Modern Techniques of Wear Debris Analysis



Ing. Stanislav Machalík[1]



Abstract: Lubricants used in mechanical parts must accomplish contradictory requirements on their function in many cases and, at the same time, they must often work in extreme conditions with longer service life. Increasing the reliability and economy of machine use is closely connected to monitoring the condition and state of technical parts of used lubricant with the purpose of diagnostics. Computer image analysis of wear particles is a useful supporting tool for detail analysis of oil samples. Presently, laboratory methods of analysing the individual elements under a microscope are used most frequently. Modern methods, including machine learning, provide possibilities of automatization of wear debris analysis.

The goal of this paper is to outline the possibilities of improvement in image analysis with the help of automatic evaluation of wear particles by using modern methods of artificial intelligence.


Keywords: image analysis, wear debris analysis, machine learning methods, analytical ferrography



1   Introduction

Constant progress of production and development of engines results also in the growth of requirements on increasing the power of aggregates on one hand and on decreasing of their size and weight, which leads to increasing of their mechanical stress, on the other hand. These requirements influence not only the properties of materials used at production, but also the properties of lubricants that play a more important role from the functionality point of view. The most frequent reason of failure is insufficient lubrication of exposed parts.

The goal of this paper is to present the possibilities of computer image analysis of particles that are extracted from lubricants taken from a lubrication system. By evaluation of results of analysis, it is possible to find suitable intervals for oil exchange, to specify dominant wear mechanisms, to identify catastrophic particles and to predict the beginning of critical wear leading to a damage. Wear particles are characterized by their shape and size.

The most frequent techniques of identification and correct diagnosis of wear debris elements is, apart from the laboratory approach of identifying individual elements using a microscope, the usage of neural networks or other methods of artificial intelligence that are used in an element classifier employing expert systems which “learn” how to recognize individual elements based on their morphological parameters or image patterns.


2   Acquisition and preparation of oil samples for analysis

In areas related to evaluation of operational materials and constructive materials used in transport, it is possible to use the analysis of images acquired from systems consisting of a microscope and a digital camera very effectively.

Among methods that are used most often for obtaining high-quality bases (most often it is an image of lubricants with scattered wear particles), analytical ferrography is used most extensively. From the quality point of view, the results of the analysis depend on adhering to specific procedures of oil sample extraction. The sample must be taken always from the same place, always during the same system mode, before filtering, at the time of dynamic balance. If there is any delay between taking the sample and separating the particles, it is necessary to warm the sample up, to homogenize it and to dilute the sample in order to acquire required viscosity, at which wear particles are spread all over the area of the ferrograph. Further description of the technology leading to the acquisition of applicable input data (images of wear particles) is out of range of this paper. If the procedure is correct, the ferrogram consists of particles extracted from lubricants spread according to their size as a result of an inhomogeneous magnetic field being in effect. The ferrogram is traditionally examined with a microscope, one of its important parts being a video camera or a high-quality digital camera that allows scanning images of the ferrogram with wear particles. These images are examined by computer image analysis.

Presently, methods leading to the identification of wear debris are being discovered. One of the most important features of these methods is the independence on the skills of staff; they are automated as much as possible.


2.1   Possibilities of data (wear particles) collection for classification

It is possible to use several tools for collecting the wear particles which will be examined by image analysis presently. They depend on the type of information that is the goal of the analysis. One of the simplest methods is using an optical particle counter that measures the quantity of light passing through the oil sample.

Most of the contemporary systems used in tribodiagnostics for wear particle analysis are based on the usage of neural networks that create a tree of rules for decision making from morphological parameters of particles. As a result, an identification of particles takes place without the necessity of human operation. Presently, the state-of-the-art system for wear particle classification is the laser particle counter, which is based on the usage of neural networks for “teaching” the system.

2.1.1   Ferrography

Ferrography is a tribodiagnostic method based on separation of heterogeneous particles included in oil filling of lubrication systems from the oil itself. It is based on sedimentation of particles on a special bottom (film, glass board) during the flow of the oil sample through a strong inhomogeneous magnetic field.


