The list of the sciarids (Diptera: Sciaridae) of the North-East Altai

Komarova L.A.

Shukshin State Academy of Education, Biysk. E-mail:


Abstract. The sciarids are represented in the North-East Altai by 168 species of the 22 genus   (Bradysia – 48, Bradysiopsis – 1, Dichopygina-5, Camptochaeta – 13, Chaetosciara -1, Claustropyga – 2, Corynoptera -24, Cratyna – 5, Ctenosciara -2, Epidapus - 3, Leptosciarella – 9, Lycoriella – 9, Scatopsciara – 10,  Sciara – 8, Phytosciara – 1, Dolichosciara – 4, Pseudolycoriella-1, Peyerimhoffia -5, Pnyxia – 3, Prosciara – 3,  Xylosciara - 4,  Zygoneura – 7). For every species data on the distribution are given.


Key words. Sciarids, Sciaridae (Diptera), distribution.


     The Sciaridae is a clearly defined family of Nematocera (Diptera), mostly involving minute, dark colored gnats with thin legs and characteristic wing venation. The larvae inhabit various substrates such as mushrooms, soil, decaying leaves, wood, etc. Species composition of sciariden in relict areas of Altai “chern” taiga (small-leaved-coniferous subnemoral forest) was studied. The chern taiga represents a unique relic formation and carries a great amount of floristic paleogene-neogene relicts in its composition. The latter allowed assuming that there are the endemic, relict and midge species new science on this territory that made possible further development of phylogenetic family system and historical reconstruction of sciariden in Altai.

    The work is devoted to study of biodiversity in Altai chern taiga. Besides saprophagy, Sciaridae species inhabit hothouses and reach high numbers becoming rather harmful for agricultural plants and mushrooms cultivating in closed soils. Recently, Sciaridae attract attention as objects for genetic study. Nowadays, rare relict formation xylophilous species including some Sciaridae begin to experience oppression. In the last years, the negative  impact of human activity on the condition of the relict complex of Altai chern taiga is intensified, and danger for disappearance of many ancient species threatens.

     The material was collected during summer expeditions in Altai region and Altai Republic in 2005 - 2011. The studied sites differ in their physical-geographical conditions, origin, and composition.

   The commonly accepted methods of field and laboratory faunistic-systematic studies were used while performs the work. To collect imago in field, the mowing with entomological net in herb, shrubs, trees, over mushrooms and rotten stumps, along streams and reversed trees was used, also by Malaise traps. The captured insects were lulled in ether and placed in tubes with 70% alcohol supplied with corresponding label. Then we have been mounted the ethanol specimens on microscope slides in Euparal. The revealed biodiversity represented by 168 species of Sciaridae of the genus 22 and they may involve a number of undescribed species.

   This paper is a continuation of the study of composite family Sciaridae Billberg from Altai. Here new list of the North-East Altai species with modern data in systematic Sciaridae [2], also in the list we used data of the distribution all species [1] and next abbreviations of the distribution: A – Austria, NE – North Europe, SF – Finland, R –Romania, I – Italy, DK –Denmark, D – Germany, ES –East Siberia, WS- Western Siberia, S –Sweden, BG – Bulgaria, SMA - Asia, PL –Poland, C – Canada, NL –Nederland,  F –France, UK –Ukraine, TR –Turkey, NET –North-East tail of Russia, FE – Far East.

Ñåìåéñòâî Sciaridae Billberg, 1820

Ðîä Bradysia Winnertz, 1867

Ãðóïïà angustipennis

Bradysia flavipila (Tuomikoski, 1960) - S, SF, DK, N, NET, WS

Bradysia lobulifera (Frey, 1948) – S, SF, D, PL, NET, WS

Bradysia sp.n.

Bradysia sp.n.


