УДК 530.18 (УДК 530.10(075.4))



S. N. Yalovenko


Black limit. Theory of relativity. New view





     Works on the given subjects were published in the book «the relativity Theory a new sight» Х: Publishing house "Fort" of 2004, and also in the Bulletin of National technical university "ХПИ" thematic release «New decisions in modern technologies» Kharkov 43 for 2008 of p. 144 S.N.Jalovenko «the Black limit. Часть1. The relativity theory. A new sight», the book «the Black limit was published. The relativity theory: a new sight» ТОВ publishing house "Fort" 2009г. ISBN 978-966-8599-51-4




Extension of Lorentz transformations



Let us examine two inertial reference systems К and К’ (Кmove relative to К with velocity v). We shall direct the coordinate axes, how it is shown in figure 1.



To any event in system К correspond values of coordinates and time, equal to x, y, z, t, and in system К’ — x’, y’, z’, t’. It was considered in classical physics, that time in both systems flows the same way, that is t = t’. If at the moment t = t’ = 0 the origins of coordinates of both systems coincided, then there are following correlations between the coordinates of events in both systems:




                                                   z=z                                                (1)


q=q  or 


In equation (1) extension by q was introduced. Let us name this equation Galileos extended transformation. Law of addition of velocities of classical mechanics:




It is easy to see, that this law is in contradiction to the principle of constancy of the velocity of light. Really, if a light signal spreads in system К' with velocity с (и'х = с), then according to (2) the velocity of a signal will be found to equal ux=c+v in system К, that is it will surpass C. Hence it follows, that Galileo’s transformations must be substituted with other formulas. It is not difficult to find these formulas.

It follows from the uniformity of space, that the formulas of a transformation must not change, when the origin of coordinates is carried over (that is, when х is changed to х + а and so on). Only linear transformations can satisfy this condition. With the choice of coordinate axes, indicated in fig.1, plane у = 0 coincides with plane у' = 0, and plane z = 0 — with plane z' = 0. Hence follows, that, for example, coordinates у and у' can be connected only with correlation of such view:




Because of full equality of systems К and К' the following correlation must be observed too:



with the same value of , as in the first case. Multiplying both correlations, we shall receive , whence . Sign plus corresponds to equally directed axes у and у', sign minus — to axes, directed in opposite directions. Directing the axes in equal directions; we shall receive:


y=y                                         (3)


Such speculations bring us to formula:


z=z                            (4)


Let us turn to finding transformations for х and t. The origin of coordinates of system К has coordinate х = 0 in system К, and х' = —vt' in system К'. Therefore, when х' + vt' is converted into zero, coordinate х must be converted into zero too. For this linear transformation must have the following view:




Analogously, the origin of coordinates of system К' has coordinate х' = 0 in system К' and х = vt in system К, whence it follows, that



It follows from the full equality of systems К and К', that the coefficient of proportionality in both cases must be the same (the different signs at v in these formulas is conditioned by the opposite directions of movement of the systems relative to each otherif system К' is moving relative to К to the right, then system К is moving relative to К' to the left).

Formula (5) allows to determine coordinate х of an event in system K by the known coordinates х' and time t' of an event in system К'. In order to find a formula for determination of time t of the event in system К, we shall exclude х of equations (5) and (6) and we shall solve the expression, which we have received, relative to t. As a result we shall receive:




In order to find coefficient of proportionality  , we shall use the principle of constancy of velocity of light. Let us presume, that at the moment of time t = t'= 0 (in both systems time is counted from the moment, when their origins of coordinates coincide) an impulse is sent in the direction of axis х. Namely at this place of speculations we introduce extension, imagining light not as a wave, but as particle, possessing an impulse and mass — virtual, but subject to gravitational influence, like any material particle with mass , where mass is found from equations of energy as




And the energy, which must be spent on overcoming of gravitation by this mass m”, equals


That is light flow can be imagined (in simplified form) as an exchange with balls with mass “m”.

So a light impulse produces a flash of light on a screen, which is in a point with coordinate х=а. This event (the flash) is described with coordinates х = а, t = b in system К и х' =а', t’ =b' in system К', а = сb, а' = сb', so the coordinates of an event in both systems can be presented in the form:


x=cb,    t=b    и   x’=cb’,      t’=b


Having put these values into formulas (5) and (6), we shall receive:


cb=(cb’+vb’)=(c+v)b                           (8)

cb’=(cb - vb)=(c – v)b                              .


Let us move from imagination of light as wave to imagination of light as a particle, possessing mass “m”. Let us introduce an extension for equation (8), imagining light as impulse mv (or mc) and we shall extend equation (8), rewriting it this way:


mcb=γ(cb’+vb’)m’=γ(c+v)bm                                     (8.1)

mcb’=γ(cbvb)m’=γ(cv)bm                                           .


