doctor of historical sciences, professor Guliyeva Nargiz Melik kizi

Institute of archaeology and ethnography of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baki (Azerbaijan)


post-graduate, scholar Hasanov Elnur Latif oglu

Ganja regional scientific centre of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Ganja (Azerbaijan)




Ganja - an  ancient center of urban culture with more than 3000 years history, that  situated on the old Great Silk way, is rich with many  historical and material-cultural monuments, which have their typical, unique trade and architectural characteristics. As a result  of archaeological excavations and ethnographical researches in Ganja  during various historical periods have been found different material-cultural monuments. 

Therefore, Ganja and its surrounding areas are  considired as one of the richest territories of Azerbaijan from the  historical-ethnographical and archaeological point of view. First scientist, who has given  information about the rich epigraphic, ethnographic, archaeological, numismatic material-cultural patterns, was French researcher Dubua de Monpere [1]. In 1834 on the way to Tiflis (Tbilisi) he came to Yelenendorf (now - Goygol), and  found different black-colored ceramic plates and bronze patterns (objects), which showed, that   an ancient city culture formed here. Also, many archaeological wares and material patterns, that have  found by Zare, Morgan, Virkhov in that period, are reserved in Moscow, Petersburg, Drezden and in other European museums [2]. V. Belk, who worked in Dashkesen copper minds, found here more than 300 monuments, which proved the 3000 yearly city culture of ancient Ganja. Main parts of these items are reserved in Hamburg and Munich museums.

E. Resler, who was the teacher in Ganja (Yelizavetpol) province in 1892-1903 years, on the basis of his researches around of Ganjachai (Ganja river) has found many materials, connected with the ancient history and culture of this city. Some parts of his material patterns are now reserved in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg museums [3]. In 1896 A.Ivanovsky with the request of Moskow Archaeological  Society has been sent to the province of Yelizavetpol for archaeological excavations. Here he has found the old city cemetery with 72 stone box graves and  sent those materials  to Moscow.  Now these materials are  kept in the Moscow History Museum. In 1903-1914 years B.Rozendorf, who was working pharmacists in Yelenendorf  carried out scientific-researches throughout in the territory of Ganjachai,  discovered extremely valuable historical materials  in  Ganjachai valley  Yelenendorf and  Chovdar villages, also  graves of the ancient stone boxes, which reflected 3000 years old urban culture. Information about his researches was published in St. Petersburg in 1906, on "Reports of the Imperial Archaeological Commission". Mining engineer B.Sults, who   worked  in the region of Ganjachai in  1898-1903, an officer in the military service in  Yelizavetpol in 1905 V.A.Skinder, mining engineer F.Lass in 1908, E.P.Paritsenmayer in 1910, and many foreign researchers  found in area Ganjachai the existence of an extremely valuable historical materials. Some examples of them  are kept in the museum of Berlin [4-6].

 Yakov Hummel, who had  german nationality and worked in  Yelenendorf (Goygol ) in the secondary school biology teacher with the help of  the student  circle  of the school during the archaeological researchs  on  the right and left banks of Ganjachai  has found   valuable materials, that concern to the Bronze and Iron age. The value of found materials was so great, that  here  has been created in Regional Museum of Yelenendorf in 1927.

As a result of his archaeological research, has revealed, that a great civilization existed in Ganja in the initial stages of the primary community structure. In 1940 he published "Archaeological Essays ". The work is carried out within the resources dedicated to the results of  Ganjachai researches. In 1961, in connection with the closure of regional museum of  Khanlar (Goygol), all the exhibits of the museum were given to Ganja State Historical Museum named Nizami [7-9]. We can say, that today, more than 3000 years old 15 thousand exhibits, found in  the region of Ganjachai and that concern to the different historical periods  were  obtained by Y.Hummel. The cradle of ancient science and culture  Ganja  is famous in the world with its unusual historical monuments  because of development art and architecture traditions. Already in the X century, the construction and Renaissance works in Ganja, turned this city into the one of the  largest architecture center of Azerbaijan. From that period till now in  Ganja have been developing  more than 30 craft areas, such as separate samples of selected pottery items, carpet weaving, jewelry, saddle-making, copper, were built a lot of tombs, which has no analogue, numerous mosques, bridges, castles and  towers, that prove, that local architectural traditions have a rich history. On the basis of this facts we can say, that late in XIX – early in XX centuries in Ganja were developed such traditional handicraft branches as carpet-making, masonry, ceramics trade, metal-making trades. During this historical period these kinds of decorative-applied art had some typical features. Many different wares of these handicraft branches are guarded in museums. In the XIX-XX centuries in Ganja one of the main traditional handicraft branches was a masonry trade. During this historical period masonry trade differed with its speedly development. During XIX-XX centuries in Ganja were produced different kinds of local national carpets. These wares are important historical-ethnographical sources. During many centuries carpets of  Ganja differed from other carpet wares for their typical handicraft features. This carpet kind had very various decorative-ornamental characteristics. Buta, also different geometric and botanical ornaments are considered as the basic decorative-handicraft accounts of local traditional carpet wares of Ganja  [8, 12].

In Ganja during many centuries ceramic trade was one the main handicraft branches. During this historical period in Ganja have been prepared different ceramic wares with various constructive – plastic forms. The most part of earthenwares of Ganja during this period had different local traditional ornaments. Many of these wares are decorated with geometric, botanical designs and figures of domestic, also wild animals, but always graceful and effective. The major part of these traditional ceramic wares of  Ganja have stamps (handicraft stamps). In the future we have to continue our researches in the field of learning, investigation of these main traditional handicraft branches in Ganja.




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2. Кулиева Н.М., Гасанов Э.Л.  О развитии некоторых традиционных ремесленных отраслей  Гянджи на рубеже XIXXX веков / Материалы I международной  научно-практической конференции – История и археология в современном мире. Москва: Спутник+, 2012, с. 35-38

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