Ãðóïïà  rufescens

Bradysia aktru Komarova, 2009 - WS

Bradysia altaica Komarova, 1997 -WS

Bradysia inusitata (Tuomikoski, 1960) - S, SF, DK, N, NET, WS

Bradysia pratincola Tuomikoski, 1960 – SF, NET, WS

Bradysia rufescens (Zetterstedt, 1852) – SF, D, DK, NET, WS

Bradysia vagans Frey 1948 – SF, R, WS (callicera)

Bradysia longicubitalis (Frey, 1948) – S, SF, N, Pl, NET, WS (cinereovittata)

Bradysia loricata  Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1987 – ES, WS

Bradysia subrufescens Mohrig &Krivosheina, 1989 – ES, WS

Bradysia sp.n.

Ãðóïïà  lobata

Bradysia normalis Frey, 1948 – SF, WS, ES


Ãðóïïà  giraudii

Bradysia lapponica  (Lengersdorf, 1926) – SF, S, DK, N, NET, WS

Ãðóïïà tilicola (=amoena)

Bradysia tilicola Frey, 1948 – SF, S, N, WS  (cellarum)

Bradysia ocellaris (Comstock,1882) - S, SF, DK, N, NET, WS

Bradysia urticae Mohrig & Menzel, 1992 – D, WS

Bradysia sp.n.

Ãðóïïà brunnipes

Bradysia bicolor Meigen, 1818 – S, SF, D, NET, WS

Bradysia cinerascens (Tuomikoski, 1960) – SF, WS (=lanicauda)

Ãðóïïà nervosa

Bradysia globulifera (Lengersdorf, 1934) - S, SF, DK, N, NET, WS

Bradysia hilariformis (Tuomikoski, 1960) – S, SF, DK, N, NET, WS

Bradysia laurencei Menzel, Mohrig, 2000 -

Bradysia sibårica Komarova, 2003 – WS

Bradysia spherostylus Komarova, 2003 – WS

Ãðóïïà hilaris

Bradysia hilaris (Lengersdorf, 1940)- S, SF, DK, N, NET, WS (=betuleti)

Bradysia cohilaris Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1986 –WS

Ãðóïïà fungicola

Bradysia angustata (Tuomikoski, 1960) -

Bradysia aprica (Winnertz, 1867) -

Bradysia affinis (Zetterstedt, 1838) –S, SF, N, BG, D, F, NET, WS

Bradysia fungicola (Winnertz, 1867) – A, S, SF, D, NET, WS

Bradysia bulbostyla Mohrig, Menzel, 1990

Bradysia peraffinis Tuomikoski, 1960)- S, SF, N, BG, D, F, NET, WS

Bradysia praemonticola Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1989 – NET, WS

Bradysia scabricornis (Tuomikoski, 1960) –SF, ES, WS

Bradysia subaprica Mohrig und Krivosheina, 1989 – ES, WS

Bradysia tridonta Komarova, 2003 - WS

Bradysia trispinifera Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1979 – ES, WS

Bradysia  quadridentata Komarov, 2009 – WS, CH

Ãðóïïà  praecox

Bradysia aleica Komarova, 2009 – WS

Bradysia iridipennis (Zetterstedt, 1838) -WS

Bradysia cuneiforma Komarova, 1997 – WS

Bradysia praecox (Meigen, 1818)   - SF, WS

Bradysia inundata Komarova, 2000 - WS

Bradysia vernalis (Zetterstedt, 1851) –S, SF, DK, D, SMA, WS

Ãðóïïà procera

Bradysia procera (Winnertz, 1868) - S, SF, N, WS

Ðîä Bradysiopsis Tuomikoski, 1960

Bradysiopsis vittata (Meigen, 1830) - S, SF, DK, N, WS

Ðîä Dichopygina Vilkamaa, Hippa & Komarova, 2004

Dichopygina aculeata Vilkamaa, Hippa & Komarova, 2004 - A, S, SF, D, WS

Dichopygina bernhardi Vilkamaa, Hippa & Komarova, 2004 – SF, S, WS

Dichopygina duplicis Vilkamaa, Hippa & Komarova, 2004 – SF, D, WS

Dichopygina nigrochalteralis (Frey, 1948) - S, SF, DK, D, SMA, WS

Dichopygina ramosa Vilkamaa, Hippa & Komarova, 2004 - WS

Ðîä Camptochaeta Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1994

Ñamptochaeta camptochaeta (Tuomikoski, 1960) – A, S, SF, D, WS

Camptochaeta consimilis (Holmgren, 1869) – S, SF, N, WS

Camptochaeta flagellifera Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1994 – S, SF, WS