Having multiplied both equations, we shall come to the correlation





=                    (9)


Where  is Lorentz coefficient,  is the coefficient of interaction,  is energy, which a quantum of light needs for overcoming of gravitational forces. If , then , and equation (9) acquires Lorentz view, where  = L(V).

Substitution of this value into (5) and (7) will give final formulas for х and t. Adding formulas (3) and (4) to them, we shall receive the aggregate of equations;




                                                                        y=y’,                                          (10)




By formulas (10) passage from the coordinates and time, counted in system К', to the coordinates and time in system К (briefly, passage from system К' to system К) is realized. If we solve equations (10) relative to the hatched values, we shall receive formulas of transformation for passage from system К to system K':




                                                                        y’=y,                                             (11)





As we should have expected, taking into consideration full equality of systems К and К', formulas (11) differ from formulas (10) only with the sign at v. Formulas (10) and (11) bear the name of extended Lorentz transformations with consideration of the coefficient of interaction K(V). It is easy to see, that in the case () transformations are converted into Lorentz transformations, and at   Lorentz transformations are converted into Galileo transformations (1). This way Galileo transformations keep significance for velocities, small in comparison to the light velocity. At v>c expressions (10) and (11) for х, t, х' and t' become imaginary. It is in correspondence to the fact, that movement with velocity, higher than the light velocity in vacuum, is impossible. We cannot even use a system of coordinates, moving with velocity с, as with v = с we receive zero in the denominators of formulas for х and t.

Lorentz transformations are the base of the relativity theory. Farther all the computations are analogous with substitution substitution of  to . Farther (in chapterThe theory of cold synthesis”) incompleteness of the theory and the necessity of introduction of a third extension of Galileo transformations (or a third negation ….   +,0, ?).





Consequences from the extentsion of Lorentz transformations.

A set of unusual, from the point of view of classical mechanics, consequences.


Simultaneity of events in different systems of coordinates.

Let two events happen in system К in points with coordinates  and х2  at the point of time tl = t2 = b. According to formulas (11) the following coordinates will correspond to these events in system К'




and moments of time




It can be seen from the written formulas, that in the case, if the events in system К happen in the same place of space (), then they will coincide in the place of space () and at the point of time () and in system К' too. But if the events in system К are spatially disunited (), then in system К' they will remain spatially disunited too (), but they will not be simultaneous (). Sign of difference  is determined by the sign of expression ; therefore in different systems К' (at different v) difference  will be different in value and may differ by the sign. It means, that in some systems event 1 will precede event 2, in other systems, the other way round, event 2 will precede event 1. Let us note, that the said information relates only to events, between which causal connection is absent.


Length of bodies in different systems.

Let us examine the rod, located along axis х and resting relative to the coordinate system К' (fig. 2).



Its length in this system equals where x\ and х'2 — coordinates of the ends of the rod, which do not change with time . Relative to system К the rod is moving with velocity v. In order to determine its length in this system we need to mark the coordinates of the ends of the rod and х2 at the same point of time = t2= b. Their difference will give the length of the rod, measured in system К. In order to find correlation between  and , we should take that formula of the formulas of the extended Lorentz transformations, which contains х', х and t, that is the first of the formulas (11). According to this formula,







or finally





This way we have received an extended Lorentz transformation for the length of the rod/

If a rod of length  rests relative to system К, then for determination of its length in system К' we need to mark the coordinates of ends and х'2 at the same point of time = t'2 = b. Difference  will give the length of the rod in system , relative to which it is moving with velocity v. Having used the first of equations (10), we shall come to correlation (12) again.

We shall remark, that in the direction of axes у and z the dimensions of the rod are the same in all the coordinate systems.

The length of events in various systems. Let an event, which lasts time , happens in a point, immobile relative to system К'. Coordinate  and moment of time , correspond to the beginning of the event in this system, and coordinate х'2 = а and moment of time  — to the end of the event. Relative to system К the point, in which the event is happening, is moving. According to formulas (10) in system  the following moments of time correspond to the beginning and the end of the event:







Having introduced designations , we shall receive




This way we have received extended Lorentz transformation for time.

In this formula  is the length of the event, measured by the clock of a system, moving with the same velocity, as the body, in which the process is happening (the body is resting in this system). Otherwise we can say, that  was determined by the clock, moving together with the body. Interval  was measured by the clock of a system, relative to which the body is moving with velocity v.

Time (as it will be shown lower) is directly connected with mass, therefore, using invariant, we shall write extended Lorentz transformation for mass:




Doppler effect.

Let us connect the beginning of coordinates of system К with the receiver of light, and the beginning of coordinates of system К' with the source (fig. 3).



As usually, we shall direct the axes of coordinates х and х' along the vector of velocity v, with which system К' (that is the source) is moving relative to system К, (that is the receiver). The equation of a flat light wave, emitted by the source in the direction to the receiver, will have such view in system К':




where  is the frequency of the wave, fixed in the reference system, connected with the source, that is the frequency, with which the source is oscillating. In order not to limit the generalities, we presume, that the initial phase  can be different from zero. We have provided all the values with strokes, except с, which is the same in all the reference systems.

