Aydyngul Havan
Junior researcher
Institute of Literature and art by name of M.Auezov


Literary motives in the era Karakhanids


In literary works, which are the Turkic peoples common spiritual heritage that has gone into the history, brighter, new faces, becoming one of the key aspects in the expansion of the religious outlook of the people. And if religion is the age-old category, reflecting the sense of human life from the time of the Archaic to the present day, the literature - is a major phenomenon, create a collective work, which is in constant development, reflecting the mentality of the religious worldview of the nation, creating that same story.

Born in the VIII century, the Arab lands of Islam, has developed in the Kazakh steppe in the reign of the dynasty Karakhanides, enriched with valuable commandments priceless culture and literature of ancient Turks that existed before his appearance. Ancient writings formed the cultural and historical space of the Turkic world, such literary annals as "Ogyz-name", "The Book of my grandfather Korkut", "al-Diuani lugat tүr³k", "Hikmet Diuani", "Doomsday Book," "The Gift truth", "Қissaul anbiya"  “Nahzhul Faradis" in which chanted long history and literature of Turkic peoples were supplemented with new themes Muslim persuasion. And given the fact that such monuments as the "at-Diuani lugat turk" Mahmud of Kashgar, "Kutty b³l³k" Zhusup Balasaguna, "Diuani Hikmet" Ahmet Yassaui, "Book of Akir zaman" (Book of end of the word) Suleiman Bakyrgani, "Arkikat syyy "(The Gift of Truth) Ahmet Igneki", "Kissasul әnbiya" Burhanuddin Rabguzi, "Gulistan bit tүrki" Safe Sheds, "Kusrau ya Shyryn" Hutyba "Zhumzhuma sultan" Hussam Katib, "Nahzhul faradis" Bin Mahmoud Ghali, who were born during the rule of the Golden Horde and Karakhanids, are a prime example of the above, we can see that these works, showing the essence of the Muslim Turkic world, different from the works of earlier eras for content-thematic and genre structure and compositional structure. These works, written in the genre of Hikmet strictly forbidden during the Soviet era because of their direct connection with religious motives, executed together with the foundation of Islam - the Quran, Muslim preachers (shayyr) in their works widely sung spiritual themes, which reflect prayers to Allah, the Prophet's worship theme and write to the Holy Book about end of the world.

Emerged in the XIII century, Islam had an effect on all areas of science. We know that in an age corresponding period of the dynasty Karakhanids, poets have played a huge role in the spread of Islamic culture among the Turkic peoples. At a time when science, education and culture developed in close unity with religion, there are new trends in literature. In the works of lyric poets of profound meaning, philosophical and didactic thought. Compose epics and edification is a novelty at the time. Specified period could be called the "golden age" of Turkish literature. Years of life scientists and poets who knew the culture, literature and philosophy of the ancient Greeks and the Orient, meet the new trends of the East. Calling this era Eastern Renaissance, A. Konyratbaev gives her the following definition: "Given the fact that the ancient Turkic inscriptions are the common heritage of the peoples of Central Asia, the Altai and Kazakhstan, at the same time it is necessary to indicate that they were early examples of Oriental Renaissance. If the founders of the Renaissance in the East are considered to be al-Farabi, al-Biruni, al-Khwarizmi, in the fifteenth century. - Ulugbek, Navoi, then in between these ages, there is also a lot of poets and scholars"[1, 41 p.].

In general, it should be noted that while in the West the Renaissance refers to the XV century, the eastern literature its roots go far deeper. So, living in the centuries talented thinkers his discoveries in various fields have laid the foundation of a future civilization and contributed to the flourishing of science. And you can proudly acknowledge the contributions of scientists, artists and poets in the development of culture in the golden age. Representatives of the literature Islamic era, formed with the arrival of Islam in the Kazakh steppe, contributed to the establishment of the newly formed state Karakhanids in Islamic tenets. In this regard, the remarkable statement N.Kelimbetov which recognizes the role of the social and ethical standards in government, based on the laws of Islam. It is in order to realize this need came to light the social and ethical treatises of al-Farabi, "Danyshname" (Book of Knowledge), Ibn Sina, "Hikmet" Al-Biruni "Kutadgu Bilik" Zhusup Balasagun, "The Gift of Truth" Ahmet Igneki [2, 166-p.].

 In the literary history of any people, and there are periods of prosperity and recession. Thus, X-XII century Turkish literature are considered the initial stages of its development. Appeared in the centuries religious, philosophical, didactic works are priceless monuments immortal heritage of humankind.

The spread of Islam in Turkic countries brought a breath of fresh air, not only in the history and life of the people, but in the world of literature. On new stages of ancient literature, changes its S.Seifullin wrote: "Now that all Kazakh clans adopted Islam, a host of new features and changes in daily life of the people. This inadvertently led to the transformation of the traditions, customs and language" [3 , 58-p.]. Poets of Karakhanids in his work fully covered the problem of knowledge, science, education, good manners and behavior, sung to them. It's safe to say that the category of humanity previously met only in the context of a book, and in fact there were no epics, from start to finish based on the theme of edification and education. They magnify humanity, personal relationships of people, restraint, prudence, patience, etc., trying to denounce them to the people in the Islamic religion. This situation prompted the emergence of literature didactic content.