Camptochaeta furcata Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1994 - S, SF, N, WS

Camptochaeta obscuripila (Tuomikoski, 1960) – S, SF, WS

Camptochaeta pellax Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1994 – S, SF, C, WS

Camptochaeta pentacantha  Komarova, Hippa & Vilkamaa, 2007 - WS

Camptochaeta simulator Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1994 – S, SF, N, WS

Camptochaeta stammeri (Lengersdorf, 1940) – NE: S, SF, WS

Camptochaeta subdentata (Mohrig, 1985) – S, SF, N, WS

Camptochaeta tenuipalpis (Mohrig & Antonova, 1978) – S, SF, FE, WS

Camptochaeta bichaeta Komarova, 1995 comb..nov. - WS [= Corynoptera bichaeta]

Camptochaeta sp.n.

Ðîä Corynoptera Winnertz, 1868

Ãðóïïà subtilis

Corynoptera arboris Hippa, Vilkamaa & Heller, 2010 - WS

Corynoptera inexspectata Tuomikoski, 1960 – SF, R, WS

Corynoptera parcitata Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1986 - WS

Corynoptera perpusilla Winnertz, 1867 – NE, NET, WS

Corynoptera irmgardis Lengersdorf, 1930 – NE, NET, WS  

Corynoptera tiliacea Komarova, 2000 - WS

Corynoptera trepida (Winnertz, 1867) – SF, WS

Corynoptera tetrachaeta Tuomikoski, 1960 –NE, NET, WS

Corynoptera speroptera Tuomikoski, 1960 –NE, NET, WS

Corynoptera subtetrachaeta Komarova, 1995- WS

Corynoptera subsaccata Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1982 – NET, WS

Corynoptera sedula Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1985 - WS

Corynoptera sp.n.

Corynoptera sp.n.

Ãðóïïà membranigera

Corynoptera membranigera (Kieffer, 1903) – SF, R, NET, WS

Corynoptera bicuspidata (Lengersdorf, 1926) - SF, R, NET, WS

Ãðóïïà  blanda

Corynoptera blanda Tuomikoski, 1960 – SF, S, R, NET, WS

Ãðóïïà concinna

Corynoptera barbata Tuomikoski, 1960 –SF, N, SW

Corynoptera macricula Mohrig, Krivosheina, Mamaev, 1986 - WS

Corynoptera marinae Mohrig, Krivosheina, Mamaev, 1986 - WS

Corynoptera hypopygialis (Lengersdorf, 1940) – S, SF, N, NET, WS

Corynoptera praeforcipata Mohrig & Mamaev, 1987 – NET, WS

Ãðóïïà tridentata

Corynoptera altaica Komarova, 1995 –WS

Corynoptera monstera Komarova, 1995 - WS

Ðîä Claustropyga Hippa, Vilkamaa & Mohrig, 2002

Claustropyga acanthostyla Tuomikoski, 1960 – S, SF, UK, D, WS

Claustropyga refrigerata (Lengersdorf, 1930) – S, SF, WS

Ðîä Cratyna (Winnertz, 1867)

Ïîäðîä Spathobdella Frey, 1949

Cratyna falcata (Tuomikoski, 1960) – SF, N, A, WS

Cratyna nobilis (Winnertz, 1867) – S, SF, N, A, D, WS

Cratyna tuberculata Tuomikoski, 1960 – S. SF, WS

Cratyna uliginosa (Lengersdorf, 1929) – SF, D, WS

Ïîäðîä Cratyna (Winnertz, 1867)