According to the principle of relativity the laws of nature have the same view in all the inertial reference systems. Therefore in system К wave (15) is described with equation:




where  is the frequency, fixed in reference system К, that is the frequency, perceived by the receiver.

Equation of wave in system К can be received from equation (15), moving from х' and  to х and t with extended Lorentz transformations. Having substituted in (15) х' and t’ according to (11), we shall receive:




=                    (17)


It is seen from equation (17), that at  , and frequency  in system and in system of source  are connected as:



In the area of values     , and frequency  in system K’ and frequency  in system K of the source of light are connected as:




Other formulas are deduced in an analogous way.

Addition of speeds. We will consider movement of a material point. In system  point position is defined during each moment of time t by co-ordinates х,t, z. Expressions:




Represent projections to axes х,t, z a vector of speed of a point concerning system  К. In system K’ point position is characterized each moment of time in co-ordinates х ’, t ', z '.

Projections to axes х ’, t ', z ' a vector of speed of a point concerning system  K'  are defined by expressions:




From the formula (10) follows, that




Let's divide first three equalities into the fourth, we will receive formulas of transformation of speeds at transition from one system of readout to another:






In a case, when   that    and the equation (19) gets лоренцовский a kind, where   =L(V), when V<<C, parity (19) pass in formulas of addition of speeds of classical mechanics.


If the body moves in parallel an axis , its speed  concerning system , coincides from , and speed  concerning system  — with  . In this case the law of addition of speeds looks like:




On fig. 4 the behaviors of function is shown  , on fig. 5 behaviors of function 




From drawings it is visible, that at achievement    speed    the sign on opposite falls and changes, that means resistance to the further increase of speed in our representation for the account of increase in the linear size of a body.






Theory of relativity. New view.



Relativistic mechanics is based on two postulates, which bear the names “the principle of relativity of Einstein” and “the principle of constancy of the velocity of light”. In the base of the theory of relativity was laid a proposition, according to which no energy and no signal can propagate with a velocity, exceeding the velocity of light in vacuum, and the velocity of light in vacuum is constant and it does not depend on the direction of propagation.

In relativistic mechanics the velocity of light is limited with С — a constant instead of infinity and is absolutized, but at the same time other infinite (or infinitely small) values are introduced. The notion of infinity itself can be realized physically and must be understood only as dialectic periodicity — it puts the completeness of the theory under doubt and requires farther analysis of the processes, happening at velocities, comparable to the velocity of light С .

Let us examine movement of protons and electrons at velocities, which are close to the velocity of light.

It is known, that the force of mutual attraction of two masses is . The energy, which must be spent on overcoming of gravitation: . Equalizing the escape velocity V to the velocity of light С, we find  it is the radius of a black hole, the condition, at which light or another body can not leave the surface of the body, and  is the mass, which the object must possess for the same conditions.

When any body is moving with charge q, the body, having moved to a new place, must restore its field, that is bring it into correspondence to its new position in space. It is equivalent to propagation of an electromagnetic wave away from it, to which (to the wave) energy E(L) corresponds. In order to remove such a wave from a new place, a body with charge q must accomplish work against its gravitational forces. The energy, spent on this is , where "m” is found from equation , . When the velocity of a body with charge “q" is approaching the velocity of light, the energy, which must be spent on restoration of the field, will increase in direct proportion to mass М and in inverse proportion to R — radius (volume). Because a body is not always a sphere, in a general case the energy, spent on overcoming of the gravitational field is in direct proportion to the density of the body and in an ultimate case will be equal to the energy of a wave, necessary for its restoration. Let us write the equation of proportionality, which characterizes the degree of decrease of the energy of the restoring wave, when the velocity of the body V is approaching the velocity of light С.




As it is seen from the equation, the coefficient of proportionality or the coefficient of interaction will counteract the increase of mass of the body, when V is approaching С, that is now formula  must be rewritten with consideration of the counteraction as , where   is the coefficient of proportionality, received from the Lorentz transformations. With consideration of the presented above we shall introduce a correction into the Lorentz transformations, and we shall receive:







and also q(V) = qK(V), where the charge is relative to the velocity (density) of the inertial reference system. Expressions for the length and time are rewritten as: ; . When , the coefficient of interaction , and the expressions take the previous Lorentz view. It can be seen from the coefficient of interaction, that G — the gravitational constant, — is the characteristic     of the density of vacuum. The characteristics q(V) show, that when velocity V is approaching the velocity of light С (when the relative density of  is approaching to the critical density  — the density of a black hole), the charge of the body will decrease, as if getting bold, and there will be nothing to grab, in order to give additional energy to the body. Having done approximate calculations, knowing, that  is the density of the core; is the radius of the core; is the critical density of the matter, which collapsed, when it was compressed to the sphere of the radius of Schwarzshild , and having taken the derivative from M(V) = MK(V)L(V) and having equated it to zero, we shall find maximum  at  , which is far from the possible sphere of the experiment. Divergence from the theory of relativity appears in the spheres, inaccessible to the sphere of the experiment, as they receive  in modern accelerators, which differs significantly from , but which are possible at conduction of experiment in the spheres, studied by astrophysics.

