Педагогические науки/ 2. Проблемы подготовки специалиста


Николаенко О.В.,

Ушатая Т.А.,

Черниговской государственный институт экономики и управления


the students’ INDEPENDENT WORK as a driving force of their personality development

The growth of specialists’ training quality is one of the most important problems facing the higher education in Ukraine. A student being at the university and after graduation must not only get essential knowledge and the feel of skills and habits to use the knowledge and methods of research according to the curriculum but also must be able to acquire new scientific knowledge independently.  

Thereupon the students’ independent work has been assuming significance. This problem is widely researched in the literature on pedagogy, psychology and methods of teaching. The researchers summarize pedagogic experience and study the budget of time and means of intellectual work arrangements efficiency by different subjects.   The organization of curricular and extracurricular work in the process of studying and the students’ learning skills forming are the core of postgraduate education and further professional upgrading. Thus being at the university the students must acquire the grounds to further self-education by means of their independent work.  

The notion ‘independent work’ is multifarious and that’s why, it’s natural, that it hasn’t got common interpretation in pedagogical literature. It gives us a chance to elaborate the notion ‘independent work’ and analyze the essence of it regarding to different levels of training because, in A. Leontiev’s judgement, there is daunting problem about continuity at all levels of studying foreign languages.

The researchers dealing with taking us an interest problem around higher education (S. Arkhangelskyi, Y. Golant, P. Pidkasistyi, A. Moliboh and others) also put different contest in this notion. The notion ‘independent work’ is interpreted as independent search of necessary information, getting knowledge and its using by solving educational, scientific and professional tasks (S. Arkhangelskyi ); as activity consist of some parts, such as, creative perception, comprehension of educational material on lectures, revising for classes, exams, writing papers and thesis (A. Moliboh); as various types of individual and group cognitive work under the care of lecturers ( R. Nazimov). The organization of the independent work at higher educational establishments is considered as the system of means of training such traits of a personality as activity and independence and habits of getting useful information (B. Iohanzen). The independent work is also considered by some authors as the system of pedagogical conditions arrangements which support the learning activity management in lecturer’s control absentia (V. Graf, I. Iliasov). Sometimes the independent work is considered as self-education (S. Zinoviev).

We could give examples of other interpretations of the notion but we are interested in one given by P. Pidkasistyi because his interpretation of the independent work is considered as the closest to our understanding of the independent work at non-linguistic higher educational establishments. P. Pidkasistyi believes that “the independent work at higher educational establishments is specific pedagogical means of organization and management of the independent activity in studying process’’ [4, с. 31].

From one hand, in his judgement, the independent work is a learning task, an object of a student activity, and from the other hand, it is a form of getting unknown earlier knowledge or sorting or upgrading got knowledge.  M. Graiunov thinks that the independent work is fulfilling different educational, production, research and self-educational tasks as means of professional knowledge mastering and creative activity development.  [4, с.45].

The independent work forms volume and level of knowledge, skills and habits to solve set cognitive tasks. It also develops psychological arrangement to replenish knowledge and form skills of being oriented in the stream of information [5].  

Investigating this problem we can state that the independent work is one of the cognitive activity types oriented on the compulsory and specific training under the control of lecturers. The independent work with literature for specific purposes is of our particular interest. Teaching independent work with literature for specific purposes is one of students and lecturers’ labour scientific management sides. Successful teaching activity is based not only on its qualification which is influenced with constant scientific and pedagogical upgrading but also on the skill how to use information, process it and remake it to use in creative activity.

Students’ labour scientific management consist of getting data about field of activity’s choice opportunities, assignment formulation, time distribution, the most efficient techniques possession, self-government, groundwork for future research guaranteeing and etc..   The independent work management as the component of scientific labour management at higher educational establishments is regulated by definite principles, and its success is provided by some factors influencing the learning process. Among the principles there is all individual assignment regulation by time and volume and the students’ independent work conditions providing and management. There are also two groups of factors: organizational and methodological. Organizational group of factors consists of time budget, educational literature and educational and laboratory basics. Methodological factors include planning, methods teaching and the students’ independent work management [5]. All factors are combined into multi-facet groups enveloping various sides of the students’ independent work organisation.

It is necessary to define more particular factors which provide efficient the students’ independent work with literature for specific purposes work. Factor is the reason, driving force of any process or phenomenon, which defines its character and particular traits. Therefore, the studying of factors which influence the students’ independent work with literature for specific purposes work organization permits to provide more efficient studying and brings to more complete the essence of the independent work comprehension. Among the factors are psychological and pedagogical and linguistic ones.   

The independent work and the independent work with literature for specific purposes carry out cognitive, educational and training functions, that is widen and deepen got knowledge, develop literature studying skills and habits, train independence, creativity and convictions. Psychological and pedagogical factors suppose to record psychological qualities which are necessary for fruitful independent work with literature for specific purposes realization and to train social and personal qualities necessary for this work. Among mentioned factors there is also a gained ability to upgrade by force of definite selection, processing and mastering of information. Such activity needs a set of corresponding qualities. Among them there is cognitive activity, aspiration and skills to gain knowledge and methods of their implementation in practice, and intellectual activity, the necessity to know as more as possible in the professional sphere. In the process of the independent work with literature for specific purposes personal qualities are improved. Positively motivated and organized the independent work promotes the training volitional qualities of a personality and also develops thinking, memory, attention and abilities. Psychological and pedagogical factors influence the independent work with literature in foreign languages for specific purposes and its rational using makes the process of learning be more efficient. Linguistic factor is defined with the character of literature of the students’ interest [8].

Recently the text as the communicative unit has been given consideration. The text research results are reflected in the foreign language teaching methodology.  Among text’s functions there is the using of the text during teaching students how to retrieve given information that is how to understand speech work as it is. It is a common feeling that the process of special literature in foreign languages comprehension is influenced by the level of speaking foreign languages and the literature’s peculiarities. By the way, the rules of composition and semantic text outline identify the choice and the use of languages means within written scientific report. Therefore, the skill to rely on the definite text characteristics, essentially its composition and semantic outline as the points at extracting information, will promote to understand the text more properly.  Mentioned groups of factors provide combined, integrated influence upon the independent work of students and must be considered in the interconnection.

The characteristics of the notion ‘students’ independent work’ and the definition of the factors, which influence upon its management from the side of lecturers, allow us to give some practical recommendations [7].

The independent work must be carried out by students as cognitive activity and must become the means of training such personal characteristics as independence, activity, creative attitude to the welcomed information. All said before makes a demand for the literature for specific purposes quality and the methodological organization of the process of learning. The first condition is provided by thorough textual materials selection for self-studying. The second one includes the forming skills how to work with special literature with the help of tasks system that afterwards can be postgraduate self-education and upgrading of specialist basic. 

The preliminary studying allowed us to mark out the following skills. First of all, they are the skills of the information sources search, the extraction of the information from one or some sources, linguistic factor consideration, and literature character used by students.  By the way, literature character being the subject of the students’ independent work must be taken into consideration in the complex of exercises working out to form the skills of independent work.

Therefore, students’ independent work with literature for specific purposes must be organized, and its success mostly depends on psychological and pedagogical and linguistic factors.


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