Usachev V.A., Nikulin D.A.

Donetsk National university of economics and trade named after Mikhailo Tugan-Baranovsky

Capital market

Capital markets provide for the buying and selling of long term debt or equity backed securities. When they work well, the capital markets channel the wealth of savers to those who can put it to long term productive use, such as companies or governments making long term investments.

Capital markets are almost invariably hosted on computer based Electronic trading systems. Most can be accessed only by entities within the financial sector or the treasury departments of governments and corporations, but some can be accessed directly by the public. Capital markets are defined as markets in which money is provided for periods longer than a year.

The capital markets is between the primary markets and secondary markets. In primary markets, new stock or bond issues are sold to investors, often via a mechanism known as underwriting. The main entities seeking to raise long term funds on the primary capital markets are governments and business enterprises. Governments tend to issue only bonds, whereas companies often issue either equity or bonds. The main entities purchasing the bonds or stock include pension funds, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, and less commonly wealthy individuals and investment banks trading on their own behalf. In the secondary markets, existing securities are sold and bought among investors or traders, usually on a securities exchange or elsewhere. The existence of secondary markets increases the willingness of investors in primary markets, as they know they are likely to be able to swiftly cash out their investments if the need arises. A second important division falls between the stock markets and the bond markets (where investors become creditors).

When a company raises finance from the primary market, the process is more likely to involve face-to-face meetings than other capital market transactions. Whether they choose to issue bonds or shares, companies will typically enlist the services of an investment bank to mediate between themselves and the market. A team from the investment bank often meets with the company's senior managers to ensure their plans are sound. The bank then acts as an underwriter, and will arrange for a network of broker to sell the bonds or shares to investors. This second stage is usually done mostly through computerized systems, though brokers will often phone up their favored clients to advise them of the opportunity. Companies can avoid paying fees to investment banks by using a direct public offering, though this is not a common practice as it incurs other legal costs and can take up considerable management time.

When a government wants to raise long term finance it will often sell bonds to the capital markets. In the 20th and early 21st century, many governments would use investment banks to organize the sale of their bonds. The leading bank would underwrite the bonds, and would often head up a syndicate of brokers, some of whom might be based in other investment banks. The syndicate would then sell to various investors. For developing countries, a Multilateral development bank would sometimes provide an additional layer of underwriting, resulting in risk being shared between the investment bank, the multilateral organization, and the end investors. However, since 1997 it has been increasingly common for governments of the larger nations to bypass investment banks by making their bonds directly available for purchase over the Internet. Many governments now sell most of their bonds by computerized auction. Typically large volumes are put up for sale in one go. A government may only hold a small number of auctions each year. Some governments will also sell a continuous stream of bonds through other channels.

Most capital market transactions take place on the secondary market. On the primary market, each security can be sold only once, and the process to create batches of new shares or bonds is often lengthy due to regulatory requirements. On the secondary markets, there is no limit on the number of times a security can be traded, and the process is very quick. With the rise of strategies such as high frequency trading, a single security could in theory be traded thousands of times within a single hour.Transactions on the secondary market don't directly help raise finance, but they do make it easier for companies and governments to raise finance on the primary market, as investors know if they want to get their money back in a hurry, they will usually be easily able to re-sell their securities. Sometimes capital market transactions can have a negative effect on the primary borrowers. For example, if a large proportion of investors try to sell their bonds, this can push up the yields for future issues from the same entity.

Capital controls are measures imposed by a state's government aimed at managing capital account transactions. In other words, capital market transactions where one of the counter-parties involved is in a foreign country. Whereas domestic regulatory authorities try to ensure that capital market participants trade fairly with each other, and sometimes to ensure institutions like banks don't take excessive risks, capital controls aim to ensure that the macro economic effects of the capital markets don't have a net negative impact on the nation in question. Most advanced nations like to use capital controls sparingly if at all, as in theory allowing markets freedom is a win-win situation for all involved: investors are free to seek maximum returns, and countries can benefit from investments that will develop their industry and infrastructure. However sometimes capital market transactions can have a net negative effect. For example, in a financial crisis, there can be a mass withdrawal of capital, leaving a nation without sufficient foreign currency to pay for needed imports. On the other hand, if too much capital is flowing into a country, it can push up inflation and the value of the nation's currency, making its exports uncompetitive. Some nations such as India have also used capital controls to ensure that their citizen's money is invested at home, rather than abroad.


1.     Finance : Textbook ed. V. Kovalev, publ Avenue, 2004

2.     Finance and credit : Textbook ed. prof. M. Romanovsky, publ Higher Education, 2006

3.     Capital : Textbook ed. Karl Marx