Cratyna ambigua (Lengersdorf, 1934) – S, SF, N, D, WS

Ðîä Ctenosciara Tuomikoski, 1960

Ctenosciara hyalipennis Meigen, 1804 –S, SF, WS

Ctenosciara leucotricha Komarova, 1995 – WS

Ðîä Chaetosciara Frey, 1942

Chaetosciara estlandica (Lengersdorf, 1929) - S, WS

Ðîä  Epidapus Haliday, 1851

                                Ïîäðîä Epidapus Haliday, 1851

Epidapus atomarius (De Geer, 1778) – F, NET, WS

Epidapus gracialis (Walker, 1848) – NE, WS

Epidapus sp.n.

Ðîä  Sciara Meigen, 1803

Ãðóïïà hemerobioides

Sciara analis Schiner, 1864 – S, SF, D, I, A, PL, UK, NET, WS

Sciara flavomarginata Mohrig & Mamaev, 1982 – ES, WS.

Sciara helvola Winnertz, 1867 – S, SF, RU, WS

Sciara hemerobioides (Scopoli, 1763) - S, SF, BG, D, DK, I, A, PL, UK, NET, WS

Sciara ulrichi  Menzel & Mohrig, 1998 – ES, WS

Ãðóïïà ruficauda

Sciara flavimana Zetterstedt, 1851 – A, S, SF, DK, N, WS

Sciara ruficauda Meigen, 1818 - S, SF, D, I, A, PL, UK, NET, WS

Ãðóïïà S. humeralis

Sciara humeralis Zetterstedt, 1851 – A, S, N, BG, F, DK, UK, TR, WS

Ðîä Lycoriella Frey, 1942

Ïîäðîä Hemineurina Tuomikoski, 1960

Ãðóïïà  inflatà

Lycoriella inflata (Winnertz, 1867) - S, SF, N, NET, WS

Ãðóïïà vitticolis

Lycoriella dearmata Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1987 – ES, WS

Ïîäðîä Coelostylina Tuomikoski, 1960

Ãðóïïà secundaria

Lycoriella eflagellata Tuomikoski, 1960 – S, SF, R, SF, WS

Lycoriella secundaria Mohrig & Menzel, 1990 – NE, G, WS

Lycoriella sp.n.

Ïîäðîä Lycoriella Frey, 1942

Lycoriella auripila (Winnertz, 1867) - A, S, G, SF, DK, NET, WS

Lycoriella castanescens (Lengersdorf, 1940) – NE, WS

Lycoriella ingenua (Dufour, 1839) – A, S, G, SF, DK, NET, SMA, WS

Lycoriella lundstromi (Frey, 1948) – S, SF, N, R, NET, WS

Pîä Leptosciarella Tuomikoski, 1960

Leptosciarella fuscipalpa (Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1979) – ES, WS

Leptosciarella trochanterata Winnertz, 1867 – SF, BG, A, D, R, PL,WS

Leptosciarella nudinervis Tuomikoski, 1960 – SF, R, WS

Leptosciarella pilosa (Staeger, 1840) –SF, N, DK, NL, GB, A, D, R, AL, PL,WS

Leptosciarella rotunda Mohrig & Mamaev, 1990 – FE, WS

Leptosciarella rejecta (Winnertz, 1867) – SF, D, WS

Leptosciarella truncata Tuomikoski, 1960 – SF, S, DK, WS

Leptosciarella subpilosa (Edwards, 1925) –SF, GB, R, NET, WS

Leptosciarella sp.n.

Ðîä Scatopsciara Edwards, 1927

Ãðóïïà vitripennis

Scatopsciara nebula Mohrig & Mamaev, 1986 - WS

Scatopsciara vitripennis (Meigen, 1818) – SF, S, G, PL, I, UK, NET, SMA, FE, WS

Scatopsciara sp.n.

