Êovchyn N. À., Candidate of pedagogic sciences,

                       ²nstitute of Pedagogics  of the NAPS of  Ukraine


 Psychological and pedagogical aspects of tolerance formation through formation of geographical scientific picture of the world in pupils of comprehensive secondary schools at geography  lessons.


       Nowadays the main consequences of globalization are standardization of legal system as well as economical and technical processes, different cultures becoming closer, international division of labour, migration of capital, human and manufacturing resources on a universal level.

         This process being objective and systematic influences  all spheres of life of the world society. In the course of globalization the world has become more interconnected and depending on all its objects.  Globalization systematic changes    can be seen in the universal natural complex as well as social sphere  [ 6; 9].

         All these events inevitably cause changes in education. The latter has not only to prepare pupils to master some occupations but also help them to adapt in the modern transforming world.

         Education, as well as culture, being one of the resources of society development, is based on the critical approach, permanent reappraisal of values, actions and relationship. Learning of critical potential of culture through education is  a criteria of personal development of a subject. This is where building of a positive sense of freedom lies [2].

         Culture,  being a result of education, not only reflects people's attitude towards  the nature and society, but towards themselves as well. Therefore, culture acquires  holistic and normative features, becoming a standard. In this regard culture (being a result of education) is a mean of people's orientation in the surrounding world, criteria of evaluation and self-feeling and functions as the whole of symbols,  stimuli,  signs, values, evaluations, technologies and activities principles. The attitude towards the nature must be harmonious whereas the one towards people -  moral and humane. [2].

         The interconnection between education and globalization is viewed by V. Kremen' as a very strong phenomenon. No doubt, globalization is an objective process in the development of the world. Being by its contents aimed at consolidation, uniting  potentials  and  efforts of more and more people, it has to have a vital and ultimate role in providing successful further development of the mankind. However, globalization is rather a controversial process with some problems that it has  recently faced and they have to be immediately solved.  Nowadays one of the main problems  of  social development is inadequate level of culture and spirituality in  society  globally as well as among certain communities and individuals. 

         Only with the level of culture and spirituality of society as well as an individual being appropriate that is them being humane, tolerant, understanding the highest  value of the man and life, respecting other people and other countries, nations, nàtionalities in combination with self  - respect, with respect for one's own national independence    is success of global development  possible.

         The globalization of dangers and risks in the postindustrial society causes  enforcement of education element in the civilization process.  [5].

         All in all,  building tolerance in pupils of comprehensive secondary schools   under the conditions of globalization makes is one of the most critical issues.

         Òîlerance – (lat. tolerans (tolerantis) tolerant  a personal feature, a characteristic of a humane individuality or one of the principles of humane upbringing. 

Tolerance can be understood as partnership in communication, as subject – subject action.   (². Bekh, À. Petrovskiy); as dialogue formation culture (M. Bakhtin, V. Bibler); as formation of tolerance consciousness attitude (Î. Àsmolov, G. Soldatova, L. Shalgerova).  Pedagogical conditions of tolerance building are the following: 1) tolerance space formation; 2) communication culture as realizing the another in the dialogue; 3) synergistic thinking; 4) individual orientated approach in education process [3].

         As mentioned above, tolerance creates  necessary conditions for further adaptation of the individual in other spheres of social relationship. However, according to some studies it  is formation of adequate integral scientific picture of the world, geographical picture of the world, by means of learning geography in comprehensive secondary schools, in particular, that provides formation  of tolerance  and successful adaptation in society in the modern world.   [4].

            Geography is one of the unique sciences that accumulates significant integrative opportunities. Therefore, learning geography in secondary and high school encourages formation of adequate integral scientific  picture of the world.  

Learning geography has a peculiar psychological sense or appropriateness, since both content of geography as a school subject and all psychological processes, perception, thinking, imagination, attention etc are united by objectively the only integrative factor   -  the object being learnt - the world around us, geographical envelope and its components,  geographical aspects of interrection of the nature and society as one system, cause - and -  effect  relationship and connections between geographical processes, phenomena, problems of social and territorial systems interaction on the world, region and specific territory.  Pupil's conscience as a part of this object is integral as well, all processes are naturally integrated into the whole in the process of phylo- and ontogenesis. That's why all the senses, all the systems are coordinated to get to know the world around us, to form the integral picture of the world, adequate image of the world, the latter also makes psychological and biological sense  -  it is adaptation to the surrounding world which lies in mutual processes of assimilation and accommodation. [8, 9]. Geographical picture of the world  is a result of integrative activity of the conscience and an integrating factor of further life and activity and further cognition process.

         Formation  of integral adequate picture of the world and geographical picture of the world provides formation of life activities strategy of society in general and makes it possible  for everyone to realize sense of their own existence and being,  aim of  life that proves  social and psychological sense and logic of this process.  [4].

Geographical picture of the world that is formed during geography lessons presents a dynamic integral intellectual structure that helps a high school pupils define and realize the right direction of their life as well as their roles in the processes  of interacting with the nature, society and surrounding created by people. Health, level of emotional and spiritual comfort (M. Amosov), success of self – fulfillment in society, level of sufficiency and self  - actualization need fulfillment level can be regarded as a certain indicator of world picture adequacy.  [1,7]. Appropriately formed adequate picture of the world provides favorable conditions for self-fulfillment, successful adaptation in society in general and among colleagues, for safe existence in the environment and in the nature as well as formation of tolerance as a key characteristic of an individual.

Integral picture of the world performs a really critical function in the individual and public conscience and it is the content of the education in general and the geographical one in particular, starting from the elementary and then further to  secondary school, that defines this picture.

To sum up, modern education intends to prepare pupils for successful adaptation in the transforming world, also to form tolerance as a characteristic of an individual by means of building integral scientific picture of the world that in the future will encourage further successful self-fulfillment of the pupil in the world. 



List of references  


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