S.D. Sharipkhanov

 The Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Science (Engineering).


Justification of Communication Logistics in Emergency



One of the essential problems influencing the effective operation of management system in emergency situations (ES) is insufficient information support during the most important and major stages of prevention and relief at emergency situations.  And the question is not only that information is often insufficient or inaccurate but also that sometimes information is excess, unformalized or of low quality and information flow into the system is erratic.  All the mentioned factors affect the effective operation of management system in ES, resulting in inadequate or low operational efficiency of management decisions. Meanwhile the modern ES management systems challenge command staff with new tasks. The latter are conditional to growing sophistication of management process (owing to complication of control objects), strengthening of requirements to operational efficiency and credibility of managerial decisions. Most of the named requirements are contradictory and due to that exacerbate the problem.

The current trends to growth in emergency situations scale force to develop relief and prevention measures at a full pelt but not less viable. In order to achieve that the management structure – the management system in emergency situations – should carry on continual improvements. How to develop ES management system and ES management as a whole? Which direction should one head to? What is the root course of the problem?

Analysis of problems with information support during emergency response and prevention reported that the quality of management was strongly dependant on the system capability to timely and adequate reaction to changing environment and timely and adequate controls activation. 


Controls activations are generated as a result of processing of information which circulates in the management system.





The 2nd information barrier

Figure 1 – The Second Information Barrier

According to [1], cumulative information flow circulating in the management system  (Vс) is in proportion to the management system complexity. How can one evaluate the management system complexity? There are several methods for evaluation of management system complexity. Empirically the management system complexity can be evaluated with the help of the following equation: - Complexity = С =(n+m)a, where n – is the number of managing subsystems in operation; m – is the number of  subsystems under control (control object) in the same management system; a – is an empirical value (а = 1,8…2). By virtue of the fact that information flow  Vс  in the management system   is in proportion to the management system complexity, V= γ С = γ =(n+m)2 , where γ – is a proportionality factor which is established empirically.

What are the management system capabilities in processing of the information flow? These capabilities also relates to complexity of the management system. If according to the information theory the value of the management system complexity, which is (n+m)1 , whereby Vс= Vhuman (capabilities of the management system controlling body with one controlling element – the commander (the chief or command officer), is the first information barrier, then the value of the management system complexity (n+m)2, whereby Vс= Vmax, is the second information barrier (Figure 1). It is impossible to break the second barrier due to the fact that when the complexity of the management system has achieved the second barrier all the human and material resources had been used already for the benefits of management. However this barrier can be moved forward to the scope of responsibilities of more complex management systems.  The barrier b21, correspond to capabilities of a managing body without computing technology with traditional management technique with efficiency Vmax1 = γ 'nmax Vk1 .

Manual Operation


Advanced Management Methods


Logistical Management Methods





Figure 2 – Change of the Second Information Barrier 

The barrier b22 corresponds to application of advanced technological means (typically with computer systems), but with traditional IT management, with efficiency Vmax2 = γ 'nmax Vk2. The barrier b23 corresponds to application of more effective IT management with use of computer systems in the process of management and efficiency Vmax3 = γ 'nmax Vk3. It can be shown that the barrier b23 is impassable barrier as it corresponds to application of management technologies of the highest efficiency (computing systems and information-logistics management methods). This barrier can be only moved forward by means of using more and more powerful computer systems and more and more advanced information technologies, such as information-logistics methods.

The present study proposes to move forward the second information barrier with the help of ES informational logistics which provides optimal consolidation of all the resources available. (Figure 2).

Bibliography Cited:

1. А.А. Larin, Theory of Managemen, Part VI: Automatization of Management, Handbook of Strategic Rocket Forces, Moscow, 2001, p. 351

2. S.D. Sharipkhanov, V. I. Mukhin, Basics of Informational Logistics in Emergency Situations: Building of Event Tree of Railway Accident.  Study X, Scientific-Technical Conference, The Scientific Technical University of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after K. I. Satpayev, 2009, pp. 198-204.

The Resume


The modern emergency situation management systems are quite effective in reaction to emergencies of medium scale and complexity. However they suffer extreme pressure in large-scaled complex emergencies. When the system is stretched to the limit it comes across the second information barrier, which can not be broken according to the information theory. Nevertheless the second information barrier can be moved forward to the scope of more complex management systems. The traditional methods of moving forward the second information barrier have come to the end of tether and become inefficient,   further development of them is impractical. Therefore application of new innovative approaches is vital for raising the system’s functional efficiency.  Considering that all implementation of emergency informational logistics is recommended to solve the problem.


Keywords: emergency situation, information barrier, ES informational logistics, ES management system.