When calculating for a charged particle with mass М, coefficient K(V) will equal:


.            (2)


In this formula an assumption was made, that (r) tends to zero in all the directions. It is not quite the same for velocities, close to the velocity of light, but it gives an idea about the tendencies of behaviour.

Let us find a more precise value of K(V) with consideration of the fact, that the sphere at V, tending to the velocity of light (С), will be approaching the shape of an ellipsoid, as it is shown in fig. 1. It can be seen, that



where  is a coefficient introduced for simplification; is the density. Then the force, acting onto the body at the distance  along the axis, is determined by the formula:



Where is the coefficient. Then the summed up force is:



Along the ring , where , and




Then along the cylinder at substitution the summed up force along the axis is:




Let us calculate the energy (Е), which must be spent on removal :



Here , where the density    and




Where . We shall rewrite the formula of the energy, which must be spent on removal along the axis , as:


At   the formula can be written as:




Having put  in, we receive:



Let us write the coefficient of proportionality for a spheroid:


 ,    (3)


Where  , and     and   ,


or                                                                               (4)

Let us build graphs for the mass of a charge, in order to view the processes more obviously (there will be analogous, but inverse functions for length and time). For better visibility we shall conduct transformation along the axis  , and along the axis Х we shall make the substitution , which will allow us to trace the function at   better:


At  function .                                                                                    (5)

Let us calculate , where . It can be seen, that coefficient    depends on the correlation . Now we calculate the correlation  for an electron.




For a proton the correlation  is




Where ; ; ; ; ;  (although logically  must be a constant).

In order to build the graph  for a proton we shall make the substitution , then the function is



because at n>>1 the value , then

.                                                                                                       (8)

The function of mass with consideration of the coefficient of interaction by equation (2) will look like this for a proton:








In fig. 2 are built classical graphs of the function , in fig. 3 — the same graph in logarithmic scale,


in fig. 4-7 are the same graphs in logarithmic scale with consideration of the interaction function K(V).

In fig. 8 is shown the graph of dependence of charge q on the velocity for the classical model, where charge q = const and it does not depend on the velocity of a body,



In fig. 9, 10 — the graphs of dependence of charge q on the velocity with consideration of the function of interaction K(V).


In fig. 11 is shown the graph of dependence for length  on the velocity (V) with consideration of the function of interaction (2) in logarithmic scale, in fig. 12,13 — generalizing graphs for mass (time) and length.

It is seen from graphs in fig. 5, that negative mass  (the stroked area) has formed, which corresponds to Thomson radiation in vacuum . For a medium the velocity of light in vacuum must be substituted with  the velocity of light in the medium and all the calculations in formulas (1)–(10) must be done for . We shall receive Thomson radiation for the medium, the frequency of which equals:


We generalize the received formulas:






It can be seen from the formulas, that, having limited the velocity of light, we have received infinite mass. Having introduced a limit for mass, having limited mass with a black hole, that is no body can overcome the mass of a black hole, which it is tending to: .

As a result we have received new infinite values for length    and the relativity of the charge of a body .

Let us put the question to ourselves: are there limitations for length? Probably, yeah, and these limitations are connected with the dimensions of our Universe, that is  is tending not to infinity, but at ( R ) — the radius of the Universe,  at least beginning from the moment of the big explosion. In this sense length and time are manifestations of single entity. Therefore, at the record


The third, lacking, expression, is under question and its influence on the ends of the graphs in fig. 10, 12 and 13 will be significant. Let us examine this influence in the following chapters. Presumably, this is a function of long–range action and it can be written as:




And the influence of the function of long–range action D(V) on the graphs in fig. 12 and fig. 13 are shown in fig. 14–22 in generalized view:




Where L(V) is a Lorentz transformation, K(V) is the coefficient of interaction, D(V) is the coefficient  of long–range action.





Experiments in a bathroom




Let us conduct experiments on water as the most close and accessible analogue of ether. Let us create a whirlpool. But how can we make the whirlpool move (if the mountain is not coming to Muhammad, then Muhammad is coming to the mountain)? We shall leave the whirlpool immobile and make the water mobile, and watch, what is happening (fig. 1):

We can notice, that radius R changes depending on velocity V proportionally to , where  is the maximal velocity, at which the whirlpool breaks away. It can be seen, that the angle of inclination behaves as inertial mass and puts up resistance too, which is proportional to , and which is well described with this formula at a certain sector, but at the approximation  this correlation is broken. Why? The lines of the whirlpool spread too, condensing in front and spreading from the rear (fig. 2), changing their angle of inclination because of the addition of the velocities  as vectors, which leads to increase of the resistance of the medium and transgresses the dependence. The closer  , the more the steepness is increasing and is described with a higher exponential function.

