Физическая культура и спорт/1.Физическая культура и спорт:

проблемы, ис­сле­дования, предложения.


Kamaiev V.O.

Kharkiv national medical university, Ukraine

The role of physical education and sport in social adaptation of

foreign students



In the modern world, epoch of total globalization, contacts between countries are developing intensively; in this connection year by year streams of young people’s migration are increasing. So at present about five thousand students from 134 countries of the world are studying in Ukraine. Kharkov city is one of the biggest centers for their preparation in Ukraine. Annually, the quantity of foreign students in Ukraine is increasing at approximately 10 %. Kharkiv national medical university is one of the leaders in preparation of foreign citizens in Ukraine [3].

In connection with the reason that most of the students will work beyond the borders of the Ukraine and with necessity of convertibility for Ukrainian medical education, teaching of foreign student’s majority in our university is provided in English language. This form of teaching, in comparison with teaching in Russian language, evokes significant problem increasing for students and for the educational institution.

In the first years of studies at the university, when student assimilate into new macro and microenvironment, complicated social and psychological adaptive challenges arises and this challenges in most cases affect the following life activity and successfulness of student’s education in new conditions [1, 2].

Research and task objectives

In connection with stated, I settled a task to identify the effectiveness of the means for social adaptation of foreign students. In order to reach the mentioned purposes there were defined next challenges: 1. to reveal root problems, which are have to be solved by students in the process of studying; 2. to identify the roll and significance of regular physical exercises and sport.

Research and material techniques

In order to solve the settled tasks, in this work were used following methods of research: theoretical analysis and integration of science and methodical literature, pedagogical monitoring, questioning and experiment. The questioning was implemented at the first and second year of studying. 26 first year and 28 second year students took part in the questioning. Experimental group consisted of students who went in for sports (basketball, soccer, track and field athletic, overall physical training). 34 foreign students were involved in sport activity.

Findings of researches

Analysis and generalization of questioning results enabled to identify the challenges which foreign students faced during their studying. Thus, if in the first year, hardship were mainly subjective (lack of language skills in new society, climate and weather conditions, unaccustomed living conditions, absence of relatives), that in the second year problems are mainly of social character (culture of relationship in the level of teacher – student – society, troubles in the learning of educational material, international structure of group, provision of educational and methodological material).

Physical education activities in the university are conducted according to programs of I and II year's curriculum [4]. Student's attitude towards the given discipline has its own specific. So in the first phase of their studying 38 % of questioned students couldn’t identify the role of physical education in their life. Such phenomenon associated with such situation that the countries like Kenya, Mauritius, Malaysia and others consider the physical culture as a means of recreation. But in the whole students are quite enough motivated and understand the need to take part in physical education activities. Thus, 89,7 % of students support the inclusion of given discipline into systematic curriculum. Evaluating the role and significance of physical education classes (trainings), students of the first year marked its significance for corporeal of human (to build the body, increase the power, health strengthening, physical self-improvement).

Students of the second year evaluated the significance of physical education classes and marked emotional motives mainly (to get pleasure, stress and tension distraction, improvement of good mood, rising of self-confidence).

Sport activities demand considerably most mobilization from students, self-discipline as the classes directed to increase sport results and need the greater expenditure of time. But also, as students understand the role of sport classes for corporeal, emotional sphere, highlight its social importance (circle communication widening, friends; purposeful use of free time; relieve the monotony of life, preparation for professional activity).


-  in order to accelerate and improve the social adaptation for foreign students, there is a need to minimize the subjective and objective challenges which arise in the process of studying;

-  physical education classes enable not only improvement of student’s corporeal but considerably enable the improvement of psychological and emotional sphere of foreign students.

-  active sport training is one of the effective means to accelerate the social adaptation of foreign students towards educational conditions in our educational institutions.











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