Forecasting of industrial indicators - a basis of increase of a production efficiency


Kamysbaev M. K.

The Kazakh national agrarian university

Of Almaty, Kazakhstan

In the conditions of a crisis situation in agrarian sector and transition to market economy exclusively working out and realisation of measures for stabilisation and maintenance of the further development with this important for a society of sphere of manufacture has great value.

The basic priorities of a modern agrarian policy of Kazakhstan is maintenance of food safety of the country, formation of effective system of agrobusiness, increase of competitiveness of a domestic production and escalating of sales volumes of production both on internal, and on a foreign market, support agricultural commodity producers.

In these conditions executives and experts of agriculture by means of economic-mathematical methods and models could define competently and competently directions of development of branches of an agricultural production taking into account requirements of the market, provide increase of competitiveness, efficiency of an agricultural production and profit reception by each agricultural enterprise.

    Whether it is possible to expect, predict approach of crises? Whether it is possible to be prepared for them or at all them to avoid? Whether it is possible to reveal factors which define success of economic development of the state or give to the enterprise, businessman chances to grow rich? How to operate, to achieve well-being and success? To answer these questions always it is possible: the success of any business is half provided at the expense of effective forecasting and planning [1].

On the basis of the spent analysis of a condition of methods of forecasting applied in republic Kazakhstan and modelling of development of branches of agrarian and industrial complex it is possible to draw following conclusions:

1. At the present stage economic-mathematical models receive a wide circulation. However the application condition in republic of methods of forecasting of development of branches of agrarian and industrial complex leaves much to be desired. If researches on forecasting at regional level at branch level such works practically do not meet were spent and carried out. At forecasting of development of branches of agrarian and industrial complex the approach to its realisation should be sustained branch, instead of regional, especially at level of the enterprises.

2. The basic direction was and for the present there is a forecasting of development of agricultural machinery and requirement for it, forecasting of productivity of agricultural crops and some other agricultural objects.

3. In overwhelming majority existing works are a basis of the mathematical decision of a problem in agriculture only under one factor and one function, and calculations are limited, as a rule, to a finding of numerical values of its parametres that reduces their efficiency.

4. Told above in many respects occurs in the absence of a technique and uncultivate methods of forecasting of development of branches of agrarian and industrial complex. Hence, necessity of working out of such technique and arises, at necessity, the software of this technique.

           The strict method of forecasting on the basis of mathematical modelling and information technology develops in our republic and the countries distant and the near abroad. Thus researchers always prefer the analytical methods of mathematical modelling allowing more widely to spend studying of various variants and more effectively to operate by difficult complexes of the big system.

The considered approaches to forecasting give the basis to believe, that the success of working out of the forecast depends on a correct choice of a method of forecasting [2]. Attempts of some authors to give recommendations of for choice corresponding method were unsuccessful, as were based on value judgment of applicability of methods to this or that object of forecasting. Any of them in itself is not suitable for all cases of prognosis experts. The method choice depends, on our belief, from following factors: the purposes of the forecast (task in view); time of anticipation of the forecast; specificity of object of forecasting; reliability and completeness of the initial information; restrictions of developers of the forecast (time of working out of the forecast, algorithms, forecasting software).

It is obvious, that exact coincidence of the fact sheet in the future and prognostical dot estimations is improbable. Therefore the dot forecast should be accompanied by bilateral borders - the interval forecast, - i.e. instructions of an interval of values in which with a sufficient share of confidence it is possible to expect occurrence of the predicted size. The increase in uncertainty of predicted process with growth of the period of anticipation is shown in constant expansion of a confidential interval.

In practical work the problem of quality of forecasts should be solved is more often, when the anticipation period yet has not ended also actual value of a predicted indicator it is not known. In this case more exact the model giving narrower confidential intervals of the forecast is considered. In practice not always it is possible to construct at once good enough model of the forecasting, therefore the described stages of construction of prognosis models of dynamics of an industrial indicator are carried out repeatedly.