We shall denote the counteracting function  additionally by means of the viscosity function  , which will add the necessary power and compensate the divergence at .

We can conduct an experiment on annihilation of whirlpools, rotating in opposite directions, noting, that a whirlpool has a rotation momentum, and that certain conditions are necessary for sustention of stable whirlpools. Other whirlpools fall apart, and the speed of their collapse is in inverse proportion to  deviation of the rotation frequency form the resonance frequency, and it is in direct proportion to the prerotation force  . The stronger the whirlpool has been prerotated, the longer time  it lives, but the farther is its frequency from the resonance frequency (at the same prerotation force), the less time the whirlpool lives (much in common with the life of elementary particles, if we introduce certain rules). Then the total time of life of the whirlpool  is proportional to , where К is the coefficient of proportionality (for whirlpools, which are flowing out).

It is interesting to note, that, when the density of water is changing, an analogue of gravitation is created between objects. For example, two ships, going in opposite meeting directions, are attracted one to the other. But how can we create a stably sustained density? Perhaps, only by means of whirlpools. Experiments in superfluid media would present some interest because of absence of friction in them, unlike in water, but there is no possibility to conduct them. Although the main tendencies, and conformities to natural laws, can be watched on water too, presence of friction can distort the picture. Also we take away beforehand and take into consideration the Coriolis effect.

Farther we introduce the notion of krypton. Krypton is a discrete element of space, not ether. Ether is something going through us. If compared to ether, we are that very ether. Krypton is not a wave and it is not a particle, it is a discrete element of space. If we compare it to the water model, it is an analogue of a discrete molecule of water. We shall project the water model onto the model of space, conducting experiments in one model (water), and we shall project them onto the space (krypton) model, presuming their similarity (approximate, of course).

In fact, noting, that change of the density of water causes the effect of attraction, we shall project it onto the krypton model of space, presuming, that gravitation is consequence of change of the density of kryptons  in space (fig. 3).

Then we note, that with the change  of the density of water the sound propagation velocity  changes too, where  is the density function,  of air, and for water , then . That is, when the density of water is decreasing, the sound velocity in water will decrease and in the limit tend to zero  at .

Then, presuming, that atoms and other particles are whirlpools (the principle of superposition–composition is fulfilled for water). With consideration of the principle of superposition, having made a projection onto the space krypton model near big masses, we shall come to the conclusion, that the velocity of light must decrease , that is  is the function of density of a krypton.

Experiment 1. In fig. 4 are shown two similar tracks  , which light passes, but the first track passes near a big object of mass М, which curves the track of light.


The question arises:  ?                                                                       (1)


  ?                                                                           (2)

In the first case the velocity of light is constant, and in the second light has passed some section of the track, with the velocity  in vacuum, and therefore the velocity of light was changing because of changes of density       of the krypton model:



Experiment 2 (fig. 5). The task is the samean experiment on curving of the track of light near sun. If inequality (2) is received, then light has passed a section of track with. And then

  .                                                    (4)

Let us examine the whirlpool in movement from aside (fig. 6).

We can to notice the stroke billow in front and the reverse billow behind, which corresponds to the increase of density in front and the decrease of density behind. We can presume, that as much water has increased in front, as much has decreased behind. In fig. 7 an analogous vacuum krypton model of space is shown.

Let us examine these two whirlpools in movement, we shall send a signal between them.

In fig. 8 the whirlpools do not move and the time of passage of the signal is




In fig. 9 are shown moving whirlpools.

In fig. 10 is shown a simplified model, in which the exponents are substituted with direct lines (in this way it is easier to understand the essence). If we send a signal from one whirlpool to the other from point  to point , the track increases and the time






At this the time of passage will not change. The transition from system in fig. 8 to the system in fig. 10 is an analogue of Lorentz transformations.

For the krypton model (fig. 11), if we send a signal from one whirlpool to the other, then it will pass

the 1–st section with velocity, higher than the velocity of light ;

the 2–nd section with the velocity of light ;

It will pass the 3–rd section with velocity, lower than the velocity of light .

The total time will be the same, as for the immobile krypton whirlpool (5):






Therefore nothing will change in the whirlpool, as light passes one section of the track with a velocity, bigger than the velocity of light because of the increasing density of a krypton, and the second section of the track — with a velocity, lower than the velocity of light, as the density of a krypton decreases. It is an analogue of the Michelson–Morley experiment with moving mirrors.