Turkish literature was developed in the Middle Ages 3 streams: 1. Didactic literature, combined with motifs from the Koran, 2. Sufi literature, 3. Renaissance literature [4, p.16]. Major works of the Middle Ages are 1 out of them - to the religious and didactic. Because the literary monuments of this period is entirely based on the chapters of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet. Therefore, through the Muslim dogma express instructions, calling a lot to be honest, beware of ignorance and avarice, read knowledge, learn the good and bad squeamish. Medieval masters, relying on the basic laws of Islam, created in this thematic area, leaving the future generation of highly valuable epics.

"Kutadgu Bilik" Zhusup Balasagun, "The gift of truth" Ahmet Igneki "Diuani Hikmet" Ahmet Yasawi - is the product of educational and cognitive vision. Glorifying the soul pure data artistic production - is similar in content works that glorify the human qualities. Pieces of music written in the era Karakhanids, based on the fundamental postulates of the Koran, calling for spiritual perfection. Of great importance is didactic poetry Igneki. Every word of the poet is a separate edification. For such didactic work at any time and from any of the people do not lose their core essence. And this legacy is not only part of the treasury of the Eastern peoples, but they are also reflected in the European and Russian literature (Lucretius' On the Nature of Things ", Horace" Art of Poetry ", in the fables of Aesop, La Fontaine, Krylov).

In Turkic poetry epics purely didactic themes began to emerge in the X-XII centuries. As common in the literature Karahan didactic works, generally reflect philosophical, educational, humanitarian issues. And Zhusup Balasagun and Ahmet Igneki point people in the right direction, helping to distinguish the good from the bad, and make their useful tips for everyday life. Reading these epics you can even get an idea of the level of education and science in the Middle Ages. Saturated words propaganda and edification priceless works of art of the Middle Ages show the high level of culture of the Turkic tribes of those ages. Thus, the literary heritage of the Middle Ages allows you to mark an active cultural life of nomadic and semi-nomadic Turkic people of the time.

A.Baytursynov written literature examines in 2 stages: 1. religionists age 2. eloquent era. Early epochs into the following types: қissa, Hick, Cape (fables) Nasihat (Manual), m³nazhat (prayer-treatment), maktau (praise), Dattau (slander), Aitys (competition in rhetoric), tolgau (meditation) term [5, 319-b.]. If based on scientific research, the writings of the Middle Ages poets can be classified as instruction era religionists. Because the poet, making up lines about the benefits and harms of knowledge and ignorance, generosity and greed, positive nature and indecent behavior, restraint and anger through their "Gift of the truth" ("Akikat syyy") upon future generations guidance and words of edification.

Literary heritage and ancient written records of the Turkic peoples of the Middle Ages are very numerous and are richly represented. Development and prosperity of these pearls coincides with the reign Karakhanids. The works of this era have their own distinctive features. They are designed to promote the dogma of Islam, which agitate the Turkic world for centuries worshiped Tengri - God of Heaven. Among them - "Kutadgu Bilik" Zhusup Balasagun, "The Gift of Truth" Ahmet Igneki "Diuani Hikmet" Ahmet Yasawi, who lived and worked in the X-XII centuries. They are in their works through the propaganda of the Muslim faith show humanity to the righteous and honest way, call to be well-mannered, decent, exemplary.

Literary heritage and ancient written records of the Turkic peoples of the Middle Ages are very numerous and are richly represented. Development and prosperity of these pearls coincides with the reign Karakhanids. The works of this era have their own distinctive features. They are designed to promote the dogma of Islam, which agitate the Turkic world for centuries worshiped Tengri - God of Heaven. Among them - "Kutadgu Bilik" Zhusup Balasagun, "The Gift of Truth" Ahmet Igneki "Diuani Hikmet" Ahmet Yasawi, who lived and worked in the X-XII centuries. They are in their works through the propaganda of the Muslim faith show humanity to the righteous and honest way, call to be well-mannered, decent, exemplary.

Edification and teaching ideas, reflected in the literary monuments of the tenth to twelfth centuries., - Is not just a fact of life of the Middle Ages, they are still relevant in today's society, giving answers to the many questions of public, social and spiritual order. Poets and thinkers of the period Karakhanids, in a comparative perspective reflecting on human qualities such as generosity and avarice, ignorance and education, humility and arrogance, offer generalizations and guidance. Thus, it is obvious that all the works of poets Karakhanids era greatly influenced the art of flourishing artistic expression, leaving a certain effect.

To sum up I would like to point out that these are the poets of different periods create and develop literature. If it were not for them, the number of people able to bring principles of integrity and essence of poetry, would dry up. And because of these valuable creatures masters of artistic expression can confidently say that the literature of the past century is alive to this day.



1. Konyratbaev A. History of Kazakh folklore - Almaty: Ana tili, 1991. - 288 p.

2. Kel³mbetov N. ancient literary monuments. - Astana, 2004.

3. S. Seifullin Kazakh literature //S.Seifullin. 6-volum. - Almaty, 1964. - 455 p.

4. Ganiev R. Tatar literature (traditions, relationship). - Kazan, 2000. - 320.

5. Baytursunuly A. Collected Works in 5 volumes. I. vol. - Almaty: Alash, 2003. - 408 p.



In this article considerated  the mains of themes of written legacy of the period of Karahanid and Gaznauids: edification of high moral standards, the perfection of man, aspirations and dreams of people, didactic motives in the writings of Mahmud Kashgar, Jusup Balasagun, Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Ahmet Iugneki, Suleymen Bakyrgani. For the first time literary creative work of the great philosopher of the Orient Al-Farabi has been presented. 

Keywords: literary motives, religion, Islam, religious, philosophical, didactic works, poets.