Lavrinenko O.V., Candidate of Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer, Donetsk Legal Institute of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs of E.A. Didorenko


Disputable Approaches of the Modern Doctrine of Principles of the Labour Law of Ukraine


To system of branch principles of the modern labour law of Ukraine such five principles belong: restrictions of sphere of legal regulation by wage labour relations; an optimum combination of the centralised and local legal regulation of working conditions; social partnership and a contractual establishment of working conditions; unities and differentiations of legal regulation of labour relations and a recognition principle illegal conditions of contracts on the work, workers worsening a legal status compared with the legislation. One of «oldest» among the designated branch principles is the principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations which has, perhaps, most difficult, in many cases-problem, an arsenal of special legal means (special labour norms), forms and spheres (levels) of practical realisation. All it causes necessity of workings out for this sphere of the branch doctrine, especially on the threshold of acceptance of the new Labour Code of Ukraine.

About a principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations scientific workings out of many scientists, in particular N.B. Bolotnoj, V.S. Venediktova, D.J. Gladkih, V.V. Zhernakova, N.I. Inshina, S.V. Popova, P.D. Pylypenko, O.N. Jaroshenko are devoted research of various teoretiko-applied aspects of the branch doctrine. Existing scientific workings out, undoubtedly, remain actual at the present stage of development of jurisprudence that is why became a theoretical basis of our research. At the same time, many theoretical questions, especially regarding definition of essence and ordering of special norms as basic means of the specified branch principle of the labour law, definition of levels and spheres of its realisation, and also formation of terminological system and characteristic of the existing bases of differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations, remain till now opened and consequently are sharply discussed in a science.

Taking into consideration the stated circumstances, as object of research have been selected by the author of the given publication modern problem terminological, ontologo-legal and gnoseological aspects of the doctrine about a principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations, and a problem, accordingly, research on the basis of use of mainly rather-legal and is constructive-critical methods of scientific knowledge, modern debatable doctrinal approaches to essence definition the special conceptual device, regarding the name of special labour norms, to an establishment of levels and spheres, and also characteristics of the bases (criteria) of realisation of differentiation of legal regulation of relations in sphere of application of wage labour as immanent component (element) of the general structure branch labour-legal principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations.

In existing terminological system dominating the thesis that the differentiated regulation of socially-labour relations is carried out by means of use of three versions of rules of law, namely «norms-additions», «norms-adaptations» and «norms-withdrawals» is considered sciences of the labour law. It is accepted to name the last «special norms» as a group. With such term operate the majority of modern lawyers [1, p. 55; 2, p. 352; 3, p. 55; 4, p. 299; 5-14]. However, some authors in this case apply other name – «especial norms» [5, c. 499]. In our opinion, last definition (term) is not successful as adequately does not display essence specified labour-legal norms. In this case it is necessary to be guided by a philosophical postulate on a parity «individual», «especial» and «general»: the individual does not exist without the general, and the general – without individual. Under known conditions the individual passes in especial and the general: «Individual – there is a form of existence of the general actually, especial – the general, realised in individual» [6, р. 430]. For this reason, «especial», and, accordingly, and the name of special labour norms – «especial norms» displays that «general» more precisely, that is realised in «individual». But, norms of the law with which help the differentiation of legal regulation of socially-labour relations of hired workers is carried out, are not the «individual» phenomenon, and personifies certain set of such phenomena (legal phenomena) which, first, dialectically resist, and, secondly, adapt, adapt «general» for certain vital conditions and, thereby, provide its effective practical realisation. Thus, plurality existing actually not «general» and, at the same time, rather non-uniform under the maintenance, a vector and character of realisation of rules of law should be called as «special», instead of «especial», norms of the labour law.

