Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor Turginbayeva A.N.,

MA student Shamshedenova S.M.

al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Republic of Kazakhstan

Quality of social projects – the basis of wealth of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Improvement of existing and new technologies in the social sphere, as well as increasing demands for efficiency of public expenditure necessitate the development of a methodological framework of decision-making in the field of social policy. Social project differs from other desired future  representations with  scientific validity characteristics of desired social future, with orientation toward targeted practical solution of social problems. Therefore, the social project should be relevant and contain a specific description of the desired state.

According to Kurbatov V.I., a social project should have a social innovation, which aims to create, upgrade or maintain material or spiritual values in changed environment, which has a positive social effect [1].

Lukov V.A. also defines a social project, as a product of innovative design designed to solve a particular problem relevant to the community [2].

Thus, social engineering – is a process of creating the proposed prototype of the social object, social events or social process through science-based definition of options of planned development and purposeful change in specific social institutions.

There is a concept of social programs, that represents a set of activities with a common purpose, a social project or a set of social projects, the terms of their performance, developed for a specific technology, and applied to solving various social problems. Afanasiev V.G. supposes that the nature of the program is based on understanding it as a multi-dimensional concept. In one case, the program provides a framework or a common reference point in the development of plans. In another case, the programs are tools of implementing projects [3]. Social programs – are pensions, unemployment benefits, aid to needy families, the provision of health and education, etc.

Most of large social programs in Kazakhstan are implemented by the state. State social services are paid from appropriate level the budget. This is consolidated in 34 clause of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Budget programs aimed to implement state functions, powers, and serving public services arising from them [4].

Social services include guaranteed amount of special social services, and requiring payment special social services (Figure 1).


Source: [5].

Figure 1 - Types of social services in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Guaranteed amount of social services is a single list of social services provided through the budget. Requiring payment special social services are provided for a fee in excess of guaranteed social services. Special social services may include the provision of a general nature in information, advice, mediation services form. Entities who provide special social services working in the public sector, the general services are provided through the budget [5].

Social programs are designed to improve peoples’ life quality. State examining the external situation in the economy, the needs and demands of its population, formulates goals and objectives through social programs, to be implemented by the state budget. But beyond that, it has to ensure the quality and efficiency of delivery of social services to improve the well-being of society.

Implementation of active employment policy is one of the main social priorities of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Ensuring decent employment - the basis of social protection, the most important condition for the development and implementation of human resource capacity, the main tool of the growth of wealth and quality of life.

Labor market regulation and employment in the Republic of Kazakhstan has been carried out mainly in the format of special employment programs since 1991, such as: "The program fighting with poverty and unemployment for 2000-2002" (June 3, 2000), "The program for reduce poverty in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2003-2005"(March 26, 2003) and "The employment programs of Kazakhstan for 2005 - 2007"(January 27, 2005).

During socio-economic transformation in the country has been set up a dynamic labor market, steadily rising level of economic activity and employment. Over the past 10 years, the number of employed people has been increased from 6698.8 thousand to 8141.4 thousand people, and the unemployment rate fell from 12.8% in 2001 to 5.5% at the end of 2010 [6].

In 2008, under the impact of the global financial and economic crisis in the Republic of Kazakhstan began slowing of production, increasing in inflation, decreasing in employment and, therefore, reduced incomes.

In such a situation, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on behalf of the Head of State has developed a special strategy for employment and re-training "Employment Program 2020", aimed at providing employment, preventing a significant rise in unemployment, the preservation and creation of jobs. The state agency, who responsible for the development and implementation is the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A new employment program has been launched in all regions since the 1st of July 2011.

The main objective of the program – is increasing income levels through the promotion of sustainable and productive employment. The Program will be implemented in two phases: first phase - 2011 will be the pilot year, the second stage - 2012 - 2015 – implementation time of the program, 2016 - 2020 - a period of full-scale implementation of the program [7].

The Program is primarily focused on education, employment, assistance with starting and expanding own businesses in the community, and in the absence of such possibilities, the voluntary relocation from low economic potential settlements to high economic potential settlements and growth centers to expand the availability of productive employment.

For the implementation "Employment Program 2020" in the national budget for 2012-2014 envisaged: 50.6 billion tenge - in 2012  (10.4 billion tenge more than in 2011), 71.6 billion tenge - in 2013, 71.9 billion tenge - in 2014  (Figure 2) [7].


