Engineering sciences/12. Automated control systems in manufacturing process

Ph. D. Borovska T. N.

Vinnitca National Technical University, Ukraine

Constructing of innovative development models

Introduction. Innovative development is proved to be the necessary condition of survival for production systems of any scale. It is known that since 80s, Japan has spent on innovations and scientific research fractions of percent more than the USA. By the year 2000 the USA had abandoned the own production of some types of electronic equipment, the share of Japanese cars had drastically grown on the markets of the USA. Today effective innovative strategy is carried out by the organizations of India and China. Quite natural practical problem regarding optimal distribution of resources of production facilities between proper production and innovative developments arises.

Formulation of the problem, dealing with the elaboration of innovative development models. The purpose of the given research is to elaborate the extended mathematical model of the production system taking into account the development of innovations, creation on their basis of new products and means of production, manufacturing of the constantly renovated industrial products on systematically updated production capacities. Classic approach to the construction of innovative development model – from statistics, experiments, approximations - is unproductive or impractical for the production systems. At the initial stages innovation does not have any statistics. G. Forrester offered and realized in simulation models of an enterprise and city another method of construction of the model of a large system – from credibly revealed regularities of functioning and development of large systems. Statistics is applied at the stages of verification of the model.

Ways of problem solution. In sufficiently large production systems usually there are subdivisions, engaged in research and development of new products, technologies and equipment, subdivisions, engaged in modernization and creation of production capacities, and subdivisions, producing the finished goods. In the model of the first approximation we consider the production system, consisting of three subsystems: "innovations", "development", "production" [1, 2]. In the following approximation it is possible to examine the "incomplete" production systems, buying the equipment and technologies, consider the processes of innovations distribution, etc. We assume the existence in each subsystem of stochastic dependence "resources product", average of which is reduced meets to nonstrict monotonous and nonstrict positive limited dependence - generalized production function. Choice of basic model structure of the production system. In Fig. 1 the diagram of the production system is presented taking into account its development.

Fig. 1. Diagram of the production system

Basic model of generalized production function. In the first approximation we consider the set states of models of functional subsystems - innovations, development, production. In Fig. 2 an «informative block» – working mathematical model and results is presented. In the debugged model it is simple to enter inertia, delay, effects of utilization and saturation of necessities. The specific feature of manufacturing of «product» in these subsystems is different, however, general «mechanisms» and properties allow to build basic parametric model, which can be adjusted on the specific feature of subsystems of «innovation», «development», «production». Basic model is realized in the environment of mathematical package

Operators of parametrical connections in the system of "innovation, development, production". The most difficult for formalization element of three -level production system is connections between subsystems (Fig. 1).

Fig. 2. Basic model of generalized production function

To be more precise, it is transformation of the output of the previous subsystem in the changes of production function ( PF) of the following subsystem. For example, the subsystem «development», having spent dY resources, modified the subsystem «production», that led (Fig. 3):

- to the increase of production capacity A by dA;

- to the increase of «steepness» of production function a by the value da;

- to the decrease of threshold (permanent) expenses s, by ds.

We will consider the scenarios of realization of the changes of "production" subsystem: - scenario 1: simple expansion of production - machine-tools, reactors, workplaces operate in parallel; - scenario 2: reduction of production expenses - variable and constant without a change of production capacities.

Fig. 3. Changes of production function of the developing system

We will consider more suitable for formalization scenario of small continuous changes. The statement of generalized PF change can be presented in the form:

where ,  are the states of PF,  are increments of PF,  is an operator. Complex nonlinear connections of nonlinear systems caused the necessity of creation of stand for research and better understanding of the essence of innovative development. Part of stand is presented in Fig. 4.

Generalization of the results. The problem is solved – basic working model of innovative development of the production system is constructed. The next stage is to construct on the base of verisimilar and operational concept a working tool. We will consider the alternative variants of the programmatic module «chain»:

- is a function which takes the functions of innovations, development, production, total resource and returns the volume of output of end products and new functions of development and production;

- is a function which takes the parameters of functions of innovations, development, production, total resource and returns the output of end products and new values of PF parameters. Exactly this function is used in the example in Fig. 4. On the base of these functions it is possible to realize: optimum equivalent production function of the system "innovation, development, production", which takes the structure of vRs, consisting of the interval of the system resource change, its initial distribution; matrix of parameters of production functions of subsystems Mpse and a number of steps K, and returns dependence of end products output of the system on the total expenses on condition of optimization of resource distribution between subsystems.

Fig. 4. Stand for the analysis of the system «innovation, development, production»

On the base of function Op3 of the three-level system it is possible to put forward and solve variational problem of optimal development during certain planned period. Another direction of function Op3 application: it is possible to obtain the influence functions of subsystems «innovation», «development» on the production.


1. Áîðîâñüêà Ò. Ì. Ìåòîä îïòèìàëüíîãî àãðåãóâàííÿ â îïòèì³çàö³éíèõ çàäà÷àõ: ìîíîãðàô³ÿ / Ò. Ì. Áîðîâñüêà, ².Ñ. Êîëåñíèê, Â.À. Ñåâåð³ëîâ. – ³ííèöÿ: ÓͲÂÅÐÑÓÌ-³ííèöÿ, 2009. – 229 ñ. – ISBN 978-966-641-285-3.

2. Ìîäåëþâàííÿ ³ îïòèì³çàö³ÿ ïðîöåñ³â ðîçâèòêó âèðîáíè÷èõ ñèñòåì ç óðàõóâàííÿì âèêîðèñòàííÿ çîâí³øí³õ ðåñóðñ³â òà åôåêò³â îñâîºííÿ: ìîíîãðàô³ÿ / [Áîðîâñüêà Ò.Ì., Áàäüîðà Ñ.Ï., Ñåâåð³ëîâ Â.À., Ñåâåð³ëîâ Ï.Â.]; çà çàã. ðåä. Ò.Ì. Áîðîâñüêî¿. – ³ííèöÿ: ÂÍÒÓ, 2009. – 255 ñ. – ISBN 978-966-641-312-6.