O. Semenova, A. Semenov, O. Wojciechovska

Vinnytsya National Technical University

The fuzzy approach

to the ternary logic elements synthesis

The ternary number system is the most effective, comparing to the binary and non-binary number systems, especially in sequential and memory facilities. Also, it has higher quick-action than the binary number system has [1].

The ternary logic devices presented in literature [2] have either low quick-action because of a great amount of blocks or low noise-stability because of pulse-amplitude signals. So, there is a problem of developing the ternary logic elements of high quick-action and noise-stability.

In order to provide high noise-stability we propose to use not pulse-amplitude signals but pulse-frequency ones.

In order to provide high quick-action we propose to use the fuzzy-logic approach. The point is, that ternary logic operations of inversion, conjunction and disjunction are alike the fuzzy-logic operations of complement, minimum and maximum accordingly; the fuzzy-logic elements performing these operations have less blocks than the well-known ternary logic elements [3].

In the proposed elements the pulse-frequency coding of logical values is used. According to it, every frequency is defined so .

Let the 0-level respond to a frequency of .

Let the 1-level respond to a frequency of .

Let the 2-level respond to a frequency of .

The auxiliary frequency equals .

The inversion element is a frequency mixer (fig. 1). The input pulse-frequency signal comes on its first input terminal. The auxiliary signal comes on its second input terminal. The output pulse-frequency signal comes from the output terminal.

Thus, we get:

if , then;

if , then;

if , then .

So, the operation of ternary inversion is performed.

The conjunction element consists of three frequency mixers and a frequency divider (fig. 2).

The input pulse-frequency signal  comes on the first input terminal of the first mixer and on the first input terminal of the second mixer. The input pulse-frequency signal  comes on the second input terminal of the first mixer and on the second input terminal of the second mixer. On the output terminal of the first mixer one gets the  signal, it comes on the first input terminal of the third mixer. On the output terminal of the second mixer one gets the  signal, it comes on the second input terminal of the third mixer. On the output terminal of the third mixer one gets either the  signal if  or the  signal if. The signal goes from the output terminal of the third mixer to the input terminal of the frequency divider; on its output terminal one gets the  signal.

So, the operation of ternary conjunction is performed.

The disjunction element consists of three frequency mixers and a frequency divider (fig. 3).

The input pulse-frequency signal  comes on the first input terminal of the first mixer and on the first input terminal of the second mixer. The input pulse-frequency signal  comes on the second input terminal of the first mixer and on the second input terminal of the second mixer. On the output terminal of the first mixer one gets the  signal, it comes on the first input terminal of the third mixer. On the output terminal of the second mixer one gets the  signal, it comes on the second input terminal of the third mixer. On the output terminal of the third mixer one gets either the  signal if  or the  signal if. The signal goes from the output terminal of the third mixer to the input terminal of the frequency divider; on its output terminal one gets the  signal.

So, the operation of ternary disjunction is performed.

Thus, using the fuzzy-logic principles it is possible to develop the ternary logic elements with high quick-action and noise stability.


1. Лысиков Б.Г. Арифметические и логические основы ЭЦВМ.  – Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 1974. -264с.

2. Кичак В.М. Синтез частотно-імпульсних елементів цифрової техніки. Монографія. – Вінниця: УНІВЕРСУМ-Вінниця, 2005. – 266с.

3. Семенова О.О., Войцеховська О.О. Структурний синтез фазі-логічних елементів з частотно-імпульсним представленням інформації // Матеріали ІІІ-ї міжнародної науково-технічної конференції “Сучасні проблеми мікроелектроніки, радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій та приладобудування” СПРТП-2007. – Вінниця. – 2007. – с.185.