Lavrinenko O.V., Candidate of Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer, Donetsk Legal Institute of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs of E.A. Didorenko


Whether There is a Hierarchy of Branch Principles? (To a Question on System Realisation of Principles of the Labour Law)


Results spent by the author of the present publication of scientific researches give the basis for following conclusions, including is constructive-critical character, and theoretical generalisations. The phenomenon of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations began to be developed actually from the moment of formation of the labour law as independent branch [1], and also, by means of instructions on unity of the labour law, has been carried at first number to system of branch principles of the labour law other patriarch of the Soviet labour law I.S. Vojtinskim in 30th of the last century [2, p. 62-120; 3, p. 412-414], then – in 80th – such approach has been supported and has received further, quite – logical, development at thesis for a doctor’s degree level about principles of the labour law and O.V. Smirnova’s corresponding monography [4, p. 114-120] and, in our opinion, today already became traditional and an integral part both «body», and system of the basic criteria determining an autonomy of branch of the labour law [5, p. 73-99; 6, p. 371-395; 7, p. 213-248; 8].

In the modern doctrine, for example, P.D. Pylypenko, considers the given principle as «one of the oldest principles of the labour law» [9, p. 66], about «a unity and differentiation principle» [10, p. 24], and also the mechanism, spheres and means of its realisation V.S. Venediktov reflects also [11, p. 73, 74, 80]. The expediency of legislative fastening of a principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of work in the new Labour Сode of Ukraine is proved in the literature [12, p. 17, 47; 13, p. 8-9; 14, p. 157-160]. Accepting stated in attention, and also giving due to originality and novelty of the approach, it is not seen persuasiveness in D.J. Gladkih’s position regarding negation of presence of the branch status at a principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations. This author, in particular, writes, that «…for each branch of the law the unity and differentiation and their combination have the features... It would be incorrect to consider unity and differentiation as a principle and consequently, that in a similar situation other principles followed apply taking into account data. Thus, there is the «main» principle which is above «others». Such state of affairs… conflicts to existing system of legal principles: between interbranch and branch principles there is one more link. Principles, being shown in regulation of those or other relations, are observed taking into account other principles applied to a concrete situation. Considering... the offer to allocate principles in separate institute of the General part of the Russian labour law, I suggest to define unity and differentiation as quality (property) of branch of the labour law and, at the same time, considering a structural role of principles, – principles of the labour law. Specificity of unity and differentiation of the labour law consists in plurality of the bases and in variety of forms of display. Principles of the labour law, being uniform, at the same time are differently shown with reference to various situations» [15, p. 117-118].

In our opinion, realisation of all system of branch principles of the labour law including combinations of unity and differentiation of legal regulation, system interaction objectively assumes, acceptances in attention of existing forms and directions, spheres and mechanisms of realisation separate labour-legal principles, but it, in our opinion, does not mean, that there is a hierarchy of branch principles at which top there is a principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of working conditions. Correlation, coordination in such system of principles is available, but not a subordination as about that, it is not clear on the basis of what, writes D.J. Gladkih. Moreover, in our opinion, in explications of the author are inconsistent: the dominating role of a principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation concerning other branch principles, and, eventually, is initially denied the author proves that is predicative denied, as suggests «…to allocate principles in separate institute of the General part… the labour law, to define unity and differentiation as quality (property) as branches of the labour law and, at the same time, considering a structural role of principles, – principles of the labour law» [15, p. 118]. Leaves, that specified «quality (property)» branches of the labour law as a matter of fact and gets the status there is nobody «metaprinciple», there is nobody a principle which is above principles which universally determines «the bases and variety of forms of display» all other branch labour-legal principles!?. D.J. Gladkih’s such conclusion is represented inconsistent regarding the argument and properly not proved that is why by us it is not divided.




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