Candidate of economical science, senior lecturer Nikiforova L.O., Vitruk J. O.

Vinnitsa National Technical University, Ukraine


Sooner or later every enterprise comes to a conclusion that the staff is its main resource [1]. In modern competitive environment it is not easy to differ cardinally from competitors because all resources are almost equally available at the market. That’s why in the last decade the tendency of means investments in the development of personal staff has been developed actively. Today highly motivated staff is one of the most important factors which influence the development of an enterprise. The success of an enterprise at the market, the quality of produced goods and services and the level of its recognition among the other enterprises depend on the staff. No wonder that weak staff motivation takes the third place in the list of reasons which prevent business increase [2].

Motivation has strong positive potential and allows to use all kinds of material resources more economically and effectively. Due to effectively directed motivation better effectively directed motivation better effectiveness of quantitative indices of a firm, better quality of produced goods and services, the reduction of expenditure and rational use of manpower are provided.

There are many definitions of motivation in modern literature. First of all this is entailed with the interpretation of the definition in different motivative conceptions [3]. As the key elements of the development of an enterprise we should consider motivation as the whole complex of methods which are based on the interests and needs of both workers and leaders. Personal interest of company’s leaders consists in the coordination of workers’ job so that they could work more effectively for the enterprise. In the other hand the interest of workers is in getting as much reward as they can, doing an interesting job and having the chance of career growth. Socio-psychological climate in a group shouldn’t be forgotten. Every employee will work more effectively and do his job with pleasure in a team where mutual aid and positive mood are predominated [4].

The history of origin of the first motivative stimulus that made people work better for their masters goes back to the ancient times when the main stimulus was fear. But time has changed and fear is not the main stimulus for workers’ productive labour any more. The new more perfect theories have come to replace «the theory of fear» [3].

Motivation is the source of a person’s working activity and their needs are the source of motivation itself. Providing the system of raising the productivity of labour thoughtlessly we may have many problems the main of which is the application of economical stimulus only. If a manager is guided only by this kind of stimulus it won’t promote the support of activity in the proper way. Economical stimulus can be effective for raising the productivity of labour but not for a long period of time. A manager will also face the problem of workers’ overloading: trying to do a job more intensive he will increase the working time and as a result the workers will do their job with the feeling of constant tiredness and chronic weariness. In this case the leader’s main task is to find the best correlation between working time and free time, work and rest, fulfilled job and its reward. We should also remember about the content of work. Every employee will work better doing an interesting job, having the possibility of career growth and feeling the self-esteem. «The best job is a hobby that is very well paid» as the american saying goes [2].

There are many methods of motivation that conventionally may be divided into economical methods such as wages, rewards, prizes, financial incentives, pecuniary aid or sharing the company’s profits and non-economical methods such as respect, initiative support, encouragement, merits acknowledgment, providing positive socio-psychological climate and so on [3,4]. In our opinion, modern motivation methods of leading companies are worth notice. They are used in such successful firms as Microsoft (America) [6], Eksmo (Russia) [2], Scania (Sweden), [2], Samsung (South Korea) [5] and other. Many years ago huge transnational enterprises realized the importance of proper correlation of economical and non-economical factors of motivation. Every enterprise has a department that works with the staff. [1]. Nowadays at these enterprises there are some individually developed algorithms that concert the staff and the work with it in general. Manpower managers only control their realization and it is possible due to considerate methods of approach to the organization of staff motivation.

So, an enterprise’s staff plays the main role in providing its effective work. Effective motivation encourages an employee to achieve his goals. As far as the workers’ goals are different the main task of an employer or a manager is to apply the motivative factors which will allow to create a situation where the goals of an enterprise are identified with the goals of a person. As a result the synergetic effect is appeared and this lead to the success of a worker and promotes to achieve the effective indices of an enterprise’s development.

1.        Nikiforova L.O. Staff as the main resource of a modern enterprise / Nikiforova L.O., Ilkova D. The materials for the international scientific an practical conference «The analysis of modern economical processes and informational technology» (24-25 November 2011, Donetsk)­ –Dnipropetrovsk: NSU named after O. Gonchar – 2011.

2.        Volotka O.A. Motivation management as a necessary condition of economical growth [Electronic resource] / Volotka O.A., Dykan’ N.V. – Mode of access:

3.        Moroz O.V. Socio-psychological factors of workers’ motivation at instrument-making industry: monograph / Moroz O.V.,  Nikiforova L.O., Shyyan A.A. – Vinnitsa: VNTU, 2011­ – S. 275.

4.        Nikiforova L.O. The use of non-material methods in staff motivation / Nikiforova L.O., Melnyk O.V. // The material for the international scientific and practical conference «The quality of economical growth: global and local aspects» (24-25 May, 2012 Kyiv)­­­ – Dnipropetrovsk: Bila K.O. – S. 38-40.

5.        The secrets of success of Bill Gates [Electronic resource] / Mode of access: – Name of the screen.

6.        Corporation Samsung [Electronic resource] / Mode of access: – Name of the screen.