Check of the general quality of the equation of regress is spent both on value of factor of determination, and by Fisher's criterion. It is necessary to notice, that t - the criterion of the Student is in a sense special case F - Fisher's criterion. In these conditions, judging by corresponding tables, the following parity takes place:


           The forecast of indicators on animal industries has been calculated on trends to models of pair regress with use of Statistical dialogue system STADIA, version 6.0 for Windows which allows to choose approximating function from more than 20 functions.

At forecasting of indicators of animal industries on Kyzylordinsky area by the technique resulted above following basic indicators have been considered: livestock ÊÐÑ, including cows, sheep and goats, horses, camels and birds for 1999 - 2008 (in all categories of economy).

At forecasting of a number of cattle on area the most adequate function - model logistical has been chosen:

         Model: logistical                             

  coefficient. a b c d

Value 157,6 90,69 189,1-0,8363

The Item of fault. 1,192 2,648 61,26 0,05394

 We mean. 9,198Å-6 2,211Å-5 0,02115 7,731Å-5

Source amount of squared. Grave.ñv Middle square.

Recourse. 1,062Å+4 3 3539,0

Residuum. 11,51 6 1,919

     All 1,063Å+4 9

Êîððåë. îòíîø. h η2 F Îøèá. àïïðîê.

       0,99946 0,99892 1844,0 0,43 %

Hypothesis 1: Regression model is adequate to experimental data.

Almost functional value of the correlation relation and high value of factor of determination h2 testifies to high general quality of the constructed equation of regress.

Standard value of t-criterion at number of degrees of freedom 9 and a significance value α = 0,01 makes 3,25, and value of criterion of Fisher Ftable = 3,252 » 10,56. Hence, F> Ftable = 1844> 10,56. The received t-criterion and F-criterion allow to assert about probability 0,99, that in a general totality close correlation dependence takes place.

                           Õýêñï Yýêñï Yðåãð the Rest Dover. èíò.

                       1 (1999) 157,9 158,7-0,8389 ±3,179

                       2 (2000) 160,0 160,1-0,1297 ±3,062

                       3 (2001) 164,6 163,2 1,4200 ±2,972

                       4 (2002) 170,2 169,5 0,7251 ±2,910

                       5 (2003) 178,6 181,0-2,3670 ±2,878

                       6 (2004) 199,5 197,9 1,5770 ±2,878

                       7 (2005) 216,2 216,4-0,2461 ±2,910

                       8 (2006) 230,8 231,1-0,2796 ±2,972

                       9 (2007) 240,1 240,0 0,1445 ±3,062

                      10 (2008) 244,5 244,5-0,004592 ±3,179

                        Xïðîãí Yïðîãí the Item îøèá Dover. èíò

                    11 (2009) 246,6 1,453 ±3,319

                    12 (2010) 247,6 1,523 ±3,480

                    13 (2011) 248,0 1,601 ±3,658

Alignment of a dynamic number and the forecast of a number of cattle on area on logistical function are resulted accordingly in drawings 1 and 2.

Drawing 1. Dynamics of livestock ÊÐÑ on areas, thousand goals

(Logistical function)


Drawing 2. The forecast of livestock ÊÐÑ on areas, thousand goals

(Logistical function)

Calculations on other indicators of animal industries have been similarly carried out. On animal industries indicators it is necessary to notice that circumstance, that, unlike plant growing, data give in to approximation by more simple functions that allows to predict precisely enough on approximating functions both a livestock of animals, and animal industries production. Hence, indicators on animal industries are less dependent on inherent-climatic conditions, rather than indicators on plant growing.


The literature

1. Bolshakov A.A., Karimov R. N. Methods of processing of the multidimensional given and time numbers. - Ì: the Hot line - a Telecom, 2007. - 522 with.

2. Dubrov A.M., Mhitarjan V. S, Troshin L.I.multidimensional statistical methods. - Ì: the Finance and statistics, 2000. - 352 with.


The resume

        In article the analysis of methods of forecasting and modeling of development of branches of agriculture of Kazakhstan is carried out. Calculations on forecasting of indicators of animal industries of Kyzylordinsk area are carried out.