Perfection of an innovative orientation of an industrial policy in sphere of agriculture of Kazakhstan


Kamysbaev M. K.

The Kazakh national agrarian university

Of Almaty, Kazakhstan


In modern conditions, at a general recognition of value and paramount a grain husbandry in the agrarian and industrial complex economy, many questions of its development do not find due state support and regulation. During an agrarian reform occurs институциональная and structural reorganization of manufacture, processing, sale of grain and grain of products [1]. Disintegration of the centralized system of resource maintenance and deliveries of agricultural production, raw materials and the foodstuffs, imbalance of distributive market mechanisms and an infrastructure have led to a disproportion in development of the food market, naturalization of economic relations, to redistribution of a considerable share of profit in favors of trading-intermediary structures.

      Stable functioning of agro food sector is one of components of economic growth. Now in agro industrial sector there were the following basic problems interfering its active development: limitation of financial assets, high percent on credits, considerable technical degradation, a competition to the foreign enterprises, high tariffs for production transportation, poorly developed infrastructure has sat down, absence of effective system of insurance, etc.

     In particular, problems of formation and development of the market of grain and grain products demand the decision at qualitatively new level, scientific generalization and judgments from positions of maintenance of food safety of the country. The level of development of manufacture of grain and grain products is one of the major characteristics of economic independence and well-being of the country. Taking into account potential possibilities grain of a grocery sub complex of agrarian and industrial complex in the conditions of globalization, export of grain and products of its processing is considered as one of priority directions of foreign trade activities of Kazakhstan. At the same time it is necessary to reconsider radically methods and mechanisms of an industrial policy in agrarian sector of economy of Republic Kazakhstan. The given question has a special urgency on the threshold of the introduction of Kazakhstan into the WTO.

The agriculture should be considered not only as the branch providing the country by a foodstuff and the industry by raw materials. Its strategic role as basic customer and the consumer of an industrial output forming, finally, profit in various branches of an economic complex is not less significant. Thus at the enterprises working on village, as a rule, level of profitability it is considerable above, than in agriculture. At a steady condition of economy one peasant provides with work seven-eight working other branches and the salary of much higher, than in agriculture. A high level of development of an agricultural production, its solvency, possibility and necessity to get and absorb material resources (technics, spare parts, chemicalixation means, power resources etc.), being production of tens branches, defines a sustainable development of all economic complex.

Considering the given problem at level of the economic analysis, it is necessary to underline: the country ignoring development of own agriculture and making of not enough foodstuffs, gets to tactical dependence on other states.

That is why the attention to agriculture development is considered as the obligatory requirement, even for those states which head the world community. The majority of the countries officially consider an agrarian policy as priority, strategic.

The industrial policy of the state as a part of the general economic policy is one of most widely discussed and, simultaneously, one of the most disputable concepts in the economic literature.

In the general view the industrial policy can be defined as a complex of actions of the state directed on creation of more favorable conditions for development of certain (priority) sectors and manufactures. Equivalent also definition of an industrial policy as discrimination by the state of one sectors in comparison with others in essence is. Both in that and in other case it is a question of creation of unequal conditions of functioning.

The dominating economic theory most obviously embodied in concepts of the international financial organisations (IMF, IBRD), usually considers the industrial policy as wrongful intervention of the state in the economy, deforming action of market mechanisms and interfering effective (optimum) distribution of resources [2]. According to these sights, the state not in a condition to define true points of growth, therefore any priorities of the state in terms of sectors and branches there will be messages to decrease in the general economic efficiency.

The question on necessity of an active industrial policy in Kazakhstan in modern conditions demands the analysis as developed structure of economy and competitiveness of its separate sectors, and estimation of the generated tendencies and mechanisms of reproduction which define long-term prospects of the development, existing threats to steady economic growth.

One of prominent features of a technical policy at the present stage is its innovative orientation.

The transition problem to innovative type of development has two aspects. One of them can be named by global. Regular both purposeful generation and mastering of innovations, including realisation of achievements of technical progress, grows out of a certain level of development of a social production, a society as a whole. Difficult and long process of reforming of all spheres of ability to live of a society is necessary for the decision of this problem.

It is obvious, that transition to innovative type of development assumes hard, sometimes painful changes in all these spheres which are connected with change of the purposes, vital principles, motivations, i.e. development of vital strategy adequate to new requirements.

The brightest display of innovative type of development is technical progress. The modern society is inseparable from techniques which is the major condition of its existence, functioning and developments. Today the techniques supervises all ways conducting in this world and from this world. It is no wonder therefore, that at the person the impression as if all new in a society appears in a kind of techniques or together with it is made.

Aspiration to solve arising problems by creation of more effective and refined techniques - one of the most widespread approaches in the modern world. Thus new problems constantly become complicated, toughening requirements to quality and possibilities of created techniques because of what the future of a human society can all in the big degree is determined by purely technical problems. In such world where for the decision of each problem there should be a car, ever less a place remains to the person for its forces, the will and creative activity lose vital space. Thereupon there is a necessity of purposeful influence on innovative process when for the future consistently and in details prepare, cautiously "implanting" innovations in a social fabric, planning not only success, but also consequences of reaction of "tearing away". And first of all it should concern activity on search, preparation, realisation and distribution of technical innovations.

Regular and purposeful realization of such process also should make the maintenance of a technical policy. Today it is rather new sphere of administrative activity. Taking into account a techniques role importance of management will constantly increase in foreseeable prospect. From perfection and efficiency of that toolkit with which help the technical policy will be carried out, possibilities of the future society and character of problems rising before it in many respects depend.

Comprehension of close interrelation between technical and innovative politicians and understanding of their major role at transition to innovative type of development puts a problem of creation of the national innovative system including all necessary organizational, legal, resource and other necessary components for support and development of full-scale innovative activity at all levels of a social production in all growth.


The literature


1. Abdildina L.I., Belgibaev K.M.//the Rural economics. - Almaty: Кайнар, 1996. - 416 with.

2. Танци V.Rol of the state in economy: concept evolution//Economic and the international relations. - 1998. - № 10. - C. 51-62.



The resume

     In article questions of perfection of an innovative orientation of an industrial policy in agriculture sphere are considered. The interrelation between a technical and innovative policy is proved.