Sarsekeyeva Zh.E.

The peculiarity of teaching pedagogical disciplines in the informational in an education settings.

Annotation. The traditional methods of teaching pedagogical disciplines were put to the certain changes. As a result it rises the  important educational objective: molding ability to obtain, to analyze, to structure and to make good use of informational-intellectual resources. This shows the necessity of educational process form improvement because it must be directed to an effective organization and stimulation of students learning.

Keyword. Pedagogical disciplines, independent research,  informatization in an education,  informatizational technologies, electronically manual.

 I. Introduction. One of the important aim at the educational development is society  informatization. The purpose of society  informatization is drastic alteration of the effectiveness and quality in the professional preparation that corresponding to the world standard. At the same time  society  informatization step forth as the process of mastering  informatizational technologies and as one of the human values in the modern society that shows necessary component of  the perfect high education system [1].

The informatization in an education field has fundamental value  in the conditions of  world changes, global intercommunication and  competition, necessity of extended usage and permanent development of complicated technologies. The content and quality of education, its  accessibility, the conformity of specific personality needs determine the condition of intellectual potential in the modern society. The intense educational development on the basis of integration into it the informational technologies and the communication technologies. This becomes the most important  national priority [2].

The analysis of the university  experience point to the fact that computers were not  used during the pedagogical disciplines teaching. The reasons are the pedagogical science and practice specific, the difficulty of a creation computer programmers that would be possible to recognize the student answers, the low level of  the Pedagogy teachers psychological readiness to use computers.

II. Statement of the problem. In this connection in front of us was the problem of working up the informational-methodical support in pedagogical disciplines that would promote development of knowledge capacity, student research potential and skills in an educational proses.

III. The result. The important part of training future teachers belongs to pedagogical science. The pedagogic appeals to help  students turn to the scientists research, to become proficient in different research methods, join to pedagogical creative work.

We elaborated electronic manual “Practice in pedagogic” as one of the steps of join future teacher to pedagogical science [3].

At present time  electronic manuals give the student opportunity for self work to learn some of the themes and parts that they are dedicated to. And also electronic manuals raise intensity and quality of  this work.

The technique of usage offered tasks is different in the educational proses for the auditorium and beyond the auditorium student work. The electronic manuals can be used on pedagogical seminars or they can be practiced for the self student work as a homework.

The electronic Pedagogic manual made as for students pedagogic faculty as for teachers by way of technique information source.

The trait of this electronic Pedagogic manual is in  the tasks that conformed to parts  of the Pedagogy educational programmer: The General Pedagogic Basics, The Upbringing Theory, Didactic, The Pedagogical management.

“The General Pedagogic Basics” part of  the electronic manual includes the following themes: “Pedagogic in the system of science about human”, “The personality development, upbringing and formation ”, “The methodology and methods of scientific-pedagogical research”, “General pedagogical proses as a subject of pedagogical science and object of teacher's activity”.

“The Upbringing Theory” part of  the electronic manual includes the following themes: “The upbringing object and social stipulate”, “Substance and stage of upbringing proses”, “The upbringing content”, “the system of upbringing means, forms and methods ”, “Upbringing personality into the group”, “ The basics of family upbringing”,  “Upbringing systems”, “Ideology as nucleus of forming personality”.

“Didactic” part of  the electronic manual includes the following themes: “The general  Didactic concepts. The education proses as entire system”, “The modern education technologies”, “The forms and methods of education result control”, “Methods and means of teaching”, “Forms and methods of control results of teaching”, “Main tendention of developing system of education in Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries”, “Contents of education in modern schools”.

“ The Pedagogical management” part of  the electronic manual includes the following themes: “The education system management”, “The basic functions school management”, “The methodical work in school”.

IV. Conclusions.

1.            the usage of modern informational technologies in the education proses for high school allows to reinforce the educational effects of innovation pedagogical programmers and methods use that give teachers supplementary opportunity for building individual student educational line.

2.            As a whole  the informational-methodical support in pedagogical disciplines promotes the develop future teachers professional-pedagogical knowledge and skills.



1. New pedagogical and informational technologies in system of education / published by E.S.Polat.-M. - 544p.

2. Konovalec L.S. Self researching in condition of computer education // Pedagogic. - 2003. - ¹2. - 46-50p.

3. Sarsekeyeva Zh.E. Practice in pedagogic. - Certificate of governmental registration of intellectual possession object. ¹ 97. Republic of Kazakstan. Published 05.10.2005y.