Bubis E.L., Gusev S.A., Zheglov A.V.

Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Institute of Microstructure Physics RAS, Russia

Phase-contrast technique with photo-thermal cell Zernike

This paper describes a method of phase-contrast imaging of transparent objects using a layer of weakly absorbing optically thick media, located in the Fourier plane of the system as a cell Zernike (photo-thermal cell) [1-4]. The required level of the technique corresponds to the initial stage of thermal blooming in the medium and in the liquid filter is about milliwatts. Experimentally recorded increase in the edges of rendered images of transparent objects. Demonstrated the feasibility of the method for monitoring and visualization of optical inhomogeneities in liquid glycerine.

For small quantities raid phase distribution of light intensity in the image plane in the phase-contrast technique is as follows:

          ,                                   (1)

where I0 intensity of light, before object, j(x, y) distribution of the wave phase immediately after transparent object,  Qphase shift between zero and the higher space frequencies, produced by the filter Zernike.

Focusing the beam in the optical path length (infinite) weakly absorbing medium, because of its heat, it acquires an additional phase shift. In the nonstationary case, it is equal to:


Here – the energy of the beam – the critical energy of thermal blooming. In the nonstationary case the phase shift is a linear function of time (with a rectangular pulse) and the desired shift  is achieved only to the end.

For example, for water in the visible range spectrum  and the required energy can not exceed several tens millidzhouls.

When using a continuous laser radiation (>> ,  – the radius of a Gaussian beam in terms of ,   – thermal diffusivity; æ - coefficient of thermal conductivity) among the steady temperature distribution, and approximate estimate the required capacity (for not too keenly focused beams) is determined from the expression [6]:


Using tabulated data for water (æ  and taking  get . For alcohol (æ  and other values that  and is satisfied in this case.

In the experiment, a technique for the construction of single images with photo-thermal unit, located in the Fourier plane (see [1-3] and the references cited therein). On the screen, located in the image plane (at a distance of 10 meters from the lens) rendered an image of the transparent objects photographed digital camera. Fig. 1b, c) are rendered images of optical inhomogeneities (Svilen) in liquid glycerin, which takes place after mechanical perturbation [5]. Case 2a) corresponds to put forward a filter from the Fourier plane and hence the lack of visualization.








Fig. 1


We have studied the quality of rendered images of transparent objects. Found that the visualization of large-scale objects with sharp boundaries (stripe phase) has a slight edge enhancment [5], earlier in the process predicted theoretically [3]. For objects with smooth edges and smaller limits increase flagging. Figure 2a) shows a photograph of the visualized image of the phase stripes, and Fig. 2c) of its transverse distribution of brightness.









Fig. 2


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2. Yelleswarapu C.S.et al  //Applied Physics Letters. 2006. V. 89. P. 211116-1.

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