Биологические науки / 9.Биохимия и биофизика

Galkin O.Yu.

National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine

NEW MONOclonal ANTIBODIES AGAINST human IgA and their approach in immunoassay


Different strategies of diagnostics and approaches for the construction of ELISA test-kits for determination of certain infection are exist now. However all this strategies mainly are based on the exposure of humoral immune response to the infection agent. Elaboration of these test-kits is not possible without the use of antispecies immunoenzyme conjugates. Conjugates of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to human IgA are included in ELISA kits for the diagnostics of chlamydiosis, urea- and mycoplasmosis, helicobacteriosis, hepatitis A infection and others [1-5].

The aim of this development was an obtaining of new MAbs to human IgA, suitable for the use as antispecies immunoenzyme conjugates in serological diagnostics.

An original set of 25 new hybridoma cell-line that produces MAbs to human IgA is obtained. The deep study of biological properties of antibodies has been conducted. Comparative evaluation of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugates of MAbs is conducted and possibility of their usage in ELISA test-kits has been studied. Two of them has shown better diagnostic value then known analogue GA-112 (Sigma). The possibility of the usage of this MAbs conjugates in ELISA test-kits for the diagnostics of helicobacteriosis, urogenital chlamydiosis, ureaplasmosis, urogenital and respiratory mycoplasmosis is proved.  

The analysis of literary data about charts immunizations which are used in hybridoma technology has been conducted. Results of own works on the obtaining of monoclonal antibodies to human IgA by the different charts of immunization has been generalized and analyzed. Possibility of the use of short-term and long-term charts of immunization for the obtaining of monoclonal antibodies to human IgA has been studied.

The possibility of the application of two schemes of immunization for obtaining of anti-IgA MAbs has been studied. Taking into account essential diagnostic value of MAbs, time of receiving of antibodies, absence of allergic reactions for mice the short-term scheme of immunization was more suitable and adequate. The close correlation between the diversity of epitop specificity of MAbs and scheme of immunization has been found out. At local immune response for Balb/c mice one district of the polypeptide chain of IgA molecule has been appeared immunodominant. This fact is confirmed by near epitop specificity of  MAbs. At long-term scheme immune response was formed on various antigen determinants.


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2. Kincade P. W., Lee Sun, Watanabe T. Monoclonal rat antibodies to murine IgM determinants // J. Immunol. Methods. – 1981. – Vol. 42. – P. 17 – 26.

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4. Климович В. Б., Самойловим М. П., Крутецкая И. Ю. и др. Моноклональные антитела к подласам IgG человека: получение и исследование специфичности // Иммунология. – 1998. – №3. – С. 27 – 31.

5. Галкін О.Ю., Дуган О.М. Порівняння схем імунізації мишей лінії Balb/c для одержання моноклональних антитіл до IgА людини // Науковий вісник Національного університету біоресурсів та природокористування України. – 2009. – Вип. 134, ч. 1. – С.88-97.