Problem today there is also a question on levels, and also the characteristic and, as consequence – terminization, criteria of realisation of differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations. So, according to R.Z. Livshits, criteria of differentiation of legal regulation of work are both objective (working conditions), and subjective (the person of the worker) factors. To objective this author carries such criteria, as a pattern of ownership, conditions and character of work, natural and climatic conditions; subjective factors are a sex, age, a state of health of the worker, its trade [7, p. 30]. At the same time such approach has been subjected to the critic from the modern domestic researcher I.V. Shulzhenko. Last author, subjecting to criticism the approach of R.Z. Livshits set forth above, notices, that «…recognising that the trade is the wide sphere of labour activity displaying a branch or patrimonial division of labour, it should be carried not to subjective, and to objective factors of differentiation of legal regulation of work. To subjective factors of criteria of differentiation (here and more low we see tautology signs in a position I.V. Shulzhenko as «criteria» and «factors» differentiations in the given context are same! By the way, more low in the work this author uses the specified concepts already as equivalent, but separately, namely: «criteria of differentiation», «differentiation factors» [8, p. 72, 73] – O.L.) legal regulation of work it is necessary to carry such, as: all-round and deep mastering by the worker by a part of labour activity within a certain trade (i.e. a speciality of the worker (in our opinion, such understanding of «speciality» in the first part mismatches the settled scientific doctrine of the labour law) and it is unreasonably expanded by the researcher at the expense of application inappropriate in this case estimated and fictional inherently (inconcrete) characteristics – O.L.)); level of practical and theoretical knowledge by corresponding trade and a speciality (qualification of the worker); the certain circle of official duties, powers and responsibility (a post of the worker)… Factors of criteria of differentiation of legal regulation of wage labour can be divided on objective (branch and territorial) and subjective (a sex, age, a state of health, a speciality, qualification and a post of the worker)Subjective factors of differentiation of legal regulation of wage labour, in turn, can be divided into the general (external), provided for all subjects of certain group (the woman, older persons, invalids, minor), and special (internal) – which carry out internal differentiation (in our opinion, «differentiation factors» cannot as that categorically confirms I.V. Shulzhenko, «to carry out internal differentiation», they only determine it, cause, etc. And the differentiation by means of a certain arsenal of legal means, first of all – special labour-legal norms «is carried out»! – O.L.) subjects of certain group to additional signs» [8, p. 72]. Further I.V. Shulzhenko proves the following short story «…in the theory of the labour law it is necessary to allocate also branch-subjective differentiation when as criterion of differentiation simultaneous presence of branch and subjective signs acts. For example, at passage by women of service to law-enforcement bodies… exists simultaneously and branch differentiation which consists in presence of the separate norms regulating service-labour relations for all workers IAB (Internal Affairs Bodies of Ukraine – O.L.), and subjective which consists available separate norms, is differentiated regulating work only women – workers IAB. If it is a question of the woman – worker IAB, carrying out parent function it already will be special (internal) branch-subjective differentiation of legal regulation of wage labour» [8, p. 72].

Giving due originality in understanding I.V. Shulzhenkom of novelty, and also depths of its critical approach, we will notice, that such position is represented unduly structurally «overloaded» that is why «is artificial» complicated for appropriate perception, its realisations in a science. Obviously that «heating up» – structurally «stringing» – in a similar way one criterion (factor) of differentiation on another of anything really new, informative such typology in a science does not introduce. Conceptually such classification approach is not constructive: what for, for example, to «deduce» existence in the theory of the labour law of «special (internal) branch-subjective differentiation», if and so presence in the legislation on work of the general and special guarantees for women-working women is well-known. To number of special guarantees can be quite carried (by instructions on corresponding criterion of differentiation), in particular, and the privileges connected with performance of parent function, and these or those separate features of work of women-workers IAB. In additives we will notice, that under the legislation on service in law-enforcement bodies of Ukraine to pregnant women, and also the women-employees having children (mothers), the same privileges that are provided by the legislation for all other categories of women – hired workers are given (point 17 Positions about service in IAB Ukraine from 29.07.1991). Thus, in our opinion, «going deep» into this or that sphere (and their quantity, at desire, it is possible to prove to «infinity», specifying thus in addition, for example, on specificity of problems of division, feature of labour function of the worker, district, climatic conditions of performance by workers IAB of tasks in view, the season, quantity of children who are on expense at the worker (including women), etc.), displays of differentiation of legal regulation of wage labour is expedient to refer not on all «bulky» and a little from that an informative branch of algorithm of such «movement», and on concrete special criterion (the factor, sphere) differentiations which directly causes existence of the given level of differentiation and allows to allocate for the subsequent theoretical analysis, studying this or that concrete segment of legal regulation of socially-labour relations, including workers IAB of Ukraine.

