Influence of metrological assurance on the

production control

Yu. Palchun, I. Â.Yelistratova

FGUP “Siberian state research institute of  metrology of the Order of the Red Banner of the Labour”

FGOBU VPO “Siberian state university of the telecommunication and information science”


Annotation To produce high technological production is necessary to more develop the manufacturing process control. We need another approach to metrological assurance of production when we elaborate or perfect a system of quality management in accordance with ISO 9000 standards.


Key wordsmetrological assurance, control.

I. Introduction


n important source of the growth of production efficiency is a constant increase of technical level and quality of output production. Any enterprise is a system. And it is a controlled system. As an enterprise is an open system with flows of substance and energy, it maintains a high equivalent of exchange only if it works right in a system of higher level. A tough functional integration of all elements characterizes technical systems. So, there are not secondary elements that can be designed or manufactured with low quality. Thus, as a result of a contemporary level of scientific technical progress, requirements to the technical level and quality of goods as well as to their separate elements have become significantly tougher. System approach  allow us to choose objectively scales and directions of production control, kinds of goods, forms and methods of production to provide the best effect of efforts and means, expended to increase quality of products. System approach to improving quality of output goods allow us to lay the scientific foundations of production control at industrial enterprises and in associations.

II. Task

The main conditions of system development of production control are:

a)   a model of behaviour of controlled object or a given, planned level of parameters of its condition;

b)  an unstable model of the object in relation to a program and given parameters, that is the object should not deviate from the given program or planned values of parameters;

c)  methods and means to reveal and measure deviation parameters of the object from the given program or values of parameters;

d)  a possibility to impact parameters of the object to eliminate any deviations.

Considering initial conditions of possible application of main principles of general theory of control and scheme of control mechanism to organize works on quality, we can draw a diagram of control mechanism of production. Quality programs with established parameter values may be a part of all possible state plans and programs, plans of planning and design organizations, production unions of enterprises and treaty commitments. Quality drivers is defined in a process of bargains and commodity exchanges and other commodity forms of movement of goods.

Requirements to quality is established and fixed in normative documents: state, sectoral, company standards, specification of production, technical tasks on designing or upgrading of goods, in designs, technological charts and regulations, quality control charts etc.

A deviation of production quality from given parameters happens, as a rule, to a worse direction and has as general as private symptoms. The general symptoms are physical and moral wear of production, that is a loss of initial characteristics in process of using and storing up of goods.

Instability and changeability of quality are not only the physical and moral wear. There are so called private deviations of quality from established requirements. They are very different and brought about not economic and technical reasons, but external conditions. These conditions include infringement of rules and conditions of using, errors of people who elaborate production and producers, a breach of industrial discipline, defects of production equipment etc. Instability of quality that is caused by private deviations from given parameters has an accidental character. We can expect the time of appearance of these deviations only with certain degree of probability.

There are more factors that impact instability of quality estimates. There are  instability and changeability of needs. Parametres of production can exactly correspond to standard and technical documentation, but requirements of consumers are changing and quality is getting worse. Consequently, quality is a constant unstable object. This is the objective reality and we should it into account. Thus, quality satisfies just second condition of the general theory of control.

III. Theory

In their practical activity people can observe the process of loss of quality characteristics, measure and estimate these changes. To slow down the process of physical wear we establish favourable operation regimes and storage conditions and use different preventive measures to provide technical service and current repair. If poor quality is over admissible values the capital repair is carried out. Organizing any rational and effective work to achieve quality people always followed the next scheme:

a)   defining of necessity and requirements to production quality (a plan, a program of quality);

b)  giving necessary characteristics to the basic material (fulfillment a plan, a program of quality);

c)   quality conformance inspection to the requirements (identification of deviations) or verification of conformances;

d)  impact to remove deviations of acquired quality from given quality (feedback coupling).

Taking this point of view about sequence of actions to achieve quality we can reveal an important phenomenon for all the philosophy of scientific works about quality. The phenomenon is the unity and organic combination of direct and back connections of all actions, associated with using (consumption) of production.

Conditions of quality assurance are more numerous. They include characteristics of production process: its character, intensity, regularity of the pace and duration; ñlimatic condition of the environment and industrial premises; interior and production design; material and moral stimuli; moral and psychological climate; organization of information service and equipping level of the workplace; condition of social and material environment of workers.

Deviations from given parameters of quality may be revealed at the stage of comparison and decision-making. In this case at the stage of the impact we aim efforts at factors or conditions or their combination to eliminate these deviations. Measures of the impact depend on the character and quantity of quality deviations as well as on efficiency of any possible options of eliminations of deviations.

The objective quantitative information about the state of production quality and the condition of the industrial process at all stages is a basis for managerial decision-making. This information is necessary to establish, assure and maintain an appropriate level of production quality. At the modern level of production main sources of the information are measurements. The technology of the up-to-date research and production activity is continuously getting more complicated. Under such conditions measuring means perform an important role. Inaccurate measurements can cause irreversible losses of the materials, equipment and money. As a result of intensive growth of automation of production processes and increase of the requirements to the accuracy of technological and managerial decisions the accuracy and reliability of measurements are getting especially actual. And assurance of uniformity and accuracy of measurements is requirement of reliability of all technological information and a decisive factor to decide the problem of quality control.

Metrological assurance of production plays an important role in ensuring of uniformity of measurements. The task of metrological assurance is to organize a measuring process and guarantee reliability of results. In an enterprise metrological assurance is an important part of generalized system of quality control. This part includes measures to increase production quality by means of introduction of more progressive and modern methods and means of measurements, assurance of necessary accuracy of measurements as well as coordination and methodical control of works, assuring uniformity and reliability of measurements. Metrological assurance is a functional part of control system of production. It performs a task to organize and technically coordinate of metrological activity that is carried out in other functional parts at all stages of production. Therefore not only metrological service, but practically all departments of an enterprise take part in decision-making of metrological service.

Organizing of metrological assurance in enterprise is regulated by some international, national and sectoral recommendations. There are international document OIML D 16 “Principles of assurance of metrological control”, metrological recommendations MI 2117-90 “Recommendations. Organizing of metrological assurance when ISO 9000 standards are introduced”, MI 2116-90 “Recommendation. Analysis and evaluation of metrological assurance of an enterprise when ISO standards are introduced”, MI 2240-92 “Analysis of condition of measurements, control and tests at an enterprise, in the organization and association. Working procedure” etc.

The higher level of concentration, specialization and organizing of production the higher a level of control system and, consequently, the mechanism to provide effective functioning of metrological assurance of at enterprise is more difficult.

The following figure schematically illustrates interconnection of metrological assurance.


Figure 1 – Scheme of interconnection of metrological assurance and system of production control

IV. Conclusions

Thus, the measuring system is a basis of metrological systems of assurance and control. And information carriers of this system are real parameters. We can decide the problem of quality control only by elaboration appropriate mathematical models of metrological systems of assurance and production control.


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