We can notice, that when the whirlpool, moving in water, is stopped (fig. 12, 13)

radiation of energy by the wave, equal to    the stroked area, happens (It is not clear, what happens to the rear part. Because of the quick stop with a slat the whirlpool is destroyed). The same is for the krypton model fig. 13, where




The pleats fig. 14 appear on the crest at big velocities V>>0 in the whirlpool:

These pleats resemble displacement of a tablecloth. It is not excluded, that when a star is compresses  to a black hole, the gravitational field will transform from the proportional   will be near the object:


The gravitational field will compress into pleats with a definite period Т — a gravitational period. And gravitation is also a wave, spread within the limit, as it is shown in fig. 15.

The same way the gravitational and electromagnetic fields will differ from the classical fields, as it is shown in fig. 15.1,3,5, and they will twist for the rotating (for a rotating negative charge or электрона fig. 15.2, fig. 15.8. for a rotating positive charge or a proton fig. 15.4, fig. 15.8. for a gravitational rotating body fig. 15.6)  bodies, as it is shown in fig. 15.2, 4, 6 because during rotation, as it is shown in fig. 15.7, forces  by reason of Doppler additions and a delay.



Where is the function of frequency and mass; F is force without rotation. But because of the big value of the velocity of light and often small Doppler forces on a small section they can be considered approximately linear functions — fig. 15.1, 3, 5. One can say, that nature does not like emptiness, linearity (uniformity) and purity.

Now we describe the types of whirlpools, for convenience we shall picture them from aside:

In fig. 16 is the view of a whirlpool from aside, in fig. 17 — its simplified model. As it can be seen from the figures, squares   and  are the same, and presumably the energies of the whirlpools are equal (), but the life time is different: .

In case of opposite flows whirlpools with opposite signs are observed, but with very short life times  (fig. 18 and fig. 19).

Analogous models must be observed in their krypton analogues with rightside and leftside twists (clockwise and counter–clockwise).

As i described earlier, when the speed of the whirlpool increases (fig. 20 and fig. 21),

R — lengthwise radius decreases and is described in the first approximation as:

The volume of the whirlpool decreases proportionally:


Analogous changes are true for the krypton model too, with substitution of      for   . And as the volume decreases,  density inside the whirlpool changes proportionally too, and therefore the speed inside the whirlpool        will change for the krypton model. So, time t inside a moving and an immobile whirlpool will be different because of different density inside them:


Time is also discrete , and it is a function of density of a krypton, and it can be viewed as interaction of kryptons.

Counteraction of the medium — analogue of increase of inertial mass, as it was described above, equals:



We must observe the same for their whirlpool krypton analogues too.

In this case we examined a krypton model with the minus sign, where



Here, when a whirlpool is created, the density and the velocity of light decrease for whirlpools with the minus sign. But we can conduct all the speculations, set forth above, for whirlpools with the plus sign too, where



When a whirlpool is created, the density increases, and the velocity of light decreases for a whirlpool with the plus sign, which is difficult to create experimentally. The plus and minus models are almost symmetrical, but in one case (the minus model) ρ(v)→0, and in the other case (the plus model) ρ(v)→∞.

The whirlpool krypton model does not contradict physical experiments. It just interprets, examines them from another point of view.

However strange it is, the matter, which we observe, is rather absence of matter from the point of view of the krypton model.





A plane, which creates volume. Is vacuum emptiness or an ocean?



Let us put the question: why do all the values in the main formulas, which we know, decrease proportionally to , although according to the logic, increasing in volume, they must decrease proportionally to  the cube?

Let us combine the whirlpool and krypton theories with light. Instead of two opposite water flows, two light flows meet, which can pass through each other, like we often see, waves pass on water. But under certain conditions their tenseness vectors  can create a whirlpool, which will catch two light flows, transforming the forward energy into rotational energy and creating a spiral.

But we know, that light moves with velocity С, and as light is coming to the centre of the spiral (fig. 1, 2) its (light) speed is tending to zero    , when    . In order to satisfy this requirement, the density of the whirlpool      , when  , must tend to zero  and the velocity of light, when     , will tend to zero too   . Then the system will be stable and non–contradictory. Changing of the density of the whirlpool towards the centre leads to changing of the velocity of light, creating conditions for a stable system.


But a light wave consists of alternating (+ - + - + - + - +) plusses and minuses of the intensity of the electric (magnetic) fields. What must their location in the spiral be like and what meaning has packing for the stability of a system ( of life) (fig. 3)?

It is reasonable to suppose, that if all the () minuses are located opposite plusses (+), it will add extra stability to the system. If a part of them does not coincide, then the bigger is this part, the shorter is the time of life of the system , which will lead to a collapse. If we build a graph of changing of the density of time for the quadrature whirlpool () and juxtapose it with the graph of changing of the frequency of the packing fig. 3.1, we see, that two stable states exist (at the crossing of the graphs) with consideration of the discreteness of time and frequency, which correspond to the masses of an electron (positron) and a proton (antiproton).

