филологические науки/1Методика преподавания

Anisimova I. N.

Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture


Preparation for the scientific and technical report on speciality

The students who are prepared to read special text and comprehend material can make good use of exercises. Practice on lexical exercises will result in the students reading more effectively with better comprehension. These exercises have to be presented with vocabulary of terms, and are intended to broaden their reading program, such as the use of the library, more extensive reading, and intensive reading for specific purposes.

The lesson on ´Machinery and equipment for Construction´ represents wide range of special terms: ´boom-type self-propelled´ (стреловые самоходные) and ´tower´ (башенные) cranes. An extensive range of boom-type self-propelled cranes includes the models of ´truck cranes´ (автомобильные краны), ´cranes on a special automobile-type chassis´ (краны на спецшасси автомобильного типа), ´crane on short-wheelbase chassis´ (краны на короткобазовом шасси), featuring manoeuvrability and capability which can be used at unprepared sites and in tight quarters. These cranes also includes ´travelling tower crane with rotary tower´ (передвижной башенный кран с поворотной башней) designed for construction of multistorey buildings and industrial structures. A considerable part of the terms is represented in the text ´Machinery for concrete mixing and construction-finishing machinery, power and hand tools´. There are three types of drain-layers: ´trenching laying drains´ (дреноукладчики для бестраншейной укладки дрен), ´laying drains´ in winter   (дреноукладчики для укладки в зимнее время), ´laying drains in irrigation areas´ (дреноукладчики для прокладки дрен в зонах орошения). Among construction finishing machinery there are terms: ´plastering machines´ (машины для штукатурных работ) and ´roofing machines´ (машины для кровельных работ) and equipment; ´pneumatic units´ (пневмоматические машины) with all-plastic bodies, ´universal multipurpose electric perforators with non-conventional


compression-vacuum impact unit´ (универсальные электроперфораторы многоцелевого назначения с нетрадиционным компрессионно-вакуумным ударным механизмом) considerably increasing impact energy and a number of other machines. Among units and parts of construction and road-building machinery can be mentioned ´swing mechanisms´ (механизмы поворота) for boom-type self-propelled cranes, ´unified roller slewing circles´ (унифицированные роликовые опоры) and a wide variety of hydraulic equipment-´pumps´ (насосы), ´motors´ (моторы), ´hydraulic cylinders´ (гидроцилиндры), ´hydraulic control valves´ (гидрораспределители), ´hydraulic steering units´ (гидравлические рули) and various valves.

Most of the class work should be devoted to practice the usage of terminology. Some of the more effective exercises are listening, oral repetition, substitutions that must be changed, transformation, question and answer exercises, completion, addition exercises. The completion elements are listed for the students to choose from. It is sometimes difficult to prepare an answer without such a list. The multiple choice exercises are generally used in testing, where three or four choices are given for each item. The students learn the meaning for the use of new terms-vocabulary. A number of vocabulary items may be presented in one lesson. The important thing to remember the terms is to understand the basic meaning. There should be an increase in the difficulty of exercises on vocabulary. It is possible that some kinds of exercises are more complex and therefore more difficult. Simple substitution exercises are more of a practice on vocabulary than on structure and can be used on all of learning.

Particularly care should be taken to systematic vocabulary learning. Each vocabulary presented should be studied by the student. The understanding or checking of the new terms provides supplementary training in vocabulary. The students prepare a vocabulary notebook in which terms may be classified according to use, alphabetically.

Translation exercises are often used to test the understanding of the terms by the students. Sometimes the students make a word for word translation. This kind of exercises accumulate the vocabulary. In multiple choice exercises the students are



asked to select from the forms that make the sentence correct. They can be used with increasing difficulty of content and form. In matching exercises there is an equal

number of beginnings and endings of sentences. In completion exercises the students complete a sentence by giving the correct form of the term. Asking and answering questions is a common form of learning to write terms.

The third year students are asked to give written reports on themes of speciality. The report follows a fixed format. It includes the title, the author and a short summary. The instructor can give the students a variety of scientific themes.

A student looking for scientific or technical information will be interested in the report only if it has a serious, objective tone and presents information or conclusions and recommendations. At the start the student is generally interested in machinery and equipment and used various techniques to study the topic.

The specific purpose of a scientific or technical report is to show how machine operates to explain technical terminology, to point out similarities and differences among processes, operations. When the student defines an unfamiliar term, he must identify the term as a part of a group of items. Then the student explains how the term differs from the other items in the group. He might also include examples and comparisons to make the term’s meaning clearer for other students. When the student plans to emphasize similarities or differences, he must compare or contrast items that have sometimes important in common-two kinds of engines. We compare to say something about each of them and want to make the point that one engine is more economical than the other.

To research the report on machinery and equipment, the student consults the scientific and technical library, which includes listings of articles in magazines on science and technology. The structure of scientific or technical report consists of the three parts. Introduction is to explain what general problem the student intends to discuss in the paper or report. ´Introduction´ can give background information about the problem. ´The discussion´ is the most important section of the report and contains the results of the research based on facts. ´Conclusions and recommendation´ is the third part of the structure. Since a technical report often discusses a problem, the students often make recommendations for the future to solve the problem.