PhD Phis. -Math. Sci. Kovalevskaya E.I., PhD Phis. -Math. Sci.

Morozova I.M.

Belarus State Agrarian Technic University, Republic Belarus

The zero-one law in simultaneous inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation for the points of the square and the cubic parabolas with respect to Arhimedean and non-Arhimedean valuations


1.     We extend the author’ earlier result [4] to inhomogeneous case.

Let  y: N ® R+,  be a monotonically decreasing function and

.                                                     (1)

Let    Pn =  P(y) = anyn +…+a1y + a0ÎZ[y], deg Pn = n (n = 2  or 3) and

H = h(Pn) =. Let k ³ 2 be integer, pi³ 2 be prime numbers (1 £ i £ k), be the field of pi-adic numbers,  be the  pi -adic valuation. Suppose that 

Q = R´C´  and   Q1 = R´  (k ³ 2). We define a measure  in  Q as a product of the Lebesque measures  m and  m¢ in R  and   R2 respectively, and the Haar measure    in      (1 £ i £ k), that is, .We define also a measure   in Θ1 as a product of the Lebesque measure m in R and the Haar measure  in   , that is,  .

     We consider two systems of inequalities


where Θ1 and  Θ1 and

,  and                                                                                                                           (3)

where Θ and Θ. The parameters satisfy the following conditions: max min ,  Besides, we have the conditions  and  in the case , and  in the case . Note that the first conditions for the parameters except the trivial inequalities in (2) and (3). We prove two theorems.

Theorem 1.  For every vectorΘ1  the system of inequalities (2) has only a finite number of solutions in polynomials P2  for almost all Θ1.

Theorem 2.  For every vectorΘ the system of  inequalities (3) has only a finite number of solutions in polynomials P3  for almost allΘ.

Other words, we can say that according to the theorem 1 for every vector Θ1 the system of inequalities (2) has infinitely many solutions in polynomials P2 for almost none Θ1. Similarly we can get a new formulation of the theorem 2.  The condition (1) is a crucial condition for such a metric characteristic. If the opposite condition carries out, i. e.,  then according to the Khintcine theorem (1924) we can expect that for every vector Θ1 the system of inequalities (2) has infinitely many solutions in polynomials P2 for almost all Θ1 and we can have a similarly result for (3). Thus,  we see that these metric assertions have the character of assertions of the “almost none” or “almost all” type (so-called zero-one law). Hence, the problem under consideration belongs to the metric theory of Diophantine approximation on manifolds which is developed intensively this time [1-4].

Recall that E. Lutz (1955) was the first who considered an inhomogeneous  in problem in Qp for one linear polynomial with function  in the right hand part of the last inequality of (2) or (3) without the other inequalities, i. e., . Inhomogeneous questions are rather different in character to the homogeneous ones because they concern the questions of how the points are distributed rather than how the points can be closed to the integers. Further it is well known that if  is an irreducible polynomial then for any two its zeros  and , , the following inequality holds  

The situation is different when we consider  instead of  where d is an irrational number. With a point of view of the continuity it is readily proved that for any  we can f ind such a number d that  where p1 and p2 are the zeros of . Besides, the zeros of  are the transcendental numbers if d is the same number.

     Note that the inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation for the Veronese curve were investigated earlier by V. Bernik, H. Dickinson and M. Dodson [1] in only, V. Bernik, H. Dickinson and J. Yuan [2] in  only.

     In order to prove the theorems we need four lemmas. As in [5, p. 32, 93], the investigation of systems (2) and (3) can be reduced to the case of the primitive irreducible polynomials Pn with and . We denote the set of those  polynomials as  be the subset of polynomials  for which  and H is a sufficient large integer. Let  be the zeros of the polynomial Pn in C and  be the zeros of the polynomial Pn in , where  be the smallest field containing  and   all algebraic numbers,.

     Lemma 1. Let  and . Then


For proof see Lemma 7 [5, p.19].

Definition. We denote the smallest m  for which (4) is true by m0.

Lemma 2. Let   and  with  where c  is a constant depending only on n, . Then for every root of Pn .

For proof see Lemma 1 [5, p.13].

Lemma 3. Let    and with where c1 is a constant depending only on n. Then for every root   of  Pn .

For proof see Lemma 3 [2].

Lemma 4. Let


and               (6)

be the two systems of inequalities with Θ1  and  Θ  respectively, where H,  Θ and parameters   are defined as in the theorems 2, 3. Then the systems of inequalities   (5) and (6) are satisfied by at most finitely many polynomials  and   for almost all    Θ1  and for almost all   Θ respectively.

     This is a main theorem in [4].

2.     Reduction to a polynomial and Proof the theorems.

In the next we use the following notation: 1) [X], the integral part of  ,2)  is equivalent to the simultaneous validity of  and.

     Let  , where m0 is fixed integer from Definition. Consider, for example, the second inequality of (2) when i=1  . If it holds infinitely often for a set of positive measure one can be readily verify that the set of solutions of the inequality

also has positive measure (see [6, Lemma 5] for details). It is easy to show that Q takes the form


where  for  

     If the value of  is very small then we shall consider  (or  ) instead of it. Then the new p1-adic value equals 1. We denote the new d1 as. Hence, we may assume without loss of generality that

     Let  be a set of for  which the second inequality in (2) holds with  for infinitely many Pn. Let  is the same set with . Let  .It follows from here that  as otherwise we obtain a contradiction (replacing  by ). Hence, we may assume without loss of generality that  where c2 is a constant depending only on n and . Therefore according to Lemma 3 the zeros of Q     are bounded. Thus, instead of second inequality of (2) we can consider the inequality


and the zeros of  lie in the disk. Note that  is not necessarily an integer but it is rational. Let  and


where N depends on the height of the polynomial Pn associated with , i.e., .

     Further, according to (7) we can write the left hand parts of the other inequalities in (2) and (3) as


where  and.  Note that as above we may assume without loss of generality that  if . Hence, we have N if the height  is sufficient large and .

     If  where N is sufficient large then N. Therefore according to Lemma 1 we get . Thus, if H is sufficient large. According to Lemmas 1, 2 and 3, instead of (2) and (3) we can consider without loss of generality the system of inequalities (5) and (6) where P2 changes into  and P3 does into  and where  with


N is sufficient large integer and

     Now according to the lemma 4 the theorems 1,2 are proved.


     ACKNOWLEDGMENT. The research was done in the limits of the Belorussian State Programme of Fundamental researches (Project 05-K-065).



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