Lavrinenko O. V.,

candidate of jurisprudence, senior lecturer,

Donetsk legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


To a question on interpretation of a terms framework of a principle of a combination of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations


In a science of the labour law to research of questions of differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations the considerable attention is paid. The unity only then is the present when it is differentiated, and the differentiation achieves the object only when it is uniform. V.V. Zhernakov, S.M. Prilipko and G.S. Goncharova fairly specify, that the unity does not exclude, and, on the contrary, provides differentiation. Designated «the dialectic formula» admits overwhelming majority of scientists which were engaged in research of problems of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations. If to characterise process of working out of the law in sphere of the labour law language of the exact sciences, that, it is necessary to notice, that action of «centripetal» and «centrifugal» forces receives the natural expression in unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations.

The concept «differentiation» occurs from latin. differentia — the divergence also means division, a partition, stratification whole on various parts, forms and degrees. In the New explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language the specified concept is interpreted as division, a partition something on separate diverse elements. To differentiate–divide, dismember something on separate diverse elements; differentiation — (from french. differenciation, from latin. differentia — a difference, difference) — division, a partition whole on qualitatively excellent parts. However, in a science of the labour law to this category various approaches are traced. So, still S.L. Rabinovich–Zaharin under differentiation understood such divergences in norms of the labour law for various categories of workers which follow from character and the maintenance of labour relations. According to V.I. Prokopenko, differentiation of the labour legislation are the differences established by the state in the maintenance and volume of the rights and duties of subjects of labour relations on the certain bases. L.A. Sirovatsky underlines already, that the differentiation of legal regulation of work is expressed, in particular, that by special certificates: the general norms taking into account features of manufacture (for example, norms about payment and a labour safety, about introduction of the summarised account of working hours, etc.) are concretised; privileges (level of guarantees raises) for persons who work in harmful and heavy working conditions are established; for some categories of women, minor; for persons with the lowered work capacity; special, more strict measures disciplinary and a liability and the simplified bases of the termination of the labour contract (in a consequence or special labour functions of the worker, or gravity of consequences of infringement by it of labour duties) are established. At the same time V.V. Zhernakov, S.M. Prilipko and G.S. Goncharova specify, that the differentiation is a divergence in norms of the work, caused by the important features of working conditions in this or that sphere, its value for a national economy, divergences in subjects of labour relations, character of labour communications, climatic conditions. O.V. Jaroshenko as differentiation of the labour legislation understands division, delimitation of its rules of law on the basis of legally significant elements for a concrete definition of general provisions of the legislation on work to corresponding categories of workers. According to F.B. Shtivelberga, the differentiation of the labour law is caused by objective circumstances legislative division of rules of law into the general which regulate work of all workers, and special, establishing features of a legal regulation of labour relations of some categories of workers. S.V. Popov asserts in turn, that the differentiation of legal regulation, first of all, is connected with existence of special norms which establishes certain features of legal regulation. Under differentiation of legal regulation of work, according to this author, it is necessary to understand caused objective, subject and divergence social factors in the maintenance and volume of the rights and duties of subjects of labour relation.

If to analyse more in detail resulted above a position of authors, in particular, it is heavy to agree with F.B. Shtivelberga’s statement in a part where the researcher asserts, that differentiation of the labour law it is exclusive «legislative division» rules of law on the general and special. We think, that the differentiation can and is really carried out often at level certificates accepted on the basis of the law. Making comments S.V. Popova’s on position, it is necessary to notice, that this author in the definition does not adhere to the full to a rule of unity of criterion of classification of the bases of differentiation, and also resorts to the tautological approach as «social», it appears, can be both «objective» and «subjective» factors of differentiation. V.V. Zhernakov, S.M. Prilipko and G.S. Goncharova, in our opinion, interpret concept of differentiation unreasonably «narrowly», after all reduce the characteristic of the last to «divergence» only in «norms of work», instead of in general in system of the labour rights and duties. Giving ought O.N. Jaroshenko’s to reasons, we will notice, that this researcher, in our opinion, unreasonably displaces accent during the characteristic of essence of concept «differentiation» on division, delimitation of «rules of law», instead of as it should be, volume and the maintenance of the labour rights and duties of participants of sociolabor relations.

Considering stated, concept «the differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations» can be formulated as established on the certain bases and by means of the special norms provided by certificates legislative or accepted according to them, difference (compared with the general) in the maintenance and volume of the separate labour rights, duties and powers of certain categories of participants of sociolabor relations. The author of the given publication in the scientific workings [15] out is guided by such understanding of the specified concept.



1.       Лавриненко О. В. Понятие и виды дифференциации правового регулирования социально–трудовых отношений (вопросы теории) / О. В. Лавриненко // Известия Гомельского государственного университета имени Франциска Скорины. — 2010. — № 1. — С. 70–75.

2.       Лавриненко О. В. Исследование проблемы единства и дифференциация правового регулирования трудовых отношений (в контексте анализа специального законодательства о службе в органах внутренних дел Украины) / О. В. Лавриненко // Современный научный вестник. — 2008. — № 11. — С. 73–99.

3.       Лавріненко О. В. Феномен єдності і диференціації в системі правового регулювання соціально–трудових відносин: філософсько–правові та теоретико–методологічні аспекти / О. В. Лавріненко // Південноукраїнський правничий часопис. — 2009. — № 1. — С. 104–113.

4.       Лавріненко О. В. Принцип єдності й диференціації правового регулювання соціально–трудових відносин у системі галузевих принципів трудового права України : монографія / О. В. Лавріненко. — Донецьк : Ноулідж — ДЮІ ЛДУВС ім. Е. О. Дідоренка, 2010. — 358 с.

5.       Лавриненко О. В. Понятие и виды дифференциации правового регулирования социально–трудовых отношений (вопросы теории) / О. В. Лавриненко // Известия Гомельского государственного университета имени Франциска Скорины. — 2010. — № 1. — С. 70–75.