D. Abzalova, O.Koblanova ,G. Abramova, D. Kluzhin, Sh.Duissebayev,

 Z. Kerimbekova

Kazakhstan Republic Shymkent Institute of the Kazakh-Turkish University

Named after H.A. Yassaui.



           Metal and items corrosion control has been one of the most national problems, its treatment provides for the efficiency of the main funds usage practically in every branch of industry and economy, where metal constructions are used.

         Varnish – paint material plating is the most efficient, universal and accessible way to protect metal items from corrosion. The varnish – paint materials protects about 80 % of all metal surfaces.

         The researchers have developed plating, containing the lowered content of volatile substances. The developed plating possesses high physical-mechanical properties and protective characteristics.

Key words: plating, solvent, industrial wastes, resources, resin, block-copolymers, physical-mechanical properties, protective characteristics, xylitan.

         I. Introduction. Consuming products list is enlarged due to the manufacturing complexes technological differentiation constant increasing. The number of production conversions is increasing as well as the types of the obtained target-oriented product. Consequently, the problem of the wastes utilization and the product of non-target – oriented in each conversion are getting wider. However, solving these problems experiences negative influence of the of economical incentive production efficiency growth existing system.

         II. Task setting. Raw material complex utilization problem needs a thorough study of the production material resources and non-waste technology management in each operational technological stage. In order to solve the problem step-by-step one should distinguish the following stages: efficient raw material extraction and other by-products; raw material man component maximum extraction technology development; natural raw material content complete substance –mineral study; wastes influence on the environment complex evaluation.

         Secondary resources utilization, their utilization activities, the problem research coordination need to have a common cadastre and wastes testing development.  Wastes complex utilization system should analyze every consistent technological process stage beginning with the initial and till the consumer member.

         Using and consuming of the more expensive reagents, accompanying materials, energy and water sources, their complex economical evaluation should be paid much attention to.

Secondary resources problem is the most important constituent part of the complex raw material utilization, which meets many other problems. They will find their true solution if the nature utilization management system will be united, it will provide for the interconnected mineral resources processing planning and the secondary resources will be involved into the production process.

Environment protection is of high priority in the coating manufacturing and applying process. Main attempts in the nearest future will be focused on decreasing of the volatile organic compounds content in the coating compositions. This will be performed to meet new air quality norms and regulations.

Liquid coating is becoming thick almost solid when it is applied to the surface; while some of the components (pigments, resins, fillers) still remain in the film coupling with the main metal, but some other part  (solvents or volatile organic compounds) volatilize into the air when drying. They are:  benzine, benzene, toluene, and acetone.

Some chemical substances greatly influence the environment, especially lead. Paint, pigmented with lead, has long been used as the corrosion inhibitor and is still used for coating of the bridge supports and beams coating.

The problem is that when the sandblasting clearing ruins lead coating this material is considered to be dangerous according to the technical norms and regulations.

According to the norms and regulations surface preparation should be performed along with the wasted abrasive material and paint balance collection system. Meeting this requirement will increase the repainting cost, which can be equal to the construction cost of the repainted facilities.  Lasted lead impact on the human being negatively influences the brain system, blood creation system, nervous system, reproduction system, causes kidney diseases. Besides, it can accumulate with the course of time. The problem of lead paint removal should be treated with great care. Coating manufacturers tend to develop the paint quality and we can see some progress in the coatings for the chemical industry, energy industry, and wasted waters treatment system. Less progress is observed in the coatings for the bridges. The problem of the reliability and lasting quality increase is the most actual in the modern stage of the industry development. Research results aiming at the prolongation of the acting objects service life are of great importance. Polymers and composite materials at their base are widely used in the chemical industry. This very important industry of our country utilizes one-fifth of all produced polymers. This fact is explained by the large economic and social return of the polymer material usage in the machine building industry, chemical and oil-chemical industry. Formation of the brand new materials and constructions based on the xylitan new varnish epoxy block copolymers with great reliability and productivity produces technical return of the polymer materials using.

Polymer materials using economic benefit effects in materials cost, labour input and manufacturing cost, capital and operational cost substantial savings. /2,3/.

There are two ways of obtaining the coatings with the low volatile organic substances content. The first way is to increase the solid phase content with the simultaneous lowering of the solvents content, the second is to proceed to the water based coatings. The last opportunity is more preferable, for it insures the better operational qualities.

On the other hand, thee solid phase volume increasing and solvent volume lowering negatively influence the coating and such its characteristics as reliability of its cohering with the surfaces, appearance, drying and hardening.  The coating perfection researches are in the progress trying to meet the environment protection norms and regulations.

III. Results. So, we have developed the different coating compositions based on the xylitan epoxy-new-varnish block copolymers, possessing high physical-mechanical and protective characteristics (table 1).

IV. Conclusion. The coatings developed are the paints of the better compatibility with the surface, i.e. one can apply them in the unfavourable conditions and the service life is kept satisfactory. Moisture on the surface is an unfavourable factor for coating applying, for it reduces the adhesion.  But its presence is necessary for the paint coating based on the xylitan epoxy-new-varnish block copolymers at the cool solidification regime, moisture provides for the film solidification; so considerable moisture content is supposed in the air and on the surface of the painted object. /1,4/.

The coating contains a latent hardener, in the moisture presence it initiates the solidification process and the by-product is produced.

So, the hardened film of the epoxy coatings based on the xylitan epoxy-new-varnish block copolymers acquires the necessary mechanical characteristics and it can be applied with a thick layer.

Table 1.

Test specimen physical and mechanical characteristics, protected with the varnish paint coatings based on the xylitan epoxy-new-varnish block copolymers


Specimen physical and mechanical characteristics

Specimen qualities


Coating appearance

Dark-cherry colour


Drying period at 0C, not more than



Bending strength, mm



Adhesion, number



Strike strength, j

Straight strike 3-5,0

Back strike 2-5,0


Gel-fraction content, %






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2. D.A. Abzalova, D.V. Kluzhin, E. Babayan. Rational utilization of the South-Kazakh natural resources // All-Russia Students’ Research Practical Conference ‘Chemistry and chemical technology in the 21st century’. – Tomsk (Russia): Tomsky Polytechnic univ.- 2005.

3. D.A. Abzalova, D.V. Kluzhin, N.S. Tagayev. Corrosion protection and operation of the long-lasting constructions and equipment // University research and production - 2005. – Shymkent: KazAT &K, 2005.

4. D.A.Abzalova, D.V. Kluzhin, G. Nakipbekova. Complex utilization of the South-Kazakhstan microbiology industry wastes // Proc. III-rd regional students’ research conference.- Taras, 2005. – P.109-110.