Title: Study of specific and nonspecific aspects of immunogenesis of echinococcosis of the human liver.

Zanginyan H.V*., Hovsepyan L.M., Ghazaryan G.S.

Institute of Molecular biology NAN RA

Introduction: Studying the role of immune mediators of inflammation in the liver echinococcosis is of interest. These studies can clarify the mechanisms of immune disorders in echinococcosis of the liver and may be useful in the development based on these additional diagnostic, prognostic criteria allowing a differentiated approach to the problem of hydatid infestation.

The aim of the work was to study individual units immunogenesis violations resulting fromparasitic immunosuppression level of eosinophils, neutrophils, monocytes, andphagocytic activity of neutrophils, as well as changes in the content of immunoglobulins(A, G, E, F) in blood donors and patients with echinococcosis before operation and 3 and the 10th day after the operation.

Materials and metods: In patients with hepatic echinococcosis in the peripheral blood revealed significant changes in the number of phagocytic activity of neutrophils prior to treatment in the form of lower rates. After treatment, the neutrophils remain in the state of hyperreactivity.

Studied non-specific reactivity of the immune system in the peripheral blood of 12 patients with echinococcosis of the liver. As a control, used the results of determination of non-specific reactivity of the immune system in 6 donors. Patients was performed on an empty stomach intake of whole blood from peripheral veins, followed by centrifugation and separation of plasma prior to surgery and on the 3th and 10th postoperative day. Specific proteins (Ig A, G, E, M) defined by the study turbodimetric  metods.

Results: It is established that the echinococcosis of the liver is determined by high levels of IgA, IgG and IgE, are involved in the production of collagen.

To determine the leukocyte blood was taken in tubes containing EDTA. When counting of leukocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes) used the usual method of counting the leukocyte

Conclusion: These data suggest that liver echinococcosis develops an imbalance of immunological parameters, quantitative and functional changes in peripheral blood lymphocytes, disruption of normal relations of cell subpopulations, which indicates a decrease in resistance of the organism and the development of immune deficiency.