M.B.Nurpeisova,Kasimhanova H.M.,A.Sh.Bek, G.M.Kyrgizbaeva.


Kazakh national tehnicheskby university of the name K.I.Satpaeva, Almaty, Republic Kazakhstan, Marzhan-Nurpeisova@rambler.ru






В статье рассматривается методика выделения систем трещин по данным натурных наблюдений с применением ГИС-технологии на основе использования базы данных геолого-маркшейдерских информаций.


Methods of the separation of the systems of the rifts is considered In article as of натурных of the observations with using GIS-technologies on base of the use database геолого-маркшейдерских information.



The Methods of the measurement трещиноватости mountain sorts are reduced basically to direct measurements in denuding on surfaces, escarpment in quarry, on wall шурфов and mountain productions, observations on кернам of the geological bore holes. On opened development under it is enough big area of the denuding the mountain sorts the most efficient method direct measurements (the mass замеров) by means of mountain compass or фототеодолитом. Big amount of the measurements is accumulated At study трещиноватости. Processing and generalization of these measurements produce with use circular, square-wave diagrams and стереограмм трещиноватости, on the grounds of which build the structured cuts and cards трещиноватости. The Square-wave diagrams allow to quantify the systems of the rifts on each замерной of the stations, on quarry as a whole, prevalence that or other systems of the rifts, elements their залегания , 211-214.


The System of the rifts is accepted name the ensemble of the rifts, located approximately parallel for a certain axis. We shall Elaborate the volume of the broughted notion for formalized description in coordinate system azimuth простирания - a corner of the fall. From determination follows, first that system of the rifts consists of separate rifts, spatial position which is uniquely defined two parameters by azimuth простирания and углом of the fall. In coordinate system azimuth простирания and corner of the fall are displayed in the manner of points and hereinafter their shall name the observations. Secondly, system of the rifts has an axis, spatial position which is also described two parameters - an azimuth her(its) простирания (А) and углом of the fall (δ ). Since axis of the system of the rifts is displayed in the manner of points, shall name her(its) hereinafter system centre of the rifts. V-tretiih, all rifts, being included in systems of the rifts, must be approximately parallel her(its) axis that is to say difference between importances parameter centre and observations must not exceed certain value, within which they can be considered parallel. Now with provision for brought revision shall formulate the profound statement of the problem of the separation of the system of the rifts as of натурных of the observations

Statement of the problem. On base got in process of the field observations given necessary to select the systems of the rifts according to the following критериям:

" deflection of the position of the separate observations from system centre of the rifts must not exceed certain given value (the condition параллельности);

" amount of the observations, united in system, must be not certain critical value less, providing validity got result (the condition to representativenesses).

Mathematical statement of the problem. For mathematical statement of the problem of the separation of the system of the rifts as of field observations we shall enter the following indications:

The Attitude between object analysed ensemble (the point of the observations) Z is defined by square-wave diagram трещиноватости (HOY). On axis are OH postponed importances of the azimuth простирания (A), on Oy - a corner of the slopping ( ), but position watchpoint can be is uniquely presented regular discrete function of the following type:


                                 Z= f(h,y,t),                                                                   (1)


where h, beside - current importances of the azimuth простирания and corner of the slopping of the point on-блюдения Z; t - an amount of the rifts, fixed in given watchpoint that is to say factor to value (density).

Hereinafter this parameter for brevity shall name value of the point nablyudeniya. t reflects the actual amount a trace rifts with importances of the azimuth простирания, equal h and corner of the slopping beside, which were fixed in the course of field observations.

On modern stage of the development of the research progress, due to broad introduction in practical person of the computing machinery, decision on a matter of the processing result mass замеров element залегания rifts, left on qualitative level. The Designed methods of the automatic building of the square-wave diagram of the rifts, block -a scheme which is brought on drawing 1.



































Drawing 1- Block - a scheme of the algorithm of the automatic methods of the building of the diagram трещиноватости