Source: [7].

Figure 2 - Financing "Employment Program 2020" in Kazakhstan

In general, for implementation of the "Employment Program 2020" from the national budget:

- in 2011 was provided 3595.6 million tenge, 3,583.4 mln tenge or 99.7% was assimilated;

- in 2012 provided 9560.3 million tenge, 1668.0 million tenge or 17.4% was assimilated on 01.05.2012, as well as for the following areas below (Figure 3).

Source: [8].

Figure 3 - Implementation of the "Employment Program 2020" in 2012 in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Thus, 17 000 people were employed, 7.1 thousand of them were sent to social jobs in 2011, as well as 10,600 persons, who applied in 2012, or 62.4% of the total number employed in the "Employment Program 2020 "[8].

For the organization of professional training from the state budget:

-  1.9 billion was provided in 2011, fully mastered.

- 2.9 billion was provided in 2012, 1.4 billion are mastered on 01.06.2012

To organize this training has been signed several agreements: in 2011 – with 40, in 2012 with 47 education centers [8].

Table 1

Organization of vocational training in the Republic of Kazakhstan

in 2011-2012. under the "Employment Program 2020"




Funds allocated

1,9 billion tenge

2,9 billion tenge

Educational institutions, concluded contracts



The number of people directed to training

2700 persons

6150 persons

Of them:



Professional trainig

2500 persons

3500 persons


50 persons

2500 persons

Further training

50 persons

150 persons

Completed professional training retraining and further training



1192 persons


3275 persons(05.12)

The number of employed persons

1191 persons

1419 persons (05.12.)

Source: [8].


The purpose of the second direction is to increase the economic activity of citizens through the organization of own business. Work on the second line of the program is just beginning.

Support measures in this area include the provision of advisory services, training for entrepreneurship, providing with microcredits and infrastructure development. The main mechanism of supporting micro-business organizations is microcredits. A microcredit is provided on a repayment basis, up to 3 million tenge for a period of 5 years for the organization or expand their own business, without consumption or purchase of residential estate goals.

Since the start of the program 323 people of planned 3263 have been trained for entrepreneurship 323 people [8]. Local agencies signed all the credit agreements, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security financed these areas. At the moment is working on the definition of responsible regional organization in the region and on the bidding process.

The third direction  of ​​the program is to promote the voluntary relocation low economic potential regions to centers of economic activity. This move can be performed within a single district, and from one area to another within the same area, the city of republican status, the capital. Program provides with subsidies for relocation and with the typical rental housing. After moving the program participants will be able to participate in other areas of the program in new place of residence.

By the third direction is planned to build 971 single-family homes (for 1238 apartments) and construction (purchase, renovation, restoration) 83 apartment buildings (in 2218 apartments) in 10 regions of country. As for September of this year, 50 single-family homes and 30 apartment buildings’ constructions have started [8].

Thus, the main priority of social policy of Kazakhstan is a consistent increase the level of peoples’ lives, which means ensuring the availability of basic social foundations, such as quality education and health care, support for the elderly, mothers and children, the poor, employment and labor relations. In this regard, there are implemented various social programs and projects in the country, and financing of their implementation is increasing every year. In general, expenditures  of the state budget to the social sector was 52% of total spending in absolute terms or 2947 billion in 2011, 55% of the total cost, or 3,144 billion in 2012, 54 % of total expenditure, or 3261 billion tenge in 2013 [9].

Under the Constitution, the Republic of Kazakhstan is not only democratic, secular, legal, but also a social state. This means that the country intends to develop as a nation owes to mitigate social inequality by creating the conditions for a decent life for its citizens and the free development of the personality. The concept of "social state" means the development and implementation of strong social policy. In this case, the first priority is that all previously accepted social commitments aimed at improving the welfare of citizens.


1. Kurbatov V.I. Social Projects: studies. allowance. / OV Kurbatova. - Rostov-N / A: Phoenix, 2001.

2. Bows V.A. Social engineering: studies. allowance. - "Moscow Humanitarian University: Flint", 2007.

3. V. Afanasiev "Man in the management of the company" - Politizdat, 1977.

4. Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on December 4, 2008 (as amended on April 2, 2010).

5. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On special social services" (with changes and amendments as of 19.03.2010)

6. official website of Kazakhstan Agency for Statistics.

7. "Employment Program 2020" Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the "31" in March 2011 ¹ 316

8. official website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan

9. official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan