Экономические науки / 2.Внешнеэкономическая деятельность


Student Boiko A. I.

Donetsk national university of economics and trade named after Mykhailo Tugan-Baranovsky, Ukraine

Green economy: basic features in modern world


Today climate scientists say that if we continue with business as usual, we are facing a rise in global temperatures. And to avoid that, we have to wean our economy from the use of fossil fuels, coal above all [7].

The aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon and basic features of green economy.

Green economics is not just about the environment.  It argues that both sectors must be transformed so that markets express social and ecological values, and the state becomes merged with grassroots networks of community innovation.

Here are ten interrelated principles that cover key dimensions of a green economy:

The Primacy of Use-value, Intrinsic Value & Quality: end-use, or human and environment needs; following Natural Flows: As society becomes more ecological, political and economic boundaries tend to coincide with ecosystem boundaries. That is, it becomes bioregional;  waste Equals Food: In nature there is no waste, as every process output is an input for some other process; elegance and Multifunctionality: Complex food webs are implied by the previous principle--integrated relationships which are antithetical to industrial society's segmentation and fragmentation; appropriate Scale / Linked Scale: This does not simply mean "small is beautiful", but that every regenerative activity has its most appropriate scale of operation; diversity: In a world of constant flux, health and stability seem to depend on diversity; self-Reliance, Self-Organization, Self-Design: Complex systems necessarily rely on "nested hierarchies" of intelligence which coordinate among themselves in a kind of resonant dance; participation & Direct Democracy: To enable flexibility and resilience, ecological economic design features a high "eyes to acres" ratio - that is, lots of local observation and participation; human Creativity and Development:  Displacing resources from production and tuning into the spontaneous productivity of nature requires tremendous creativity; the Strategic role of the Built-environment, the Landscape & Spatial Design: As Permaculturalist Bill Mollison  has emphasized, the greatest efficiency gains can often be achieved by a simple spatial rearrangement of system components [1].

Green economy is the ultimate knowledge-based economy. Both EPR and the non-governmental certification systems are based on the life-cycle approach and, increasingly, rigorous life-cycle assessment (LCA).  But qualitative development also demands a market and regulatory revolution, entailing a gradual shift in the form, content and drivers of economic development [2].

Green economy includes green energy generation based on renewable energy to substitute for fossil fuels and energy conservation for efficient energy use. The green economy is considered being able to both create green jobs, ensure real, sustainable economic growth, and prevent environmental pollution, global warming, resource depletion, and environmental degradation [3].

Re-engineering the world energy system seems an almost impossible undertaking. The trouble is that the models developed by scientists embody wildly unrealistic assumptions. The real world is different. Half the world's electricity comes from coal. The costs of "carbon capture and sequestration" storing CO2 underground are uncertain, and if the technology can't be commercialized, coal plants will continue to emit or might need to be replaced by nuclear plants [4].

A green economy does not simply require a new politics of ecology but a new ecology of politics featuring the de-compartmentalization of politics as a separate realm [5].

We maintain that governments and publicly-owned institutions must now take the lead, since they alone have the tools to marshal resources of the magnitude and speed necessary for this kind of economic transformation [6].

In conclusion, in modern conditions green economy is necessary to prevent destruction of environment. The governments should implement the green type of economy. Furthermore, green economy can help countries’ economies to develop and provide new jobs as well.



1. B. Milani What is green economics? // Greeneconomics


2. B. Milani Mindful Markets, Value Revolution and the Green Economy:

EPR, Certification and the New Regulation // Greeneconomics http://www.greeneconomics.net/ValueRevolution.htm

3. Green economy // Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_economy

4. R. J. Samuelson Selling The Green Economy // The Washington Post. – 2009. April 27  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp -dyn/content/article/2009/04/26/AR2009042601515.html

5. B. Milani  From Opposition to Alternatives: Postindustrial Potentials & Transformative Learning // Greeneconomics http://www.greeneconomics.net/TLreaderChapter.htm#Service.

6. Vision Statement - Green Economy Network // Green Economy Network http://www.greeneconomynet.ca/.

7. P. Krugman Building a Green Economy // The New York Times.   2010. April 5 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/11/magazine/11Economy-t.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1