Post-graduate Geraskov S. V.

State University of informatics and artificial intelligence, Donetsk, Ukraine



 The process of globalization that has been taking place in XX century determined profound synthesis of cultures and discovered the problem of cultural mutual understanding at the same time. Different national traditions were involved into one time and spiritual space that caused a requirement of harmonious coexistence. Therefore, it’s very important nowadays to give the character of intelligent and fruitful dialogue to cross-cultural communications.

     Bilateral connections of Ukraine and Japan are quite necessary for the progress of the Ukrainian society, because Japan may to be considered one of examples of future state for not Ukraine only, but also for each state striving to achieve an information stage of development. Ukrainian researchers of Japanese culture have still fallen behind their colleagues from Russia where publishing activity concerning to questions of Japanese religious traditions has been taking place for many years. The result of activity of Russian scientists is reflected in comparative researches such as work by A.N. Meshcheryakov “Japanese Emperor and Russian Tsar: elements basis” where both similarities and distinctions between Russian and Japanese cultures are outlined [9]. Shortage of comparative works concerning to Ukrainian and Japanese doesn’t mean these works to be unnecessary. On the contrary, taking into account that Ukrainian and Japanese cultures existed in different conditions conducting of actual comparative analysis would show peculiarities of both traditions in a better way. At the same time, such analysis would be useful for finding of common points.

     Mutual influence between religious and military processes has always happened in the history of mankind. It could be explained because of many common components that combined contents of religious systems with martial traditions. E. g., the main goal in both cases was considered to be a victory: either over the enemy in the course of the battle, or over oneself in the course of religious practices. One of visual examples of this reciprocity was Japanese culture that has developed under circumstances when religion and war were those factors that determined Japanese history. The reason of it might be considered to be Samurai phenomenon had being existed in Japan in IX – XIX centuries. Samurai influenced to Japanese history so much that Japanese culture might be characterized as “knights”, i.e. military traditions had an enormous significance for the population of Japan [15, 8]. The Ukrainian culture may also be defined as “knights”, because of the phenomenon of Cossacks with centre in Zaporizka Sich in XVI-XVIII centuries. Of course, the marked periods weren’t similar for both Ukrainian and Japanese historic traditions. That’s why the goal of the research is connected with sharing out and comparison of the most general terms characterizing religious ideas of Cossacks and Samurai.

     The question of confessional characteristic should be touched on before all. One of requirements of introduction to Zaporizka Sich was holding orthodoxy. Everyone who came to Sich must confess orthodox faith, recognize orthodox dogmas, fast, and be aware of symbol of faith and prayers. That requirement was compulsory for everyone; in case a man belonged to other confession he had to become an orthodox [2, 7]. As for Samurai, their religious preferences have never been determined so strictly, because they were eclectically. As a result, religious vision of Japanese warriors could be reduced to combination of three teachings at least: Shinto, Zen Buddhism and Confucianism. Samurai combined naturally Buddhist conception of lucidity with Confucian ideas of admiration a master and fulfillment the duty, besides Shinto faith in spirits-protectors. Multifacetness of Samurai’s religious traditions has existed from origin till disappearance of Samurai as a class [6, 144]. At a first glance, the difference between Cossacks and Samurai confessional attachment seems to be essential, but more thorough analysis proves religious pluralism to be characteristic of Cossacks too. Cossack orthodoxy contained elements of Byzantine orthodoxy and ancient tribal rituals [1, 48-53]. Thus, a religious eclectic was characteristic for Ukrainian martial traditions too.

     Zaporozki Cossacks’ religiosity was basically of ritual character; it wasn’t and couldn’t be argumented theologically [11, 281]. Cossack masses kept of almost child’s spontaneity of comprehension of rituals and festivals. That’s why the strongest religious feelings were caused with external part of rituals – splendor, solemnest etc. Cossacks extremely appreciated the Bible, but few of them have read the text of the Holy Scripture. Because of peculiarities of their religiosity Cossacks added religious behavior to elements that one way or another symbolized specific nature of Cossack life.

     Religious part in the life of Samurai took the same role. Zen Buddhism fully corresponded with Samurai inquiries: it didn’t depend on written tradition and didn’t burden anyone with difficult philosophical ideas. No wonder, that simple practical basis of Zen was very attractive for warriors who were difficult to understand some metaphysics moments from many other Buddhist schools [8, 94-102]. Samurai also, as well as Cossacks, gave important significance to ritualism. The way towards moral improving in Japan stretched through Confucian rules and regulations. Confucian schools for Samurai were opened almost in all Japanese provinces, as well as church educational establishments functioned all over Zaporizka Sich.

     Specific nature of Confucius teaching determined sometimes excessive working out of Samurai life. The number of Samurai rules in the sphere of ceremonies was constantly increasing, thus, determining transformation of traditional martial values. It should be noted that powerful stratum of Cossacks everyday religiosity has also appeared gradually that was embodied in the custom of not executing the criminals before the Fast, in religious symbols of Cossack graves etc. Cossacks honored very small circle of saints and one could feel the influence of traditions even in this facet of religious life. E. g., Zaporozki Cossacks honored Archangel Mikhail, “heaven’s forces commander”. A temple was built in Stary Kodak fortress in the name of Mikhail. At the same time the cult of martial god Hachiman existed among Samurai people and Minamoto Yoshiie who was a commander has also built a temple in Tsurugaoka land in his honor [13, 296]. This fact underlines the connection between religious and martial traditions in the context of both Ukrainian and Japanese culture.

     Thus, comparative approach to determination the role of religious factor in life of Japanese Samurai and Ukrainian Cossacks lets share out both common and different in Japanese and Ukrainian military practices in the light of its connection with religious ideas. The author hopes the method of comparative analysis will take more important place in the researches of Ukrainian scientists, as understanding of one’s own culture is impossible without understanding of other cultures.


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