideological, the logic, theoretical and practical relation of indigenous population or the title nation to the law in force, it subjects and to objects, that for a long time has developed on essential laws of national legal mentality [1].  Through a prism national in legal consciousness any state which is maximum defines the natural properties as national is formed. At a dominant of the form of national legal consciousness which is defined on a dominant of the title nation, those national interests which are generated by the majority of the population united in the certain nation-state that it is possible to define, first of all, on a state language are priority realised. In any case, speaking about Ukrainian, Russian, Belarus or other legal consciousness, we have, first of all, a nationality of the title nation or national sense of justice of the majority of the population of the certain state, the generated on laws of national attitude and understanding of the world. Does not exist in the world of the state without the name, there is no the abstract legal consciousness existing and functioning only theoretically. The state and legal consciousness are closely connected. Not without reason for the first time G.Gegel named legal consciousness "the state form" (G.Gegel). In that case we speak about system the essential ideological, theoretical, conceptual, world outlook and standard relations as much as possible legalised and interpreted by the majority of the population of this or that state to the law in force which expresses the relation of the radical or title nation to the law in force, the validity, the state and a society as typically national, generated in the mechanism of concrete historical formation that developments of priority forms of legal consciousness for all time of concrete historical time-space of existence and progressive development of the title etnosa-people-nation of this state [1].


1. Dmitrienko Y.N. Åhe Untraditional (nonclassical) form|shape| (type|typestyle|) of natural|real-life| sense of justice and legal culture of //  Problem of jurisprudence and law-enforcement activity. Collection|reciver| of scientific|science| labours. N 1. is Donetsk: DYUI, 2008. - N. 13-25