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                                               Linenko O.A.                    

                               The North Caucasian state technical university, Russia

 Problems of ecological preparation of the future engineer-prirodopolzovatel in the conditions of modern higher technical      school

Development of modern manufacture more and more faces the limited possibilities of the nature to self-restoration, involves local, and then and global environmental problems. Thereupon vital there is a transition from industrial-sentric paradigms to ecosentric[1] in which orientation to restriction of development of the industry by rigid frameworks of preservation of ecological equilibrium between a society and the nature dominates. In consciousness of modern inhabitants of Russia on the first place economic problems were put forward that inevitably leads to the further deterioration of an ecological situation. For crisis overcoming intensive formation ecosentric paradigms in consciousness of people is necessary, for high readiness for performance of rigid ecological standards in industrial and other activity.

With a view of finding-out of activity of modern technical college in this direction we have addressed to special research. Its problem was noegenesis about scientific, is standard-estimated and practical aspects of ecological consciousness of the modern engineer. In research the complex of scientific and pedagogical methods was used. So, the scientific component of ecological consciousness was studied by means of a method of the analysis of the conceptual dictionary of students. As the basic criteria form a scientific component of ecological consciousness completeness and sensibleness of knowledge have been allocated. The is standard-estimated component of ecological consciousness was studied by means of a technique «Valuable orientations», the offered V.A.Jadovym [2]. Important for carrying out of a carried out investigation phase the point made by V.A.Jadovym that valuable orientations play a main role in regulation of behavior and activity of the person was considered. For us in the given thesis important that sights as the unity of knowledge and relations to them are used by the student for expression of an estimation and the position in relation to the environmental problems, falling under "action".

Studying of a practical component of ecological consciousness of students was carried out in a context of logic of engineering thinking. A leading method of studying of ecological knowledge of students was testing which in practice was carried out so. To students on last employment of a studied theme control tests for independent work stood out. During check of results of testing the quantity correctly or incorrectly executed tasks was counted up. For an estimation of productivity of training the factor defined under the formula was entered: Êð = àÀ, where and – correctness of the executed tasks; And – total number of tasks. The productivity factor was an individual indicator: for example, value of factor from 0 to 0,3 meant an unsatisfactory estimation; for result from 0,3 to 0,5 it was put down "well"; from 0,5 to 0,7 – it is good"; from 0,7 to 1 – is excellent". Then on all groups the general results of the analysis were calculated in percentage terms. 

The qualitative analysis of answers of students has shown that it is peculiar to them or the pragmatical understanding of an ecological science, or the term "ecology" contacts concepts "alarm", "protection", "preservation". Studying of the received empirical material has allowed us to assert that the considerable part of students poorly operates with scientific concepts which would allow them to comprehend essential characteristics of an ecological science more deeply. Knowledge of students of ecology are frequently deduced from their empirical experience. It means that many of them don't realize an ecology essence.

Studying of knowledge of students about the basic ecological concepts was carried out and on the basis of results of examinations. Work joined the following task: «List the simple concepts which are a part of following difficult concepts:« environment and factors of environment ";" ecology of organisms ";" population ecology ";" a biogeocenosis ». In total in research 300 answers of students have been analysed.

The obtained data allows to assert that considerable enough part of students participating in polls (about 40 %) hasn't mastered ecological knowledge at conceptual level.

We believe that difficulties of students in a formulation of ecological laws speak that at consciousness level in educational process they haven't been comprehended, their concrete value in course of material processes in biosphere wasn't shown, there were not understood global cycles in the nature. From here – absence of an indicator «generalize» in ecological knowledge of students.

 a course of empirical research to students of different faculties the question on influences on environment of the engineering activity connected with this or that branch of manufacture was asked.

         As the data obtained by us testifies, at students of all groups incomplete answers dominate though also correct, but. Besides, in the works executed by them the considerable share was made by «wrong answers». From our point of view, it is necessary to explain such data presence in curricula of faculties only one scientific discipline – "Ecology", absence in them of such important course for the future engineer, as «Industrial ecology». Therefore in this case we can't judge presence at students of the integrated knowledge connecting together natural and engineering science.

We are inclined to explain the obtained data specificity of the organization of training in which dared basically cognitive problems, and the attention wasn't focused on comprehension by students of the reasons of environmental problems on lichnostno- active level.

The analysis of the data of experiment, shows that scientifically-informative motives of wildlife management as a whole for all groups of students are dominating. Such prevalence testifies that students have an aspiration to comprehension of environmental problems. However, as have shown the subsequent interviews, this comprehension isn't for them internally necessary. Therefore the scientifically-informative relation of students to a wildlife management problem testifies only that they aspire to seize knowledge of this process.

We are inclined to regard the given phenomenon as prevalence of scientific rationality over tsennostno-semantic components of ecological activity. Whereas in orientations of students to wildlife management the humanistic and patriotic motives inducing the subject on mastering by theoretical and standard knowledge in their unity and interrelation should have priority value. Is standard-estimated and motivational components of ecological consciousness of students – the future engineers-prirodopolzovatelej should be filled by the humanistic maintenance as humanistic reference points allow to carry out real (vital) examination of results of engineering activity and to prevention of env ironmental problems. Our reference to a condition of a practical component of ecological consciousness of students has been based on the analysis of logic of engineering thinking which is really shown in the course of designing and carrying out of ecological examinations.

Results have shown that low enough level of the subjective relation to the nature at all doesn't mean destructive orientation of ecological activity, otherwise, so far as concerns a low level of development of relations to the nature, low level of its "positivity" is considered. The anthropocentric paradigm of thinking has so deeply got into modern consciousness that is shown even at the people who are professionally engaged in wildlife management.

The problem consists in that the person was ready to see environmental problems, was internally ready to active action, to realization of possibility of interaction with the nature world.





1. Karpinsky R. Ñ,  Liseev I.K., Ogurzov A.L. Philosoph's Cucumbers: kîevîl ation strategy: Ì: Enòtårpràks, 1995. – With. 214-240.

2. V.A.Jadov V.A, Poisons Century and About dispositional regulation of social behavior of the person / V.A.Jadov//Methodological problems of social psychology. – Ì, 1975. – With. 37.