Beisenbekova Gulnaz Turlybaevna

associate professor Kazakh National Pedagogical

 University named after Abay

Formation and development of modern information society is impossible without a full and active use of information and telecommunication technologies at all levels of the educational system. At the same time informatization of society and widespread means of computer and telecommunications technology have had a major impact not only on the content side of education, but also on the forms and methods of the educational process, where at their disposal will present new technical training, so-called "new information learning technologies. "

In developing the conceptual apparatus of investigation, we turned to such terminology as synonymous expressions are closely related to the concept of "information technology training," as "new information technologies in education", "Modern Information Technologies of Education", "New Information Technologies of Education", "computer-based training technology "" electronic communication systems, facilities and technology education ", etc.

The term "information technology" was first introduced VMGlushkov, where he gives a definition: "Information technology - it is the processes associated with the processing of information" [1]. With this approach, it becomes apparent that in the educational process information technology has always been used as training is the transfer of information from teacher to student. Each methodical system, being separated from its author and reproduced by someone else, becomes a technology, because it describes how to process and transmit information, so that it is best mastered by students.

According to the definition proposed by K.K.Kolinym, information technology - is presented in the form of design (ie, in a formalized manner suitable for practical use), the concentrated expression of scientific knowledge and practical experience, allowing a rational way to organize this or that quite often an iterative process [ 2]. This is achieved cost savings of labor, energy or material resources needed to implement this process.

The purpose of information technology - the production of information for the analysis of human and acting upon the decision to implement an action.

Telecommunications technology is the study of the Kazakh language - is a powerful tool that allows you to combine text, graphics, video and animation. It helps to better explain and convey the structure and nature of the material to a new level. The video can be represented by sections of the studied object or as a synthesis material.

However, this does not mean that every problem in the design of the video series of educational information can be solved by visual means. Of course, TV - Audiovisual and TV screen has a great meaning to our vision. However, the logic of the subject, its didactic nature, ie scientific approach, the validity, availability, strength of knowledge, clarity can not be achieved with the help of vision.

A.A.Stepanov very precisely defines the relationship and the verbal language piktoralnogo TV shows: "Image is the basic information, it sends a logical train of thought, word is, and the image illustrates the position of either the whole or any part: word and image are equal components "[3]. Therefore, the design of educational television information on the morphological material essential for the formation of students' presentation is a combination of words and images, formed an adequate knowledge. Initially, knowledge of how to act consciously perceived and recorded in the memory of reality, assimilated to the level of awareness of its internal and external communications, how to get and ready to apply it in similar and new, requiring creativity and situations. The process of cognitive activity is on the way of concept formation and operation of these concepts - thinking.

Educational television information in the full sense of the term should be regarded as educational films and television programs as they are at the same time (excluding neozvuchennye movies) act as a hearing, and on the human visual analyzer.

An important feature of these tools is the ability not only to saturate the lesson of both static and dynamic clarity, but also give it more volume over a shorter period of time. But this is possible based on the optimal design of educational information, ie based on the selection of educational and linguistic material, the creation, presentation, use in the classroom and analyze students' perceptions and adoption of educational information.

The main principles of the implementation of the computerization of education in Kazakhstan is a systematic, planned, conceptual basis and phasing of works, covering the main areas of activity in the education system: education and training, research, management and systems.

Our results show that at the present time, many schools in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be at the beginning of the introduction of information technology on the basis of computer and telecommunications technology, the government allocated funds for the many millions of purchases of computer and audiovisual equipment (multimedia classes, whiteboards) for schools, extends the first positive experience in the use of educational software in the context of the modern requirements of educational sphere; methodically justified the use of programs being developed by teachers computer literacy, there is a kind of "synthetic method", ie changed the traditional method, which incorporates fragments produced by information technology.

The interaction of structural and content components of the curriculum as a television information system of education contributed to the definition of a rational kazahskomuyazyku methodological strategies for the development of morphological categories kazahskogoyazyka, with the introduction of new elements not found in traditional learning.

Denoting telekomponent television as a training course, and his business unit as an educational television program, or teleurok we propose a provision in the methodology of a special educational television: telekurs is an integral part of the learning process, and the combination of traditional methods of learning new language and will provide a higher level of education and learning of language material.  


A. VM Glushkov Construction of technical training and development of pedagogical requirements. - M.: Education, 1987. - 211s

Two. Colin K. The learning process in the system of distance education / / Economics of Education. - 1998., № 4. - P.54-65.

Three. Stepanov AA The psychological basis for the use of television in education. - L., 1983. - 314 p.