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Dr. Vera S. Rakovskaya, student Ksenja I. Makarova

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia


The research was completed under financial support of Russian State Humanitarian Fund within the research project (Influence of External Migration on the Sociolabor Relation System), project No. 11-32-00305a2.

Today the globalization of the economy is the most important factor, which regulates sociolabor relations. It covers the whole system of international relations. In new global environment, knowledge becomes a basic resource for economic growth and economic security. So demands for education level of workers increase. Also nowadays we pay attention to innovative areas of the economy and production. Labor migration is one of important characteristic of the new economic model.

The modern world marked by constant mass migration waves of million people. External labor migration has become an integral part of today's global economy and it is an important background for stable economic development. The total world output increases as a result of migration because of more efficient use of labor resources due to their cross-country redistribution. [1, p. 106]

Labor is a global resource, the movement of which depends on different reasons. Economic motives for migration are dominant. The reasons are different economic levels of the countries development. The labor force moves from countries with low living standards to countries with higher levels standards.

However, labor migration is the kind of demonstration of disbalance between economic and demographic development of the country. The lagging of economic development from more rapid population growth leads to the formation of labor surplus. As a result of it, some workers have to emigrate in search of work. Consequently, unemployment is a significant economic factor of the labor migration. For the past ten years the number of unemployed in the world has had high level despite of the global economy growth. In 2010, the world unemployment was 205 million people. [2] In many countries, which have relative surplus of working population, the export of labor helps to reduce the unemployment level and ensure the inflow of remittances from abroad.

Today there is the increase of amount of countries, which export and import labor at the same time. International migration is important for socio-economic development. The formed market of high skilled labor force has a positive impact on demographic processes and human capital formation. Currently there is severe demographic crisis in the world. According to forecasts of the European Commission to maintain the present population, the EU will increase the annual inflow of immigrants to 700 thousand people. EU will have to take every year about one million immigrants to maintain the current level of the economically active population. According to experts of the ILO, by 2050 the rate of European living standards without immigrants will fall to 78% compared with the current day. [3] What about Russia, if we take into consideration the current migration trends, according to the estimations, population decline to 112-119 million (to 20%) by 2050. [4] For compensation of these tendencies, million immigrants should come every year in Russia.

It is necessary to pay special attention to international labor market as a form of labor migration existence, when we tell about labor migration. The market represents a new qualitative development of the labor market in terms of growing internationalization of production and growth of communication between people. This interaction plays a role in organization of the sociolabor relations, because labor workers, including migrant, come into some social relationships, interacting with each other in the labor process.

Social interactions in work environment are a form of social relations, realized in the exchange activities and mutual action. [5, p. 18] In general, the socio-labor relations are complicated system of multi-level social relations between employees, employers and government in the work process. The aim of the process is the ensuring of the necessary level and life quality of workforce and society, the system view of that allows distinguishing of interrelated economic and social elements in their structure. [6, p. 23]

The system of social-labor relations in a market economy includes such element as: employees, employers, trade unions and the state. Subject of collective sociolabor relations is the human resource policies, which include the spectrum of the organization's personnel management. Social-labor relations types are characterized by socio-psychological, ethical and legal entities form relationships in the workplace.

As well as one hundred, two hundred years ago, most people in Russia is dependent on the results of their work and focus on productive career. Every day they are includes in the system of social-labor relations. The business results, the quality of life, employment depend on efficiency of the system activity in terms of labor resources use. [7, p. 124]

However, the migration flows will have a significant impact on the system of social-labor relations in Russia, which is in the becoming process now. There are imperfect of legal and organizational forms of economic, fiscal and social policies. Weak forms of social and labor relations reduce the flexibility and adaptability of social-labor relations to the changing realities. Reductions of wages and social protection of people, excessive differentiation in incomes of social groups, high levels of poverty are because of strengthening of the labor supply due to arrivals of migrants. The result of it is stratification of society, which can destabilizes the economic and political situation in the country. Existing consequences cause the relevance of the study of these issues, which determine the law of development and efficiency of the system of social-labor relations.

To sum up, increasing global division of labor contributes to migration flows, which are constantly come from one country to another. The migration processes provide problems and benefits for the involved countries. The positive impact of migration on the economy are improved allocative efficiency of labor markets, the movement of knowledge and competence, facilitation of international trade, technology transfer, eliminations of  barriers of economic development, stimulation the development of social and labor relations.



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