Історія / Історія науки і техніки


Mudruk O.S. 

State Scientific Agricultural Library Ukrainian Academy Agrarian Sciences

Kyiv, Ukraine

Methodology of soil cartography: history, theory, practice


All materials about soil cartography are gathered by soil scientists of Russian school. L.I. Prosolov divided them into following groups:

1.     Soil maps original (detail maps and plans of separate research and other lots on scale of 1:4200 to 1:42000; soil maps of search bigger territories (provinces, districts etc.) on scale of 1:42000 to 1:420000; scheme soil maps of that territories on scale 1:840000 to 1:380000).

2.     2. General soil maps (general maps od soil types, state, district on scale of 1:840000, 1:4200000 etc.; soil maps of regions, provinces in different scales).

Many soil maps or cartograms of soil values were made by statistic methods. They were: geological-geomorphological-soil map of Eastern Europe (from the Baltic Sea to the Danube and the Dnieper) by polish geologist Stashitsa (1806), manuscript map by unknown author (1841), maps by academicians Veselovskiy (1849, 1852, 1857) and Ruprecht (1866), Wilson (1869), and later – Chaslavskiy's map (1837). It's appeared that they needed repeated search. They were not detail, nor exact by their classification. There were not opportunity to get really huge and compare statistic facts and in variety of kinds of soils. These were the main reasons. In this method direct researches mixed with indirect facts, for example, by harvest size, thus direct identification is not possible.

Another empirical method is agronomic. Separate soil parts are determined by analyses, the getting sizes put into the maps and than lines are built. It was created by G.F. Nefedov. The scientist thought that Dokuchaev's cartography method couldn't be observed as ideal. Agronomic method was used by professor Thoms. Prof. Nabokich built his soil maps of Ukraine by izohumus method. G.N. Vusotskiy – by izocarbonat method.

Agrogeological direction reflected on the domestic and American works of soil cartography. All soil maps were built by Dokuchaev's method or method of genetic soil science.

It should be marked that soil scientist left not useful examples and notes and saved work, time, means. It is important in conditions of search big and difficult territories. According to the work sizes increasing the quantity search and scientist should use detail mass researchers. These researchers made in bigger scale, than true and useful maps' sizes.

The details of soil maps shouldn't exist without individual natural soils. They are made by morphological method. It is based on studying the deep soil section in the field and examples from natural stage and genetic horizons. Good spade is an important instrument of soil scientist.

Counting of soil resources is one of the most important and perspective directions of usage cosmic photos. They could be used for making and corrective work od regions and district soil maps, papers of State soil map, soil map on scale 1:2500000. A number of colourful and black-white photos give us opportunity to use them during making and correction world soil map. The search process of optical generalization of images soil cover at photos and deciphering types, subtypes, and maybe kinds of soils. They give exact and full results. Thus, they give opportunity to make maps by different sizes at new quality level.

Cosmic photos are discovered huge territories of the Earth's surface. For the first time we saw the results of objective optical generalization of soil cover. They reflected features and structure of soils of separate regions and provinces. They gave opportunity to see in details and studied separate rock systems and vertical explanation to soil-vegetate cover, the character of melioration and drainage systems in the whole, the results of water and wind soil erosions, peculiarities of usage agricultural soils etc.

The methodology of soil cartography is complicated totality of scientific elements and engineering decisions. They are improved with the development of science and society and historical existence of scientific thought.