We note, that light is characterized with flat functions Е and Н. Therefore the received system will be characterized with these flat functions, that is all the dependences will be proportional to  or , and the system will resemble a rolled sheet. If we make a section in the middle, the view will be like in fig. 4, graph 1. Where the graph is represented with the function:




Here  is the function of proportionality, with, where  is the average value, which characterizes the density of krypton (vacuum),  is the frequency of a quantum of light, is the amplitude of the wavetrain,  is the function of time, changing because of changing of the density of krypton, when approaching the centre of the whirlpool. For a whirlpool of the view  at N = 2 equation (1) will equal: .




Because a whirlpool is in inverse proportion to a square only at a first approximation, by shape it is closer to a turned over bell (fig. 4.1). The first sinusoids will be stretched — the graph in fig. 4.

Let us examine a whirlpool, created by half of the length of a wave   , fig. 5.

Having laid the whirlpool onto half of the length of the wave, we see, that it will twist the ends of the sinusoid till infinity, the ends will decrease proportionally to . With consideration of the said facts, we must change the ends in fig. 4 and in the end we shall receive the view in fig. 6 (supposedly for an electron) and in fig. 6.1 (for a proton). The ends are twisted and they decrease   under the influence of the whirlpool and the flat function.

When the notion of a krypton as an element of discrete space was introduced, nothing was said about its properties except, that it is an analogue of a superconducting liquid. Let us presume, that a krypton, like discrete molecules, performs chaotic movements in all directions and possesses infinite energy in a sum (which, most likely, lies in the basis of creation of our Universe), which is close to the model of water, the molecules of which perform disorderly movements. Then the centre of the whirlpool will move chaotically too (Gaussian distribution), satisfying the principle of indeterminateness (fig. 7).

In whirlpool–krypton models under weight of rest of a particle



 Energy of rotating whirlpool where forward (kinetic) energy of quantum of light turns to rotary energy of whirlpool in which for the rotation account density change криптона (spaces) is created that creates gravitation is meant, and rotating and kept electromagnetic fields create electric and magnetic fields of particles, and also strong and weak interactions. The theory is constructed on the basis of experiments with whirlpools and the assumption of step-type behaviors of space.




According to the theory of a big explosion in the beginning our Universe had a limited volume, then it began expanding. Let us try to model this process on a water model with consideration of trembling of the whirlpool model. Let us take a limited vessel (a basin) and make it tremble–vibrate. What do we see? Because of the limited space the waves reflect off the walls and start harmonizing — it is not white nose with uniform spectrum. When the vessel is bigger, the waves are divided and accumulated in a superconducting medium. It can be seen well, if you take a glass, shake it and look at the ripple on a sea. The harmonics, which appear in the krypton space, also can influence the stability of whirlpools, their formation and frequency of fluctuations (beating).


If a whirlpool has a view like in fig. 8., then by the law of selfinductance division will happen, the whirlpool will create its opposite image, losing half of its energy (an electron — a positron, a particle — an antiparticle). We should not forget, that whirlpools can be both with the minus sign, and with the plus sign (fig. 4.1).

When such a whirlpool antenna emits an electromagnetic wavea light quantum, it will impart a rotation momentum to the quantum of light and pack it in the form of a spin with a changing density of the krypton (fig. 9).

Therefore the light quantum as if screws into space, and its energy will equal the energy of the electromagnetic wave plus the energy of the krypton bore (the spin) (fig. 9).



Therefore quantum antenna, built by an analogous design (fig. 10), causes interest.

Having sent a laser ray one centimetre in diameter, we shall receive a ray two hundred meters in diameter (a spot). Quantum antenna are a kind of a rifle, in which, as a result of imparting a rotation momentum to bullets, dissipation of shot bullets decreases, compared to a smooth–bore gun.

In fig. 10 digit 1 is a medium, imitating non–uniform density of a krypton,  is an imitator of a kind of whirlpool, the distribution function (fig. 6, fig. 6.1); V is the angular velocity. When , dissipation :



Quantum motors, which can be built without rotating parts (using induction) — those are the fields, which rotate, cause some interest too. So, if the mass of a photon is ,  is the intensity of the electricmagnetic field of the photon, then, in order to create analogous traction for mass of a body М = 1 kg, the following intensity of the field is necessary:



If we create such a bore, we shall be able to create traction, but we need huge intensities of the electricmagnetic field.




But how can we create such fields? From the experiments by Faraday fig. 11, we know, that if we make a body hollow, an as big charge, as desired, can be given to it — the Van de Graaff electric generator. In order to give the necessary configuration to the field, a hollow lengthy cylinder will suit the best, fig. 11.1, or a conducting tube, which is bended easily, in which the charge will be accumulated on the surface too. The configuration of the field, which must be created, resembles a soap screw (fig. 12). We shall use the same construction. We shall build it in the form of hollow conducting cylinders, charge the outer spiral and the inner axis with opposite charges and impart rotation (fig. 13) (analogue of Archimedean electricmagnetic screw). The received traction force will be:



where К is the coefficient of proportionality,  is the rotation frequency, Е(а) is the vector of the intensity of the electric field, L(а) is the length of the spiral, is the angle of intersection of the tangent to the spiral with the axis, R(a) is the distance from the spiral to the axis. In fig. 13, 1 is a hollow cylinder, which allows the charge to be accumulated on the surface, when it is transmitted to the cylinder, 2 is a thread, 3 is a motor, 4 is a jacket for exclusion of the effect of repulsion off air (although vacuum is necessary, there are no possibilities). In fig. 14. 2 is a spring, which marks deviation and force F. The cylindric construction in fig. 13 vibrates at prerotation, the construction in fig. 14 — (the whirligig) is more stable.