2.1.2   Optical particle counter

Optical particle counter uses a special method of particle counting based on the analysis of the light that is blocked by the particle. Each particle blocks the quantity of light corresponding to its size. Based on the parameters of the ray of light passing through the oil sample, an electrical signal is generated by the detector. Changes of electrical signal are compared to a calibration table, according to which the results (the count of particles and their size) are acquired.


2.1.3   Laser particle counter

Laser particle counter (LNF, Laser Net Fines) uses a special laser technology and advanced software based on neural networks for the analysis and particle identification. After extracting the oil sample from lubrication system, the LNF gets an oil sample using an automatic pump with the flow cell which is lighted with a pulse laser diode that allows to obtain an image documentation. The image is continuously scanned with a video camera with magnifying optics. Photographs are subsequently examined with an application program using a special neural network that is able to recognize specific types of wear particles.

3   Modern methods of image analysis in tribodiagnostics

Most of the contemporary procedures used for wear particle analysis rely on the skills of the operator. The influence of the human factor is indispensable, not mentioning the time-consuming “manually operated” particle analysis. Modern trends head for an automatic evaluation of wear particles contained in the image based on parameters of particles themselves.

Presently, one of the ways of possible development of automatic image analysis is the usage of methods of applied artificial intelligence. Methods of machine learning that allow searching the context hidden at the first sight also in very complicated data having binary, visual or also numerical form seem to be prospective. Machine learning methods are based on controlled or uncontrolled learning from training data patterns using an adequate algorithm.

Among the methods of machine learning that could simplify the process of particle classification in tribodiagnostics significantly, neural networks seem to be the most perspective; they are described further. There are also other suitable methods worth mentioning but their introduction is not a part of this paper:

·      Cluster Analysis,

·      Principal Components Analysis (PCA),

·      Support Vector Machines (SVM),

·      Boosting and Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost).


3.1   Neural networks

Neural networks are used as a base in most applications and tools that are used for an automatic evaluation of the wear debris (particles) classification. The state-of-the-art-tool – laser particle counter – is based on the principle of neural networks, too.

Neural networks are beneficial for general diagnostics especially because of the fact that many parameters can be followed in real time. The first presumption of successful system development based on neural networks is the selection of suitable parameters (in case of wear particles, these may be e.g. shape factors), analysis of mutual relation of particles and wear type, influence of parameter changes on type and range of wear and evaluation of usability of these parameters for the next analysis. As the second step, the analysis of possible states that can occur in the monitored device and a reasonable classification of these states for the needs of the neural network is carried out. Together with this analysis, the basic selection of a suitable type, topology and the total arrangement of the neural network should be made. The next step of working with the neural network is teaching the net using the set of measured data acquired during the parameter analysis. Changes in topology and characteristics of neural networks may occur as late as during the teaching. At the end of this process, the system (neural network) should be able to classify the wear particles based on the acquired knowledge of the particle parameters.

4   Conclusion

In the area of wear particle image analysis, a fast development focused on several areas is taking place presently. One of the most significant goals is to create a system which would be able to perform the automatic wear particle classification without the human factor influence (and without related inaccuracies). The advantage of this solution is the fact that the data acquired through the image analysis offer not only the diagnostic information, but also the predictive information, i.e. they allow to foresee the situations of damage so that they can be dealt with even before they happen.

Modern methods of image analysis application in the area of tribodiagnostics help to acquire information not only about basic characteristics of evaluated ferrograms or single particles, but also lots of other data that would be very complicated or almost impossible to obtain using common procedures. This information can contribute to fundamental expansion of the knowledge about systems which the oil samples were extracted from. Some particular applications of machine learning methods seem to be very perspective.

[1] University of Pardubice, Jan Perner Transport Faculty, Department of Informatics in Transport, Studentská 95, 532 10  Pardubice, Czech Republic, tel.: (+420) 466 036 181, e-mail: