Химия и химические технологии/8. Кинетика и катализ


PhD Viazovik V.

Cherkasy State Technological University

Optimization of process of burning of gaseous fuel

The existent theory of geterogenious catalysis is based on notion "thermal energy of activating". This parameter for the flowline of concrete gas reaction represents the necessity of receipt by the system (Gas Gas) energy for overcoming power barrier. Bringing in the area  of the promoted temperature to the catalyst (Gas - Gas – Hard system) changes reactionary power of the system. It is necessary overcoming a few energies of activating the stages of catalysis, algebraic sum of which considerably (at the correct choice to the catalyst) below to energy of activating of gas reaction (Gas Gas). Using the catalyst, thus, gives the possibility to intensify a process. But for flow lining the reaction in  the system with a catalyst (for example, for the gas, exothermic, reverse reaction) necessary is rising of temperature to some one (enough high) level - "temperature of ignition " to the catalyst. In most cases rising of temperature is energetically unprofitably and economically not expediently. Practically, in all existent processes by achievement reactionable level a temperature is basic. Activating of chemical processes is possible also with the use of ultraviolet radiation, chemical processes in plasma and arc discharge in gases.

          The fundamental scientific problem, which was put, is: to learn and develop the apparatus and technology of electro-catalysis as the method for declining the energy of activating on a catalyst due to bringing of him in the area of quiet electric discharge. In the processes of electro-catalysis of overcoming of energy of activating is carried out for the account of following acts: synthesis and extinguishing of oxygencontained radicals; reception of energoactive and reactionable atoms and molecules due to the stream of lone electrons; wave influence of discharge on the system in an area to the catalyst; ultraviolet irradiation; thermal influencing of quiet discharge.

Conduction of gas chemical reaction on a catalyst in the area of quiet discharge intensification of process is going in after a few directions:

- oxidizing power of the system changes because as an oxidant not only oxygen but also molecules of ozone (at low humidity) are used, and also (with the growth the water pressure part) oxygencontained radicals НО, НО, RO, RO;

- molecules of reagent under action of high tension, stream of surplus electrons, ultraviolet irradiation, e.t.c., grow into the energetically-excited atoms, ions or ion-radicals;

- oxidation of such reagents by oxygen, ozone and radicals flow spontaneously or at the minimum of the energy charges;

- compensation of energetic thermal charges is possible due to the rise of temperature of the system in the area of discharge; it means using without bulky heat-exchange vehicles and caldrons;

- influencing of frequency of discharge, optimization of strimmers working, influence of temperature on a chemical reaction yield will be determined for every system experimentally.

During the electro-catalytic activating of the systems of burning (CnHm - N2 - O2) the declining the energy of activating of the endothermic constituent on first stage of burning is achieved - hydrocarbons decomposition on carbohydrate radical and proton. The decline expenses of energy on the first stage of term destruction hydrocarbons of fuel leads to the increase the selection of heat on the main heat-havier, that, in the turn, results in the substantial economy of fuel (15-25%).

Achievement of high indexes of electro-catalysis is related to the directed search of material of dielectric, laser treatment of surface of dielectric, by the artificial extinguishing  the radical of oxygen by steam of water, studying of different constructions of ozonizers, as the reactors of quiet discharge, studying of terms of synthesis of high concentrations of oxygencontained radicals, prefiery preparations of fuel in fuel-air mixtures.

The experiments on optimization of burning process of gaseous fuel were conducted on stand and pilot options.  For prevention the declining of catalyst activity, a catalyst was shown out of area of burning.

The experiments were conducted, both with a clean gaseous fuel, and with addition in the gaseous fuel of different additives. As a fuel the methane and  propane-butane mixture were used. A propane -butane mixture has the soft terms of electrocontacting comparatively.

Time of heating of definite volume of water was located from initial (the temperatures 8-20 0C) to 98 0C. The volumes of water made 1000 dm3. Every experiment was repeated as  minimally 3 times to reproduction of results. Researches were conducted at the expense of the gas 150, 200, 300, 400 dm3/min (time of staying in the area of electrocatalysis accordingly 0,036, 0,027, 0,018, 0,014 seconds).

The most economy of fuel is achieved at the dosage in the gas stream of additives at tension 4-20 kV and arrived at approximately 12 %. Consumable power at the electro-catalysis made on the average 3-5% from the got power due to the economy of fuel. But consumable power here considerably higher. On the economy of fuel time of gas stream staying  in the area of reaction does not mean. On the fig. 1 dependences of water temperature change on time during carrying out single test and experiment with a discharge are presented.

At by the use as a fuel natural gas the electro-initiation of process of synthesis of radicals was carried out at tension of 10kV and higher. There was the considerable economy of fuel ( without addition of additives ~15 %, with addition of additives ~ 20 %).

The experiments on intensification of burning process of methane in the area of electro-catalysis in the conditions of turbines at the transportation of natural gas are conducted.





Подпись: Water temperature, C 














1 – idle experiment; 2 - the alternative burning.

Fig 1 – Curves of the dependence of water temperature change on time under the conduction of a zero experiment and the experiment with a discharge