Methods of the Clothes Visual Presentation.

Galun D., Ph.D.


           Complete and assortment methods of the clothes presentation are considered to be basic in various systems of visual merchandising. The complete method also called capsule, by color themes, is a presentation of the kit of mutually compatible and mutually substitute items ready for consumption. The main task of this method is to increase the complexity of the purchase. The assortment method (also matrix, category method) contains placing one or more models of all colors, one after the other in a limited area of commercial equipment. The main objective of this method is to simplify the process of choosing the models in a store. Let us consider advantages and flaws of each of them.

          The main advantage of the complete method is in illusion of creating a full-fledged image in the eyes of a potential buyer (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Wall display designed by the complete method.

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            For example, the coat model, the jacket model, blouses or jersey models which can be combined with the jacket are hanging in sequence on the same bar. Then there is a model of trousers or skirt recommended by a stylist to provide the full kit displayed on the bar. In that case products are coordinated by color and style, as by main criteria of the visual aesthetics. Everything is demonstrated obviously to the consumer. Besides the complete method performed on a wall equipment makes the clothes presentation more attractive, more various, more dynamic by lengths, colors, textures and materials. Unfortunately, the process of creating and maintaining such a visual presentation is time-consuming and it requires special staff training in most cases, especially for the store of mass-consumer goods. The advantage of the assortment method is the simplicity of its creation and application. A store is usually divided into zones of shoulder and waist clothes, or into more specific categories within in case of using the method widely in stores with a full assortment (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Display of a single assortment group.

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          In this case, the consumer moves around easily in space.  He can find any model and size in need for purchasing an item belonging to a concrete assortment in one place. The flaw of application of this widely used method is in the impression of the store where base assortment is not combinative. Consequently, the indicators of complex purchase are supposed to be low.

Compilation of these methods allows us to use the advantages of each of them in many of the systems of practical visual merchandising. Products are displayed as a composition of sets on wall equipment to create some feeling of the store with a wide line of goods, while the items shown on freestanding equipment are ranged by groups of assortment that simplifies the process of choice for moving around the room (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Simultaneous use of the complete and the assortment methods.

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                                                                 About the author:
• Last name, first name in full. Galun Dmitry
• Degree (if any). Ph.D.
• Name of educational institution. Moscow State University for Design and Technology
• E-mail address.
• Mailing address (be sure to index).
107 113, Moscow, Russia, 3d Rybinskaya 1/40-41