E.R. Aliev, PhD of Medicine

Crimea Republic Health Inspection Service

Laboratory control under the environment while the liquidation of Dzhankoy district «Raiagrohim» JSC of chemical storage fire


According to the data of last stocktaking in September 2008 in Autonomous Republic of Crimea there are 1059, 5 tons of unusable agrichemicals and pesticides in 95 chemical storages, among them 120, 034 tons of A group agrichemicals (forbidden) and 652, 168 tons of C group agrichemicals (unknown). According to storage place stocktaking act of Dzhankoy district of 03.09.2009 there are 408,620 tons of unusable pesticides in 2 storages of «Raiagrohim» JSC, among them 134, 143 tons of A group agrichemicals (forbidden), 53, 0 tons of B group agrichemicals (unusable) and 221, 477 tons of C group agrichemicals (unknown).

Pesticides were stored in plastic barrels and polyethylene bags. They were repacked according to Danish-Ukrainian project.

The Republic Health Inspection Service developed the plan of sanitary-hygienic measures in the case of fire of pesticides and agrichemicals storage, operational plan of sanitary-hygienic measures in case of mud flood and storage wreckage.

Tender on the repackage and removal of pesticides and agrichemicals in Poland has been won by the government company «National Centre of dangerous wastes treatment». The repackage of pesticides in plastic barrels and preparations for their delivery for utilization were performed by Ministry of Emergency Situations’ Headquarters, which has the license for pesticides repackage.

As of 16th October 2009 800 barrels of repacked pesticides were prepared for transportation and stored under shelter.

17th of October 2009 at 6:00 a.m. on the «Otradnaya» station of Dzhankoy district the chemical storage of «Raiagrohim» JSC with unknown pesticides burst into flame. The fire was localized on 17.10.09 at 11:30 a.m. During the fire smoke clouds moved at the side of Otradnaya station, Jarkoe Polje, Timirjazevo and Veseloe villages. According to data of hydrometeorological station the wind vector was northwest.

The Republic Health Inspection Service together with Nature Republic Department of Crimea made a protocol of agreement about environment monitoring in case of chemical storage fire after the scene of the fire inspection. The protocol included daily cooperative air, ground, water and crop products samples collections in Otradnaya station, Jarkoe Polje, Timirjazevo and Veseloe villages, which are placed at the distance of 1,5-3 km from chemical storages during 5 days after the moment of fire liquidation.

During the fire of the chemical storage with unknown pesticides was performed qualitative analysis of air in inhabited localities placed over the wind vector with the forces of Ministry of Emergency Situations’ Headquarters in Crimea. During the analyze organochlorine substances have been found. District Health Inspection Service collected air samples in Otradnaya station and Jarkoe Polje village for heptachlor and DDE. The air, ground, water and crop products samples were collected by Health Inspection Service according with ¹ 2051-79 unified rules of collection for measurement of pesticides residual level.

The investigations of air, ground, water and crop products samples were performed on in Nature Republic Department of Crimea laboratory with help of  chromato-mass-spectrometer and in the Republic Health Inspection Service on «Chrystall-2000» gas-liquid chromatograph. Air investigations were performed in the Republic Health Inspection Service laboratory.

The investigations were performed for determination of DDT, DDD, DDE, HCH and heptachlor level in ground samples taken at the distance of 1,5 km from chemical storage in Timirjazevo village and Otradnaya station and at the distance of 3 km in Jarkoe Polje village, Molodeznaya str. 2 and in Veseloe village, Novaya str. 15. As of 17.10.09 analyzes data of Jarkoe Polje village, Molodeznaya str. 2, showed the increase of DDT isomers level in 8 times more than MAC. 

The investigations of water samples from Pobednaya river and in pond of Novostepnoye village were performed for measurement of atrazine, heptachlor, HCH, DDE, DDT, prometrin, propazin and simazine level. As of 17.10.09 analyzes data the level of pesticides is lower than sensitivity level of analyze method.

The investigation of air samples taken in Otradnaya station and  Jarkoe Polje village, Molodeznaya str. 2 showed the increase of heptachlor level in 3,5 times more than MAC in Otradnaya station and in 6 times more in Jarkoe Polje village.

The level of DDT and its metabolites in crop products (tomato, sweet pepper, beet) picked on 18th of October 2009 in Jarkoe Polje village was lower than sensitivity level of analyze method.

After the second laboratory analyzes of air and ground samples taken on 22.10.09 the level of DDT in ground samples was only 0,15 mg/kg (MAC = 0,1 mg/kg) and the level of heptachlor in air was lower than MAC (0,001 mg/m3).

The citizens of Otradnaya station, Jarkoe Polje, Timirjazevo and Veseloe villages had no complains of their health impairments.


1. The fire of forbidden, unusable and unknown pesticide on the storage ¹2 of «Raiagrohim» JSC didn’t cause open water and crops pollution.

2. The level of heptachlor in air was in 3,5 in 3,5 times more than MAC in Otradnaya station and in 6 times more in Jarkoe Polje village. As the result of pesticides dissipation the level of heptachlor in air as of 22.10.09 decreased to 0,001 mg/m3 (MAC level).

3. The level of DDT in ground of Jarkoe village was 0,15 mg/kg as of 22.10.09 analyzes, MAC level is 0,1 mg/kg. The decrease of pesticides level was because of its migration in deep ground layers after the rain.

4.   The blowout in case of chemical storage fire may lead to environment pollution.