Let us make some conclusions:

1. The the whirlpool–krypton model connects the relativity theory with the quantum theory and examines the experiments from a different point of view.

2. Any acceleration causes changing of a krypton density   and creates gravitation.

3. The velocity of light light is the function of density of a krypton .

4. The variety of elementary particles corresponds to the variety of whirlpools (depending on the packing).

5. Space and time are discrete.

6. All constants change and depend on density, except correlations.

7. Gravitation is changing of the density of space (a krypton)

8. The whirlpool–krypton model was created as an alternative to the string theory.

        In the simplified variant водоворотокриптоновая the model means, that the space round us (vacuum) is as though water, and a matter and we consist of small whirlpools at the expense of which rotation the changing density криптона is created, that creates gravitation and which property depend on a way of their packing.


Part 4


Pyramids. Experiments with Brown movement in a pyramid


    Let's spend experiment. We will observe Brown movement of a particle in a nutria of a pyramid and out of a pyramid fig. 1



    On fig. 1 the pyramid on fig. 2 distribution of Brown movement out of a pyramid is represented  at Dt=const on fig. 3 distribution of Brown movement in a pyramid at the same of a condition. It is visible, that distribution from a circle has passed in an ellipse with preservation of   average value on a circle. At movement from pyramid edge to the centre average value changes  approximately as:


    Where  - distance from the pyramid centre. Value  is difficult for defining because of the big error, most likely the pyramids caused by the small sizes. As a result a pyramid it is possible to present as system of pipes fig. 4, fig. 5



   And the pyramid can be considered as a resonant contour

These changes are caused, most likely, from for redistributions of is likelihood predetermined function of movement of speeds of molecules in a pyramid from a spheroid to
эллипсоиду as is shown in fig. 6. (It as a sphere which have squeezed on each side one high-speed co-ordinate has decreased, and two others have increased thus volume and the area of a sphere passed in эллипсоид have not changed – there was a redistribution of speeds on co-ordinates).





From for this redistribution of speeds vertical speed on surfaces of a glass with water in a pyramid increases in comparison with a glass out of a pyramid fig. 7 and it is possible to calculate on how many evaporation (that is time for which will evaporate all liquid in a glass in a pyramid and out of a pyramid) will increase. Such redistribution of speeds most likely is caused by spatial changes and puts questions:

- Whether it is possible to use this asymmetry for energy reception

         - To use as the receiver for fixing of spatial waves (gravitational)








Список используемой литературы


1.      А. Эйнштейн. Теория относительности. 2000 Научно-издательский центр. Регулярная и хаотическая динамика

2.      Фейнман Р., Лейтон Р., Сэндс М. - Фейнмановские лекции по физике.

3.      Принцип относительности” Лоренц, Пуанкаре, Эйнштейн и Минковский; ОНТИ ; 1935 г., стр. 134,51,192

4.      Полное собрание трудов, Л. И. Мандельштам; Том 5, стр. 172

5.      Вестник национального технического университета "ХПИ" №8 2009г Тематический выпуск «Новые решения в современных технологиях» стр.81 ;С.Н.Яловенко Чёрный предел.  Харьков., 2009 г.

6.      Вестник национального технического университета "ХПИ" №43 2008г Тематический выпуск «Новые решения в современных технологиях» стр.144 ;С.Н.Яловенко Чёрный предел часть 1  Харьков., 2008 г.

7.  «Чёрный предел. Теория относительности: новый взгляд» ТОВ издательство «Форт» 2009г. ISBN 978-966-8599-51-4























Ф 50

УДК 530.18 (УДК 530.10(075.4)) Яловенко С.М.  Теорія відносності - новий погляд.

Розглянуто теорію відносності з точки зору коловоротної та дискретної (криптонової) теорії.


ISBN  5-93972-002-1





Ф 50

УДК 530.18 (УДК 530.10(075.4)) Яловенко С.Н. . Теория относительности: Новый взгляд.

Рассмотрена теория относительности с точки зрения водоворотной и дискретной (криптоновой) теории.




Ф 50

УДК 530.18 (УДК 530.10(075.4)) YAlovenko S.N

 . Theory to relativity - a new glance.

In article is considered theory to relativity with standpoint turn water

 and discrete (the krypton) to theories.