The analysis of formation of innovative processes in agriculture of Kazakhstan


Erkimbekyli Rauan

The Kazakh national agrarian university

Of Almaty, Kazakhstan

The agriculture is one of key industries of economy of Kazakhstan. A level of development of agrarian sector - the defining factor of economic and political stability of a society.

As one of priority directions of development of economy of republic, agriculture has huge potential and the big reserves.

Various climatic conditions of republic allow to make principal views of agricultural production and to provide the population with the foodstuffs.

The agricultural production has the following resource potential:

- Number of agricultural population - 7,3 million persons (47,2 % of its general number on republic);

- A total area of the earths of an agricultural purpose of 222,6 million in hectares, including an arable land - 24 million in hectares (10,8 %), haymakings and pastures - 194 million in hectares (87,2 %);

- Are sharply expressed horizontal and vertical ash value of a soil and vegetative cover;

- Self-sufficiency of the population a foodstuff (grain, meat, milk etc.);

- Wheat and flour big exporter (enters into ten world exporters);

- The clap in production total exports makes 15 %, a wool - 25 %.

From year to year efficiency of an agricultural production of Kazakhstan increases. So, in 2009 in comparison with 2008 manufacture agricultural production has increased by 13,7 %, including grains - on 33,7, meat of all kinds - on 1,8, milk - on 2 and eggs - on 10,4 % that has allowed to raise manufacture of foodstuff on 5,4 %, including meat and meat products - on 40,9, fruit and vegetables - in 3,9 times, dairy products - on 74,3 %, it, in turn, has led to decrease in import of dairy production on 21,3 %.

The prices of a domestic foodstuff have increased, however rates of their growth were essentially slowed down. So, if in 2008 the price index has made 127,2 % in 2009 - 103,5 %, more all has risen in price sugar - for 29,8 %, fowl - on 21,5 %.

For increase of efficiency of agrarian sector of economy the state financial support is carried out; the due attention is given to timely and qualitative carrying out of necessary agrotechnical actions, wide application moisture resource keeping the technologies promoting more an effective utilisation of a productive moisture, being the limiting factor of growth of plants in the conditions of republic with a sharp continental climate. In 2009 grain crops with application влагоресурсосберегающих technologies were cultivated on the area of 10,3 million in hectares, or on 60 % of an area under crops of republic. It has allowed to realise for 2009 for export of 6,7 million tons of grain, taking into account a flour in a grain equivalent (grains - 3,5 million tons, a flour in a grain equivalent - 3,2 million tons).

Measures of growth of economic influence and stimulation by the state of agricultural and grain development (including questions of direct and indirect support) have the direct relation to formation and development of innovations in the market of grain [1].

Demand for grain above the offer and the price as a whole have positive dynamics, requirements to quality of grain increase. So, the prices for wheat with sticky to 25 % more low on 20-30 %, to 23 % are not in demand at all. Similarly wheat with low level of a protein (less than 11,5 %) is assessed with the additional import duty. 

High rates the animal industries by which products the population of Kazakhstan is not provided to the right degree should develop. It is necessary to notice, that mid-annual growth of a number of cattle makes 2,1 %, sheep - 4,0, horses - 3,6, camels - 4,0, birds - 9,3, pigs - 0,2 %. The greatest relative density in a number of cattle in population economy - 82,3 %, the agricultural enterprises - 5,1, country (farmer) economy - 12,6 %; sheep, accordingly, 66,7, 6,2 and 27,1 %; pigs - 77,9, 15,6 and 6,5 %; birds - 44,0, 55,2 and 0,8 %.

In the market about 330 large and average economy having enough great volumes of manufacture of cattle-breeding production, own capacities on storage and processing of agricultural production, and also the developed system of logistics, including own transport park; in 2009 in economy of the population and country (farmer) economy contained more than 90 % of cattle that did not allow to form industrial processing of cattle-breeding production.

For increase of efficiency of agrarian manufacture it is necessary to stimulate an agrarian science. Investments into it and, especially in selection of new grades and hybrids, give high return. It is considered, that each dollar spent for agrarian researches, gives 40 US dollars at the expense of increase in efficiency of the manufacture, spent on НИР on olive rape - 46 US dollars, invested in researches on corn - 65 dollars in the form of an increase of a grain yield and increase of its quality.

Measures on support of scientific maintenance concern indirect methods of support - to measures of "a green basket» on WTO classification.

In this connection it is offered to make stage-by-stage increase in state financing of an agrarian science of Kazakhstan, since 2009, and by 2015 to finish it to level not less than 2 % of total amount of a total agricultural production.

The analysis of world experience shows, that a major factor of the accelerated technological development of the country is efficiency of introduction of scientific workings out in manufacture, that, in turn, is accompanied by creation of effective system of introduction and a transfer of technologies. As in system of an agrarian science, as well as in other branches of the Kazakhstan science, mechanisms of a transfer of technologies adaptation of world experience is carried out through the international cooperation of scientists with the scientifically-educational centres of the world are not developed.

