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Zhiguts Yu.Yu., Talabirchuk V.Yu., Batryn I.I.

Uzhgorod National University, Ukraine




While using classic Hillert method [1] and its modifications [2] the most significant initial value in computation of activities ai along the tie-line of two phase region of given isothermal section of three-component (angle h of system h-i-j) diagram of state is the activity aiº along the same name tie-line of double system h­i. But it provides for two-phase region being situated closely to diagram h­i. And what if this not so? In such a case it is necessary to know the activity aiº along the least of one tie-line of three component two-phase region α+β and then this tie-line is taken as the base one although it is inclined to the axis h­i (νj=0) and the latter is removed from the region α+β.

The isothermal section is done in Skreinemakers coordinates because it allows applying in the computations a wary simple and sharp Hillert-Zhukov equation, in which the coordinates of tie-points or of figurative points of alloys are absent:


where aiº – component activity along the basic (“zero”) tie-line at Xi=0 (binary system ³, when the region α+β is contiguous after this tie-line to binary diagram h­i);  – tangent of the angle of tie-line inclination of two-phase balance in the system under investigation h­i­j.

This allows in its turn for the case to make computation ai along the tie-line α²β² by equation:


where  and  – tangents of angles of tie-line αΙβ² and α0β0; aib – known value ai along basic tie-line α0β0.

Computation for tie-line α²²β²² is being made in the sawed way using the equation:


where  – inclination of tie-line α²²β²².

It is easy to make sure that the original Hillert equation [1] that contains tie-line coordinates (to say nothing of great approximations needed while it was being deduced [2]) isn’t used for such computation as while coming from tie-line α0β0 to tie-line αΙβΙ and then to tie-line αΙΙβΙΙ these coordinates change greatly.

Ïîäïèñü: a+gÏîäïèñü: ac<1.0In Fig. 1 as an example the applying of the method investigated is shown to isothermal section (in the region of supercritical temperatures) of systems Fe-C-X (where X – manganese, chromium or their analogs). In two-phase region g+Cgr (austenite+graphite) the activity of carbon is more than 1.0. In the tie-line triangle g+M3C+Cgr (austenite+alloyed+graphite) the activity of carbon is constant after definition (aC=1.0). These alloys aren’t able to graphitize above the given triangle aC<1. The tie-line g+M3C of the mentioned triangle serves as base tie-line α0β0 along its aC=1.0.















Fig. 1. Schema isothermal section of state diagram of Fe-C-X, alloys in which under aC>1,0 graphite is formed (under condition that graphite is been selected as a standard state of carbon) and carbide phases M3C (cementite), M7C3, M23C6 and M3C2


Using of the computations according to equation of type (2) and (3) in the region g+M3C (here the activity decreases monotonously to the value aC<1,0) to the tie-line g+M3C of the next tie-line triangle g+M3C+M7C3 (activity aC degreases because , and consequently,  increase progressively). In the mentioned triangle carbon activity is constant and it allows us to use equations (2) and (3) for computations in tetragon g+M7C3, where the activity aC continues to degrease with the increasing of the level of dopingness of alloys. The triangle α+γ+M7C3, in the inner part of which the carbon activity is constant allows to move the value aC from the lower right tie-line of triangle to the upper tie-line and to continue computations by the equation of (2) and (3) type in the tetragon α+M7C3. Prolonging the above mentioned structure for the regions laying above the triangle α+M23C6+M7C3, the tetragon α+M23C6 and triangle α+M23C6+M3C2 we can lead the computations to the region of highchrome alloys but with large degree of approximation (because the Hillert method, in principal, is perfectly designed only for deluded systems).

Conclusions: 1. The Hillert method is also spread to tie-lines of two-phase regions of triangle simplexes of tree-component diagrams of state Må-C, when these regions are removed from those sides of the mentioned triangles which in two-component under investigation in the computations of its activity. 2. The original Hillert method proved to be unserviceable to solve this problem in contrast to modified method, which uses Screinemakers orthogonal system of coordinates. 3. The reason of this lies in the fact that the modified method doesn’t demand the definition and usage in the computations the coordinates of the corresponding tie-point.


1. Hillert M. On isoactivity lines/ Acta metallurgica, Vol. 1 (1955), p. 34-37.

2. Zhukov A.A., Ramani A.S., Zhiguts Yu.Yu. Modifications of Hillert equation and their application in phase diagram computation. OPA. Amsterdam B.V. Metal Physics and Advanced Technologies. 1997. Vol.16. p. 821839.