Visual Merchandising. Psychological Aspects of the Technical Science.
Galun D.A., Ph.D.

          The visual merchandising was formed into the science which could be interpreted as being based on the diversity of forms of scientific and technical knowledge, united by the basis of synthesis of methodological means, concepts and principles of various branches of knowledge and scientific achievements of aesthetics, technical design, psychology, logic and marketing in XXI century.

         The practical tasks of technical science substantiated by the psychology of perception and behavior are examined in this article.

1. It is necessary to arrange the trading equipment most effectively. The equipment arranged is a framework at which the whole visual presentation is holding on. It is important to remember about the psychological aspects of consumer behavior in the store while performing this primary practical task. Statistics show that the majority of customers move around the perimeter of the trading hall counter-clockwise and it is better not to hinder such a movement of the customers, as it is comfortable for them. Thus passages between the near-wall and island equipment should be left for a free motion of customers around the store, to keep an opportunity to turn to the right at the entrance. Also, the buyer feels comfortable in space constructed symmetrically, i.e. the law of symmetry should be obeyed while placing the equipment. As the symmetry is a feature of nature, that covers all the forms of movement and organization of matter. The concept of symmetry exists since ancient times. The recognition of similarities and differences between right and left was the most important discovery of the ancient. Their own body and the bodies of animals, birds and fish served them as natural samples [1]. This feature of the nature is used actively for both global and local purposes in visual merchandising.
2. You need to allocate a group of new proceeds. A whole new product should be placed in the entrance area of ​​the store, in its central and right hand side for this purpose. Why? The entrance area is classified as the most active zone of the store. Many of the visitors appear there and there is the largest number of purchases. The entrance zone attracts customers by a new product right from the entrance to the store. Placing new additions into passive (cold) areas, including corners, dead ends, the back of the store, is not considered effective. Products placed there will not provide high revenue most likely. Theft occurs usually in the corners and dead ends. It is well known fact that the human movements and behavior are not adequate to its anthropological and physiological symmetry. For example, identical apparently right and left limbs differ from each other in physical activity, the left and right hemispheres of the brain are functioned in different ways when processing the information [2]. These human characteristics are used for a long time in merchandising. Finally that affects the formation of certain purchasing requirements. Research shows that children of up to 6 year with their eyes closed turn right and left with the same frequency, but turns to the right are beginning to prevail with the age. Imagine a concrete case, when the square room is with even artificial light (there are no windows) and its entrance is in the middle of the facade. Visitors turn right more often (60%) than the left (40%) in this area.
Consequently, the items placed on the right side have an advantage over those placed on the left side of the hall in equal conditions. In addition, people are reluctant to go to the depth of the room (30%). They prefer to shop in the first part (70%) of the trading hall that provides an advantage of the products available in this area. [3]

GALUNDM185_8Q_Galun Book_Page_085  3. To place themes for the trading hall in the most effective way. This problem is equivalent essentially to the psychological problem of ensuring a stable attention. The task given below will help you understand better the task for merchandiser.












            Fig. 1. Trace each of the lines. Put up the corresponding number from the left.

            Tracing by look each of the lines from the beginning to the end in Fig. 1 requires attention stability. [4] So the consumer must go around the store with a steady attention. This problem is solved by locating the capsules matched by style and color, that arising logically from one another, or contrasting strongly with each other in the trading hall, as well as the successful completion of the first and second tasks. 4. How can you promote the sale of "hung" models. It's possible to present plural the models that are not in demand among buyers, i.e. put it on a mannequin, lay down on the entrance table, hang on the bar in the entrance area, select one or more facing presentations. The reason for the effectiveness of repeats can be easily explained by the analogy to the psychology of advertising [5]. It allows you to retain information in short-term memory, and transfer it to long-term;

5. How many and what sizes should be presented in the trading hall? Representation of the full size range, i.e. all sizes from a minimum to a maximum, is characteristic for the category of massmarket. Each size can often be represented by two or three units in the stores of a large area. Consumers associate such a voluminous representation of the goods with low price. The product represents itself. Besides, this peculiarity is defined by a strong customer flow, the limited area of ​​the warehouse, the need to reduce the time of customer service. Keep in mind that sizes should be sorted from smallest to largest in the direction of buyer’s motion. It is argued that numbers are perceived by a man psychologically from the smaller to the larger, from the first to the latter. Thus the man would write the first 1 and the last - 10 during solving the task to write the numbers from 1 to 10.


1. Parmon F.. The Composition of the Suit. Textbook for high schools. - Moscow: Legprombytizdat, 1997.
2. The Psychology of Sensation and Perception/ ed. Gippenreiter Y. etc. - ed. 2nd, revised and expanded. - M.: "CheRo", 2002.
3. Paramonov T., Ramazanov I.. Merchandising/ Textbook. - Moscow: OOO "ID FBK-Press", 2004.
4. Platonov K.. An Amusing Psychology. - M., Molodaya Gvardiya, 1964.
5. Izmailov M.. The Psychology of Advertising Activity
/ Textbook. – M.: CTI "Darya and Co.", 2008.

About the author:

• Last name, first name in full. Galun Dmitry
• Degree (if any). Ph.D.
• Name of educational institution. Moscow State University for Design and Technology
• E-mail address.
• Mailing address (be sure to index).
107 113, Moscow, Russia, 3d Rybinskaya 1/40-41

The category of the article. Engineering
• The number of magazines you wish to receive. 1