As a result of the international cooperation access is got to a world genofund of plants and animals, new technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops adapt and take root, the potential of highly skilled scientists with knowledge of language and the international experience increases.

So, last years in republic from the CIS countries and the far abroad it is delivered more than 50 thousand grades of agricultural plants, basically through assistance of the international centres, more than 2 thousand conditional goals highly value breeding cattle - the best genofund of foreign selection which are used in selektsionno-genetic process.

From the international fund on State grain tests republics are transferred joint with foreign scientists highly productive, 3 grades of wheat steady against illnesses, 1 grade нута, 1 ranks and 1 winter barley, created on the basis of a foreign genofund.

Development of the international cooperation will allow to adapt modern technologies and professional training systems in educational process, to provide branch of agrarian and industrial complex and the scientific organisations with the competitive, highly skilled, mobile shots owning foreign languages, technologies and methods of the modern organisation of a science and management.

In 2009 85 integrated tasks which results at introduction will be significant for increase of competitiveness of agricultural production are financed.

Almost half of financial assets of a science is directed for creation of grades of agricultural crops and breeds of animals with use of the best genofund of foreign selection.

In Kazakhstan scientific workings out take root, basically, directly scientific, in the research organisations introduction departments are created.

If in 2009 under areas under crops of grain crops of grades of the Kazakhstan selection it has been occupied by 3,4 million in hectares (27,8 %), 2006 - 4,6 million in hectares (35,0 %), 2008 - more than 5 million in hectares (40 %), i.e. dynamics of use in manufacture of domestic grades of wheat, barley, fig. In 2009 areas under crops under domestic grades and hybrids is observed have made 6,7 million in hectares.

In the world the soil-protective technologies based on system of direct crops, the minimum and zero processings of soil are widely used. Their advantages are obvious - an economic gain at increase of productivity and quality of grain, profitability of manufacture; ecological - preservation of a soil cover, reproduction of fertility of soil, its biological activity and a water mode, etc.

At the same time the mechanism of further commercial use of scientific results as for 2006-2008 it is not concluded any licence contract is not developed.

In 2008-2009 in Akmolinsky, Aktyubinsk, Almaty, East Kazakhstan, Zhambylsky, Pavlodar, Karaganda, Kostanajsky, Kyzylordinsky, Mangystausky, South Kazakhstan areas it is created 11 regional veterinary laborotory, international standards answering to all parametres on the equipment, one regional veterinary laborotory - in Kachirsky area of the Pavlodar area [2].

In 2009 299 veterinary preparations, forages and fodder additives are registered, including: 35 vaccines, medical whey, immunomodulations, 26 diagnostic means, 98 fodder additives, 126 himiko-pharmaceutical preparations, 14 disinfectants.

In republic to processes of desertification and degradation of the earths it is subject in different degree about 70 % of territory of Kazakhstan. In this connection it is required: an estimation of susceptibility of territory of Kazakhstan to desertification processes (with drawing up of corresponding cards, perfection of a technique of definition), degradations of the earths (erosion, salting, etc.) studying and an estimation of a biological variety on the degraded earths. Performance of the specified actions demands carrying out of long-term field inspections on the basis of materials of large-scale soil, geobotanical, soil-meliorative and other inspections and researches.

The system analysis of a modern condition of regulation and financing of innovations in republic agriculture allows to draw following conclusions:

- Considering necessity of introduction of modern approaches of management research both innovative activity and transfers of the state actives to the competitive environment, the Ministry of Agriculture current year on the basis of the research-and-production centres creates joint-stock company "KazagroInnovation";

- As a result of the international cooperation access is got to a world genofund of plants and animals, new technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops adapt and take root, the potential of highly skilled scientists with knowledge of language and the international experience increases;

- Realisation of innovative projects is expressed in creation of additional workplaces, market condition expansion, increase in export of finished goods with the high added cost which is formed in a production cycle in Republic Kazakhstan territory, development of highly technological manufactures on processing of agricultural production and agrarian and industrial complex as a whole;

- Reorientation of an agrarian science to the decision of problems of food safety. Its activity is concentrated to introduction of scientific workings out in manufacture, and, first of all, modern moisture resource keeping  technologies, creation of high-yielding grades of plants and improvement of a genofund of animals by the accelerated rates.



The literature

1. Касымбеков A.M.feature of development of innovative processes in agrarian and industrial complex//Researches, results. - 2010. - №3. - with. 444-447.

2. Аскаров N.A.state regulation of attraction of investments into an agricultural production//Problems agrorynka. - 2007. №2.-С.20-22.


The resume

In article indicators of development of agriculture are considered. The analysis of formation of innovative processes in agriculture of Kazakhstan is carried out. On the basis of the system analysis of agriculture of republic recommendations about regulation and financing of innovations are developed.