Engineering science / 2. Prospects of information systems

Kulyk A.J., Krivogubtchenko S.G., Kulyk J.A.

Vinnitsa national technical university, Ukraine

Increase of effective speed of transfer of the information


The rough development of means of an exchange of the data in information systems of various functionality requires increase of effective speed of transfer lost-free information. Theoretically speed of transfer can not exceed Nickvist border, which is defined by transfer of pulses  [1]. But, in practice, the transfer of such pulses can result in the too large amplitude of signals on the one hand, and with another to the large intersymbolical distortions, and as a consequence to loss of synchronization. By transfer of the information rectangular pulses greatest possible will be half of Nickvist speed. In the literature the principles of increase of speed of transfer of the information are considered at the expense of use of pulses of the different form: rectangular and sine wave. But thus on identification of the data the form of the received pulses essentially influences. As it is necessary precisely to maintain the form of a rectangular pulse, that, theoretically, it demands an infinite strip of frequencies of the channel of communication. Practically this strip should be wide enough for the passing of quantity of harmonics initial form, necessary for restoration, of a pulse.

  More effective represent transfer of the information by pulses of the identical form (sine wave), but moved in time, as it is submitted on the temporary diagrams (fig. 1). As more often information transfers in a computer format (bytes), the informative code combination totals eight binary digits. Irrespective of a mode of transfer (synchronous or asynchronous), the first pulse should be individual, that it was possible to begin from it readout of time intervals of identification. Thus the signal acting in the communication line, is described by the formula


.                  (1)


 Using a known ratio





вираз (1) можна подати у вигляді:



Fig. 1The temporary diagrams of transfer of the information by sine wave pulses with shift





Proceeding from the received ratio (3) it is possible to choose optimum meaning of a delay between pulses τ, so that a strip of frequencies, which is borrowed by a signal, answered conditions of use of the channel. The analysis shows, that the shift of pulses on a quarter of the period  leaves in expression (3) only one component , that is the channel of communication will transfer only one harmonic.

Fig. 2 The block diagram for realization of algorithm of increase of speed

of transfer of the information


As during reception of the information there is no necessity for complete restoration of the form of pulses, and the task is reduced only to definition of amplitude of the signal which has come from the channel of communication, in the fixed intervals of time, it will not influence quality of transfer of the information absolutely. The speed of transfer of the information thus grows in 1,5 times, and the capacity of a signal in the channel of communication is not increased. The reduction of parameter τ results on the one hand in increase of speed of transfer and approach to Nickvist border, and with another in the channel of communication there are even harmonics and the capacity of a signal grows. At τ = 0 the Nickvist border is reached, but the identification of signals becomes impossible, and the capacity of a signal is increased in nine times. Thus, from the point of view of a ratio capacity of the channel / volume of a signal optimum is shift of pulses .

Only Haar functions from all class of wavelet-functions have a rectangular kind. Quasisine wave character have Gauss wavelets of the even orders,  Daubechies wavelets and others [2]. Thanking orthogonal property it allows to use them for construction of information systems, and the form is essential to raise speed of transfer of the information.

Taking into account, that the basic requirement during transfer is the concentration of energy in the narrowest strip of frequencies [3], such algorithm is most effective. The points of identification of a signal in time are set by the timer, and the identification of a signal is defined by comparison of its amplitude with threshold meaning at the precisely fixed moments of time [4].



1.     Хармут Х.Ф. Передача информации ортогональными функциями. – М.: Связь, 1975. – 272 с.

2.     Дьяконов В.П. Вейвлеты. От теории к практике. – М.: СОЛОН-Р, 2002. – 448 с.

3.     Квєтний Р.Н., Компанець М.М., Кривогубченко С.Г., Кулик А.Я. Основи техніки передавання інформації. – Вінниця: УНІВЕРСУМ-Вінниця, 2002 – 358 с.

4.     Пат. 61383 України, МПК7 Н03М 13/00. Спосіб передавання інформації та пристрій для його здійснення / Кулик А.Я. (Україна); ВДТУ. – № 2003010392; заявл. 16.01.2003; опубл. 17.11.2003; Бюл. № 11. – 7 с.