Ãðóïïà atomaria

Scatopsciara atomaria (Winnertz, 1867) - SF, S, NL, G, PL, I, NET, SMA, FE, WS

Scatopsciara calamophila Frey, 1948 – SF, NE, NET, FE, WS

Scatopsciara keilbachi Mohrig & Mamaev, 1979 –  FE, WS

Scatopsciara multispina (Bukowski & Lengensdorf, 1936) –  SF, UK, WS

Scatopsciara pussilliformis Mohrig & Mamaev, 1986 – FE, WS

Scatopsciara sp.n.

Scatopsciara sp.n.

Ðîä Xylosciara Tuomikoski, 1957

Ïîäðîä Xylosciara Tuomikoski, 1960

Ãðóïïà  lignicola

Xylosciara microdon Frey, 1948 – S, SF, N, WS

Xylosciara steleocera Tuomikoski, 1960 – A, S, SF, WS

Ãðóïïà heptacantha

Xylosciara heptocantha Tuomikoski, 1957 – SF, FE, WS

Xylosciara misella Frey, 1948 – S, SF, NET, WS

Ðîä Phytosciara Frey, 1942

Phytosciara halterata (Lengersdorf, 1926) – SF, G, WS

Ðîä Dolichosciara Tuomikoski, 1960

Dolichosciara eleganta Komarova, 1998 - WS

Dolichosciara hippai Komarova, Vilkamaa, 2006 - WS

Dolichosciara flavipes (Meigen, 1804) – SF, G, NL, F, NET, WS

Dolichosciara saetosa (Lengersdorf, 1929) – SF, G, WS

Ïîäðîä Prosciara Frey, 1942

Prosciara mima Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1991 – S, SF, WS

Prosciara porrecta Lengersdorf, 1929  - SF, WS

Prosciara ungulata (Winnertz, 1867) – S, SF, WS

Ðîä  Pseudolycoriella Menzel & Mohrig, 1998

Pseudolycoriella nodulosa (Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1985) – ES, WS

Ðîä Peyerimhoffia Kieffer, 1903

Peyerimhoffia collina Vilkamaa & Hippa, 2005 WS

Peyerimhoffia crassistylata (Frey, –NE, S, D, ES, WS

Peyerimhoffia menzeli Vilkamaa & Hippa, 2005S, SF, D, WS

Peyerimhoffia vagabunda (Winnertz, 1867) – S, SF, I, FE, WS

Peyerimhoffia sp.n.

Ðîä Pnyxia Johannsen, 1912

Pnyxia scabiei (Hopkins, 1895) – SF, G, WS

Pnyxia thaleri (Mohrig & Mamaev, 1978) - WS

Pnyxia sp.n.

Ðîä Zygoneura Meigen, 1830

Ïîäðîä Allozygoneura Menzel& Mohrig, 1998

Zygoneura calthae Tuomikoski, 1960 – G, S, SF, WS

Ïîäðîä Zygoneura Meigen, 1830

Zygoneura  sajanica Mamaev, 1976 – FE, WS

Ïîäðîä  Pharetratula Mamaev, 1968

Zygoneura  bidens Mamaev, 1976 – FE, WS

Zygoneura divergens  Mamaev, 1976 – EF, WS

Zygoneura flavicornis Mamaev, 1968 – EF, WS

Zygoneura subdivergens Mohrig & Mamaev, 1990 – FE, WS

Zygoneura sp.n.



1. Gerbachevskaja-Pavluchenko, A.A. (1986): Family Sciaridae. [9 und 11-72]. - In: Soós, Á. & Papp, L. (Hrsg.): Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera. Sciaridae - Anisopodidae 4: 1-441; Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó & Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.

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4. Mohrig, W., Krivosheina, N. & Mamaev, B. (1990) Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Trauermücken (Diptera, Sciaridae) der Sowjetunion. Teil XV. Gattungen Sciara, Trichosia, Chaetosciara, Pharetratula, Parapnyxia, Epidapus und Caenosciara. Zoologische Jahrbucher (Systematik). 117, 219–236.