Pedagogical  sciences/2. Problems of training specialists

associate professor Yu.V. Sorokopud,

professor Yanush S.V.

 the graduate student Lesnova E.N.

Stavropol state university, Russia

Management of the quality of educational process with training of the future teachers of high school

The need for the development of the effective mechanisms of control with the special sharpness arises in the systems, which are characterized by the great complexity and dynamicity. The educational system is this particular system. In Russia an improvement in the quality of education is isolated as a priority trend in development of educational system in the present stage of its modernization. 

With the formation of the high educational system of management of quality it is important to consider four factors: the ambient conditions of guaranteeing the quality; the potential of the quality, which Institute of the Highest Education have; the process of the formation of quality; the quality of the result of education.

The system of management of quality is added from these characteristics, and its work is organized on them.

After the signing of Bolognian agreement in 2003 in the Russian system of vocational education the substantial changes occurred, this determined a change in the requirements for the instructor of high school. UNESCO integrates European efforts in this province; also it deals with the problems of an improvement in the quality of the pedagogical craftsmanship of high educational instructors under the new sociocultural conditions. Special attention UNESCO pays to the innovations, which are concerned the content and the methods of instruction at the level of high school and their use in the process of the pedagogical improvement of high educational instructors.  The special training of the instructors of high school under the conditions for highest education in Russia began to be achieved comparatively recently. At the present moment it is achieved within the framework of additional qualification “The instructor of high school”, which realizes in the magistracy, the graduate study and in the establishments of an increase in the qualification. At the Stavropol state university educational program for obtaining the additional qualification “The instructor of high school” has been realized since 2001. Experience of management of the quality of this preparation is accumulated within this period: the materially - technical base is being constantly improved, innovation technologies take root in the process of teaching, masters degree candidates are assigned to the participation of the work of problematic groups, to the creation of the electronic didactic complexes of disciplines, to the organization of the innovation forms of educational work.

Let us give the content of some technologies of work with the listeners, which proved their effectiveness in the process of professional preparation. First of all, it would be desirable to note that the auditoriums for the studies with the listeners must contain, first of all, the collection of audio, video-, computer technology, which must be used in each study (or the separate type of technology). It is desirable, the landing places for listeners must be located along the principle “of round table”, precisely, this setting promotes to the optimum organization of the space of contact. During the process of organizing of training the future instructors of high school, we actively use the method of projects on the basis of information technologies. We consider that such an approach also contributes to the active molding of the professional position of future instructors. For its realization at the beginning of the study of each discipline we recommend to form micro-groups (3- 4 people) from the masters degree candidates (graduate students, adjuncts). Each micro-group must fulfill 2 to 3 creative projects, to design in a form of computer presentations (programs PowerPoint, FrontPage and other) and to demonstrate in the seminar studies. If the process of demonstration was removed to the video-, then, with its subsequent survey is solved still one training problem - consideration of pedagogical techniques of listeners, who present the project. The application of these technologies makes it possible to form the bank of the computer presentations of the listeners (masters degree candidates, graduate students, adjuncts) of different years of education. On the basis of this bank the electronic didactic complex “Pedagogy of high school” has been already created with the participation of masters degree candidates, the complex was demonstrated at the All-Russian exhibition-fair of scientific research works of students “INNOV-2007” (t. Novocherkassk), on the All-Russian exhibition “Educational medium - 2007” (c. Moscow).

As the effective monitoring of professional-personal development of listeners, we use technology “portfolio”. At the beginning of the education the listeners start “portfolio” - folder, which will contain all the executed projects and tasks. At the same time portfolio is something larger than a simple folder of works, this is a previously planned individual selection of the achievements of listeners.  The application of this technology positively recommended itself in the process of its approval. Thus, each listener during the period of education not only fulfils a number of projects, but also performs research work through the selected theme.  As a rule, each listener, during the period of education has several publications within the framework of regional, All-Russian and international conferences. The yearly best qualification studies, executed by the graduates of magistracy, leave for the All-Russian competition of student works, they are noted by diplomas and medals. 

         Summing up that outline above, let us note that training of the future instructors of high school will be effective only when the listeners become active participants training - educational process they will master the position “instructor” in the process of instruction. During the application of the methods pointed out above and technologies the system psychological and pedagogical knowledge, which is mastered by the listeners, begins to possess not only an object, but also a converting force.  At the specific conditions obtained knowledge “switches on” internal mechanisms in the listeners, contributes to the disclosure of the potentials of personal and professional which will be, first of all, directed toward molding of leading metaconstituents of the future instructors of high school, the quality of the result of professional preparation thus is ensured.