Ìàòåìàòèêà/4. Ïðèêëàäíàÿ ìàòåìàòèêà


PhD Aipanov Sh.A.

Almaty Technological University, Kazakhstan

Analytical solution of controllability problem for linear systems

with use of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure


The controllability problem for dynamic systems described by linear differential equations is considered. The constructive method for building of a set of all controls transferring the system from any initial state to any desired final state in a finite time is proposed. To find the solution of the problem the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure is used.

1.  Introduction

The mathematical control theory originated in sixties of XXth century at present became one of thriftily developing in the qualitative theory of differential equations. In particular, there were obtained the necessary and sufficient conditions of existence of control, which transfers a linear system from any initial state to any desired final state in a finite time interval but at the same time the problem of building of a set of all such controls is the actual one. In the given work the method of solution of controllability problem for linear systems with use of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure is proposed.

Models of systems with fixed trajectory endpoints (that is with assigned initial and final states of the object) are widely used in solving of problems of controllability and optimal control for air- and spacecrafts, special-purpose robot handlers as well as electric, radio, economic, ecological systems, etc.

Let us consider the linear system of the form 


where  are matrices with piecewise continuous elements of dimensions ,  respectively;  is the -vector of the object state;  is the -vector of control. Let’s designate a solution of the system (1) through , .

The system (1) is called completely controllable at time  [2], if it can be transferred from any initial state  to the origin in a finite time by properly selected control . Let  be the set of those and only those controls  for which . Controllability problem for system (1) is in building of a set of controls .

Let  be the fundamental -matrix solution of linear homogenous differential equation , then transition matrix is equal to . As is known [3], system (1) shall be completely controllable at time  iff


(so called controllability gramian) is a positively determined matrix for some time value . Here symbol * means an operation of matrix transposition.

Further we propose that , that is . Designating columns of -matrix  through ,  we obtain . Consequently, matrix (2) might be written in the form , where through  are designated scalar products , . Thus,  is a Gram determinant for system of functions , being, that is the given system is linearly independent.

As is known [3], control  can be represented in the form , where  is a particular solution of controllability problem for which the following equation


is valid and  is any function from  satisfying the condition


Using the above cited designations the integral equations (3), (4) can be written in the form



where through  are designated components of vector . In particular, equation (3) is valid for control [3]


and function  equal to zero almost everywhere on interval  satisfies equation (4). Set of all solutions of equations (4) we designate through .

Thus, the controllability problem for system (1) leads to the necessity of constructing of set W consisting of functions  that are orthogonal to the system of linearly independent functions .

2.     Construction of set W

Set of functions  can be built with use of Gram-Schmidt [1] orthogonalization process. Let  be an arbitrary function from . Let’s make orthogonalization of system of functions :



where , ;  ,  ;  as system of functions  is linearly independent. For obtained function  exist equalities . From this using (8) we may receive (6). In particular, when system of functions  is linearly dependent we obtain  almost everywhere on interval , in this case conditions (6) shall be also satisfied.

Thus, the general solution of controllability problem for system (1) may be represented in the form , where  is a particular solution of controllability problem and  is obtained by orthogonalization of system of functions  by formulas (8), (9), where  is an arbitrary function from .

3.     Example

Let’s consider a linear system of the second order


for which , . It is required to transfer system (10) from any initial state ,  to a final state ,   in time interval .

Matrix  may be found as solution of differential equation  satisfying initial condition , where  is an identity matrix. Substituting found matrix  into formula (2), we calculate , that is the considered system (10) is completely controllable. Vectors , , control (7) is of the form


Taking  we make orthogonalization of system of functions  using formulas (8), (9). As a result we obtain


Then the control , where  and are determined by formulas (11) and (12), transfers the system (10) from initial state ,  to final state ,   in time interval .

Analogously, selecting various functions  it is possible to obtain other probable controls  being a solution of controllability problem for system (10).

4.     Conclusions

It is known that  being a solution of controllability problem for a linear system (1), is representable in the form of a parallel shift of set  to some vector , that is  , where  is a particular solution of system of nonhomogeneous integral equations (5) and the set  consists of all solutions of system of homogeneous integral equations (6). In the given work the constructive method for building of the set W based on Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure is proposed.

The controllability problem can be solved in much the same way also in that case when it is necessary to transfer system (1) from any initial state  to any final state  in time interval . In this case instead (3) it is required to satisfy condition


and condition (4) remains without change. As a particular solution of integral equation (13) it is possible to take control [3]

In Appendix proofs of propositions about properties of sets  and  are given.   

5. Appendix

Proposition 1. Let system (1) be completely controllable. Then the set  consists of those and only those controls , which may be represented in the form

,                                                    (14)

where  is some particular solution of nonhomogeneous integral equation (3) and  are arbitrary solutions of homogeneous integral equation (4).

Proof. Let’s designate through  set of all functions representable in the form (14). For arbitrary control  solution of a differential equation (1) has the form


As functions  and  satisfy conditions (3) and (4) respectively, we obtain . It means that , consequently, .

Further let’s choose some control  and consider arbitrary controls  (set is not empty as system (1) is completely controllable). For these controls the following relations shall be satisfied


as  and . Let’s construct a function  for which by virtue of (15) is valid (4). Thus, any control  may be represented in the form (14), where functions  and  satisfy conditions (3) and (4) respectively, consequently, .

From obtained relations and  follows .     £

Proposition 2. Let system (1) be completely controllable. Then the set of all solutions of system of integral equations (6) consists of those and only those functions , which may be represented in the form (9), where  is an arbitrary function from  and functions  are determined by formulas (8).

Proof. Let’s designate through  set of all functions represented in the form (9). For arbitrary function  equalities  shall be satisfied. From this using (8) equalities (6) may be obtained. Consequently, that means .

Relations (8) may be reduced to the form


For arbitrary functions  we have . From this using equalities (16) may be obtained

.                                                   (17)

Let’s show that exists a function and it is such that  may be represented in the form (9). Let’s choose a function  in the form

,                               (18)

where  are arbitrary numbers. Substituting (18) into (9) in regards with (17) we can assure in validity of relation (9). Consequently,  that means .

From obtained relations  and  follows .     £



1. Conway, A Course in Functional Analysis. New York: Springer, 1990.

2. R.E. Kalman, On the General Theory of Control Systems, in: Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Congress, Vol. 1. London, Butterworths,1961, pp. 481-492.

3. ß.Í. Ðîéòåíáåðã, Àâòîìàòè÷åñêîå óïðàâëåíèå. Ì.: Íàóêà,1992.