Separate attention the question on modern approaches to scientific definition of essence deserves the bases (criteria) of realisation of a branch principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of socially-labour relations. Some researchers use, unlike others which write about «subjective» [9, p. 23-24; 10, p. 27-28, 29-30; 11, p. 178-179; 12, p. 81], such name (definition), as «subject» [13, p. 62, 151; 14, p. 56-58] differentiation. In our opinion, application of any of the specified terminological approaches during classification, characteristics of the bases (criteria) of realisation of differentiation of legal regulation as a whole is admissible. However, here it is necessary to pay attention to some disputable moments. Differentiation of the labour legislation are the differences established by the state in the maintenance and volume of the rights and duties of subjects of labour relations on the certain bases. Therefore more expedient, considering necessity of application uniform by the nature, essence of the basis of differentiation of legal regulation, we see use, in particular, such difficult criterion, as «subjestive-objective» differentiation. Use of such criterion as «subject», i.e. on a circle of persons (categories of workers), the differentiation obviously provides application of its «antipode» – «objective» differentiation. Last, in our opinion, considering available in right application practice of the form of displays of differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations, is not represented successful (informative, substantial). Therefore use by some researchers «objectively-subject» or, say, introduction in a branch science «branch-subjective» (I.V. Shulzhenko) criterion with a view of the analysis of spheres, levels, directions of differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations it is seen inexpedient, the last as a whole, except other lacks, are not characterised uniform logic, so also ontologic, the nature.

In a modern branch science there are also other debatable, rather disputable approaches (in particular, in workings out D.J. Gladkih, E.S. Reus’s, S.V. Popova, I.V. Shulzhenko, O.N. Jaroshenko) to the characteristic of criteria (bases) of differentiation of legal regulation and, accordingly, the mechanism of realisation of a branch principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations, on what already was paid by the author of the given publication attention, corresponding counterarguments and arguments were resulted [15-16; 17, p. 66-72; 18-20]. In this aspect the position, in particular, G.I. Salivon who believes, that on such basis of differentiation, as «character of privileges and the guarantees given by the state» is rather indicative, «the minor working youth» is differentiated, first, for some reason only on two categories of workers, and secondly, and this main thing, on such classification groups, as «minors» and «the minor young citizens combining work with training» [21, p. 24, 25-26]. But, in such unreasonably «narrowed» approach, in our opinion, actually it is a question of other, rather than «character of privileges and the guarantees given by the state» the differentiation basis. It is obvious, that «character of privileges and guarantees...» provides differentiation not persons (minors) as from this leaves in G.I. Salivon’s maxims, and, actually, such privileges and guarantees, certainly, in a context of granting of last to certain categories of minor workers.

Research of the mechanism of realisation of a principle of unity and differentiation of labour relations at the present stage, in particular, testifies to necessity of harmonisation existing special terminological system, rational – as much as possible informative – an establishment of levels (spheres) of special regulation, and also realisation scientifically-proved essence definitions the bases (criteria, factors) differentiations of a legal regulation of socially-labour relations. Working out of the specified problem segments of the scientific doctrine – the major condition of improvement of the theory about principles of the labour law as a whole and doctrines about its «oldest» principle – a branch principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations in particular.


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